Friday, July 26, 2013

OJ Simpson Wants To Be Paroled - Kind Of

Can you imagine a world with OJ Simpson back on the streets? He was not in the news all that month during his years between the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, but when he was, it was usually only bad news. It has been nice to have him in jail in a state that really goes after you if you commit crimes. I think it is because Nevada has endless land for prisons and they don't mind funding them. Yesterday, OJ had his first parole hearing and told the board that he has been a model prisoner and the parole board seemed to think he is a low risk for repeating his behavior. The thing is, even if he is paroled for the robbery for which he was sentenced to 33 years in jail over five years ago, he would still need to serve time on other sentences and would be in jail for at least another four years and have to remain a model prisoner inside jail.


  1. Is "Kind of" the phrase of the day?

  2. If you let Casey Anthony and Zimmerman walk the streets then.....

  3. I hope he writes a true authentic bio before he dies . That guy had the Life before the killings.
    I can't find nothing on O.J. Playing ball but he was the premier athlete according to numerous sports sources.

    The stories on the women alone would be worth the price tag.
    Sad, how shit turned out for old black man in jail :-(

  4. he should die in jail and be found on the ground just like he let Nicole and Ron die on the ground.

    No mercy for this fuck.

  5. Oh god, I agree with a tiny portion of what Just Curious said.....OJ did have a life before the killings, and he was a football great.
    As a Buffalo fan since I was a kid, I would love to read about that part of his life. (yes, i know Buffalo sucks, dont care)
    Too bad he is completely incapable of being honest, and would probably be too afraid of having to give his $$ to th families of 2 people he killed to ever do it.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Let's not forget his Naked Gun character. That was pretty rad. Until he killed people and turned into
      A cuntsicle.

  6. They should set him free so he can continue his quest for the real murderer of Ron and Nicole. ((End snark))

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Goddamn conflicting edit! I was just going to say here's your cue Just Curious! It's sad to see anyone older in prison, because you'd think they'd have learned earlier in life that you don't repeatedly break the law in order to NOT land yourself in prison. It has nothing to do with him being black. Just like Casey Anthony and Zimmerman not being black has nothing to do with them being free right now. It was the lawful decision of the jurors that made the decisions of guilty or not in all of these cases, so whether you like it or not, that's the way the justice system works. The jurors didn't feel they could legally convict. OJ's in prison because of his own actions, not the color of his skin, and not the "white establishments" fault. His own. Period. The same with every other black man in prison. Grow up, go to school, stop worrying about trying to look cool, don't break the law, and you won't end up in prison. People that haven't ever been to prison learned that lesson a long time ago. I feel sorry for people that never understood that. No one's forcing you to break the law. I do feel that marijuana should be decriminalized everywhere though.

  8. Rot in jail until you DIE, OJ.

  9. FFS, OJ was found not guilty of murder too, so there's no need to make this about race. He was just stupid enough to do something illegal after getting away with murder.

  10. @Cathy he was convicted in civil court of Murder. He is a MURDERER.

  11. @timebob, yes, but in criminal court he was found not guilty - same as casey anthony and george zimmerman. his civil court conviction has nothing to do with his jail time. he's in jail because he was stupid enough to do something illegal after getting away with murder (in criminal court).

  12. One of Heidi Fleiss' girls was a friend of Nicole Brown's. Nicole used to cry to the friend about what an abusive dick O.J. always was. Sadly, nothing was done about it.

    1. You make a woman feel like a prince$$, she ain't leaving too soon no matter how abusive and philandering her guy is.

      Nicole was a trophy wife. She had no job skills. Women like that will stay in an unhappy marriage before they get a job at Mickey D's.

  13. When I met OJ he brought Tawny Kitaen into my offices. She was beat all to hell. I knew they moment the news report came on about Nicole and her friend that OJ had done it. No doubt in my mind. He should rot in jail forever.

  14. Anonymous9:50 AM

    get the fuck outta here OJ

  15. Cindy9:45 AM
    When I met OJ he brought Tawny Kitaen into my offices. She was beat all to hell. I knew they moment the news report came on about Nicole and her friend that OJ had done it. No doubt in my mind. He should rot in jail forever.

