Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Goldie Hawn looks amazing for her age or for someone 20 years younger.
Armie Hammer looks pretty good too as he heads home from dinner with his wife and Jerry Bruckheimer and his wife.
Halle Berry kissed Mickey. Olivier got jealous and beat the Minnie out of him.
Helen Mirren shows off her fan in London at the Red 2 premiere.
Bruce Willis and Emma showed up too.
Holly Madison would like to remind you for the 25th time that she lost all her baby weight in record time and would like all weight loss companies to give her a call for her price quote.
Jenna Dewan has lost all her baby weight in two weeks.
Use your legs Josh Duhamel.
Fergie has to be getting close.


  1. WHOA! Fergie--any day now, I hope. Gotta be hot.

  2. Didn't jenna have a tummy tuck or is she on the corset & adderral diet.

  3. Holly's pool shoes are ridiculous.

  4. I feel like Fergie's been pregnant for forever.

  5. Jenna didn't look like she gained any weight other than the baby. I bet she is wearing a corset though.

  6. Wouldn't it be "Bruce and Emma Willis"? She's his wife, not an afterthought. Show some respect! Oh wait - it's New Enty. I forgot.

  7. Summer is not good to be heavily pregnant in. I know, both my babies were born in Sept/Oct. Hideous! If I was Fergie I'd just stay in my fabulous pool.

    1. I just had mine a week ago and I live in Central Tx. I was miserably hot!!!

    2. Congrats! Welcome bebePat!! Boy or girl?

  8. Jokes about domestic abuse are always funny. Stay classy, dude.

  9. Tom, I was going to say the same thing! She's his wife not just a gf.

    Jenna Dewan seemed like she just grew a belly like Kate did. You don't know what's going on under her top.

  10. I feel so terrible that I didn't lose my baby weight in record time. I am useless and don't deserve to be on the earth. These stars, these are the ones that are truly God's chosen people.

  11. Some people choose not to gain an ungodly amount of weight when they're pregnant, but that doesn't mean they didn't gain ANY or that they didn't gain enough. When you gain the recommended weight (25-30 pounds) sometimes that is mostly baby/placenta/breasts, etc. and not necessarily weight all over their body, meaning it doesn't take all that long to lose after baby. But by all means, ladies, please continue to judge women like you know anything about their health or eating habits. I'm so sick of that shit on this site.

  12. Some people choose not to gain an ungodly amount of weight when they're pregnant, but that doesn't mean they didn't gain ANY or that they didn't gain enough. When you gain the recommended weight (25-30 pounds) sometimes that is mostly baby/placenta/breasts, etc. and not necessarily weight all over their body, meaning it doesn't take all that long to lose after baby. But by all means, ladies, please continue to judge women like you know anything about their health or eating habits. I'm so sick of that shit on this site.

  13. I Love Emma Willis's (is that her name? who knows?) dress. Lovely - I think it'd look great on me :-).

  14. What an unfortunate figure Holly has. She used to be tiny-girl cute, but now from the waist down she could be a dude. No weight loss or gym is going to fix that. Shoulda stayed with that Mindfreak guy, maybe he could've made her sausage-legs disappear.

    Absolutely LOVE Josh & Fergie, but does this broad have the gestation period of an elephant? Since she's announced her pregnancy, the royals married & had a baby, two Kardashians had babies, one divorced, one separated, Kanye assaulted two photogs, Whitney's daughter & son got engaged, other celebs gave birth, those babies grew up and announced their pregnancies, Lohan has been in & out of at least 3 rehabs...

  15. Since when is Jerry Bruckheimer married to an old white woman?

  16. What do you look like for your age?

  17. @dannowilliams - Enty wasn't joking about domestic abuse so take a chill. he was referencing Olivier beating up Halle's baby daddy.

  18. Jolene couldnt have said it better. Every woman is different so ppl need to stop assuming that every woman that bounces back fast must have had surgery. Other women that arnt like that are the meanist. I used to get the dirtest looks and comments from other mothers all the time when I was pregnant or when I first delivered. I was 1 pound over the week after delivering both my boys. So it is possible not to gain much extra weight. And thats just the way I am always have been so its not like I dieted or even worked out either.
