Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Notice the two divers who almost got eaten by the two very large whales.
Ashley Benson shows off the latest in footwear. Socks.
Britney Spears' guy is not even pretending to have a real job at this point.
Anna Camp never gets any True Blood love.
Did you see Tom Cruise trying to be all cool and doing a photo bomb.
Chris Rock gives some love to Seth Meyers.
David Arquette goes topless skydiving. Probably going to be an Olympic sport.
Elizabeth Berkley out shopping.
Eva Longoria out with her guy.


  1. Tom must've practiced that photo bomb pose for weeks.

  2. I actually know the story of the Tom Cruise photo bomb! I was at Comic Con and went to the Nerdist podcast (with Chris Hardwick) on Saturday night. Chris Hardwick hosted the panel Tom Cruise was on (one of many, many panels Hardwick hosted during SDCC) and he told the story about meeting Tom Cruise. After the panel, Hardwick photobombed Tom Cruise in that pose -- and got caught doing it. Tom Cruise liked it though, and wanted to try it. Hence the above picture.

    1. @ briane - I'd rather see Hardwick. :)

  3. Is Eva smiling, because she knows she's making George jealous?

  4. Those whales don't eat people, silly! They're baleen whales!

  5. brianne--Great story!! Also, you chose great wording---I can completely see Tom C wanting to 'try' normal human type behaviors he hasn't yet practiced. I so hope that's the word he used-...'try'.

  6. Eva looks happy. Good on her!

  7. Is Berkley pregnant?
    Tom Cruise, I'm not buying your attempt to seem footloose and fancyfree. I'm not buying anything you're shilling. Own up to your crimes and then maybe we'll talk.

  8. Great story Brianne. I'm a Nerdist listener too :)
    Libby your comment made me LOL.

  9. Off topic, but how did this not get posted. Burn!!!

  10. Y'all want Britney to be left alone for 8 hours every day? Me, no. I like the idea that someone's loving on her, especially some big beefy Channing-esque doofus. She has deplorable taste in men, but I'd do the same guys given a chance.

    1. /\ I'm with him. She needs attention, and at least if he's getting paid he will be nice

  11. David arquette is kind weird and all, but how awesome it it that he has not waxed every square inch of his body?

  12. David Arquette looks good in that picture. I'm into hair on the chest and the veiny hands. I hope he stays clean and healthy. He wears it well.

    Of course, the last time I saw people dressed like this to go skydiving, it was Voodoo and they were having sex on the way down.

    That girl's pasties make me think of those foil-like thermal emergency blankets you get during disasters. Like they'd be so high up that her nipples might freeze but not the rest of her.

  13. Stillthere and Samantha:

    Not embarassed to say I agree 100% - I like my men to look like men, not boys.

    The one that kills me the most on this is Alcide on True Blood. He's supposed to be a freaking WEREWOLF and he's waxed within an inch of his life.

    1. Alcide, they waxed and douched him up at the same time. He was so hot before.

  14. @anon, last year the guy who played Alcide had chest hair. I liked him better with, maybe he got mange.

    1. Or fleas!! lol! I agree w/ u, I like a man w/ a little hair on his chest. That waxing business is just too girly

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Suck my dick, slit. Chomp my chunk and eat my spunk, cunt. Slide on my dork and fuck me more, Whore.

    1. Hop on the bus, Gus...don't need to discuss much, oh yeah drop off the key, lee and set yourself free...

  17. @Libby & @Jessie thanks! Chris Hardwick had a few funny TC stories from the panel, and Chris seemed a little starstruck that TC even knew who he was. (Although I suspect TC's people probably researched who would be hosting the panel beforehand).

    And @Dani ... I love Chris Hardwick. Massive crush on him since Singled Out.