    Tawny was arrested for beating up her ex-husband years later. He was a baseball player. Word was they had an argument in the car and she kicked him repeatedly with her stiletto heels while he was driving.
    She joked about the shit in Maxim. He divorced her ass but she kept bringing up that his family were racist and they use racial slurs since they're from the south.The heffa was busted again for coke with her kids in the house.
    The bitch ain't innocent.

    If you saw OJ with her beat to hell. That wasn't abuse, that was "collateral damage" from their sex session.

    There was supposedly a sex tape floating around with OJ and Tawny.

  16. @Cathy the point is he is a convicted murderer. Of course the jail time is for separate criminal acts. Which is far more severe than just something 'stupid'. He had men at gun point someone could of been killed.

    He shouldn't get out because he is trying to play the harmless old man defense. He is a danger to society and should serve the time he was given like any other common criminal.

  17. @timebob - i think you misunderstood the point i was trying to make. i was responding to just curious who implied that the only reason he went to jail after murdering someone is because he is black, while white murderers don't get convicted. so i pointed out that he was found not guilty (of criminal murder charges) and he'd be just as free as casey and george if he hadn't been dumb enough to commit a crime after getting away with murder. yes, i realize he was found guilty in civil court, but that isn't what sent him to jail.

    i am in no way saying that he doesn't belong in jail; i'm just saying that him being there isn't a matter of race.

  18. He was seen with a girlfriend who had a broken arm and looked scared of him just a year or so before he went to jail. He will always be bad news.

    1. I would like to think Zimmerman would be hounded and provoke for the rest of his life just like OJ but I know it won't happen .

  19. One if the jurors , Maddy , the only non-white person on the jury believed in her heart that GZ was guilty but the it wasn't proven according to the law.

  20. jc, you believe Zimmerman assaulted Martin? Martin went to his townhouse, then went back to where Zimmerman was waiting for the police, and you don't think that Martin struck first?

    It wasn't Martin's color that got him killed, it was his actions. Sad but true.

    1. No, had Zimmerman stayed put and not follow Trayvon just like the 911 Dispatcher instructed him to, Trayvon would still be alive.

      GZ was profiling Trayvon, he called 911 because in his mind he looked suspicious.

      Despite what 911 told him NOT to do . GZ gets out his car with his fucking gun and follows Trayvon.

      " Creepy ass cracker " following Trayvon.....considering the outcome, Trayvon wasn't lying:-(

  21. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Seriously, who fucking puts together these appalling posts? Fuckn hell.

  22. Zimmerman noticed Martin's actions, not his color. Had he "profiled" other black residents? The only way it could have gone down is if Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman.

    1) The 911 dispatcher- who is not a peace officer- asked Zimmerman “which way did he run?” Zimmerman followed him to find out. At that point, Martin was at the T-intersection and proceeding south toward his house, according to Rachel Jeantel.

    2) When the 911 dispatcher realized that Zimmerman was following he said “We don’t need you to do that” and Zimmerman said “Ok.” A few seconds later, he told the dispatcher that he couldn’t see Martin anymore. Zimmerman told the dispatcher he would hang out waiting for the police. That was at the T-intersection.

    3) Rachel Jeantel testified that Martin said he was by his father’s fiancĂ©’s home which is approximately 60 yards south of where Zimmerman was. She also testified that a couple of minutes after that, Trayvon initiated the contact with Zimmerman.

    4) All of the forensic evidence shows that the fight started at the T-intersection of the sidewalk.

    If Martin went home, then why did the fight begin 60 yards away, back in the direction he came from?

    The only explanation is that Zimmerman broke off from following, and Martin then doubled back. That means that he pursued the "crazy ass cracker" and attacked Zimmerman.

    According to eyewitness John Good, Zimmerman was flat on his back with Trayvon Martin on his chest punching. Again forensics showed that only Zimmerman’s back and Martin’s knees had grass stains. Also, Zimmerman was the only one with any fight related injuries.

    Stand your ground means that you are not obligated to retreat before using deadly force. With Martin sitting on his chest Zimmerman had no ability to retreat. With his head getting hit into concrete he had a reasonable belief that he would be killed or grievously injured. It was self defense, plain and simple. Emotions should not overcome facts.
