Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Selena Gomez Only Answers Easy Questions

If you want to ask Selena Gomez about a new record or movie, she is more than happy to answer. If you ask Selena Gomez about Justin Bieber, then you might get your satellite connection pulled. That is what happened to WGN reporter Dean Richards. he asked Selena, and rightfully so, whether there was something about Justin Bieber that the world did not understand. He said that Selena presumably knew him best and asked her about whether there was an explanation to his recent behavior. Selena just walked away from the interview to some other person who would only ask what her favorite color is and would not dare to ask an actual real question. I hate more than just about anything when celebrities do this crap. You only want publicity on your terms? F**k that. You are not ever paid to act or sing. You are paid to promote. That is why you get the big checks. You think Jennifer Aniston is paid for her acting skills? Selena is not 12 anymore. She is 21 and people are going to ask her questions she won't like. Tough. Come up with an answer, but you can't walk away. You think this national movie critic is ever going to say anything nice about any Selena movie ever? Nope. So, why would you, as a producer hire Selena for your next movie knowing you will get a bad review from this national critic when you can hire someone who did not get cut off?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm sorry, this girl is dull as dishwater.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. please take some midol, op.

  5. Why is anyone asking her anything? Her new popularity with the media makes me laugh. She is a Disney star with little girls- I don't see her crossing over to mainstream popularity with adults, no matter how pretty she may be.

    1. This is how I view all of them, including Miley. Their fan base are little girls. I doubt parents will let their children listen to their music now. I know everyone hates Taylor Swift but at least she knows her demographic. She will milk it for all its worth and live out the rest of her days on mountains of money.

    2. Totally agree. I can't tell them apart anyway, her I only know because of her ridiculously child-like face and her association with the ridiculous child.

    3. Because this is in no way true. Just because you aren't a fan, doesn't mean their only fans are pre-teen girls. Seriously, get out more, girls! There's grown ups w/ Tumblrs dedicated to these young women, huge fans sites.

  6. She still looks 12. And she's fug.

  7. Her song has been stuck in my head from over playing on the radio. Even on TV.

  8. In other news, Amanda Bynes has been put on 5150 hold for lighting a fire in a random person's driveway. Finally she may get some help! :/

    1. Sorry I didn't notice Karrots' post

  9. Sorry, I can't have the sound on with the clip. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Enty says this guy's a national film critic and.... well, could you see Roger Ebert (RIP) asking some new starlet why she keeps dating that little shit with the low-slung pants?

    Look, I dislike Bieber as much as the next person with taste, but Enty's description doesn't exactly have me rooting for the critic.

  10. I saw a couple minutes of an interview she had with Ryan Seacrest and she has morphed her voice into Miley Cyrus' voice. It's like all the former Disney girls are all the same person now.

  11. I would be happy for her to keep walking away. The less we hear of her and Ass Hat the better off we are...

  12. How the hell do I turn off the autoplay on this clip? It drives me insane xD

  13. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Look at things from her side. One, why would she want to talk about such bad period of her life? It doesn't matter if she keeps going back and since neither of them talk about it the media (and enty) say they're having sex. Maybe she's trying to help him. Second, can she get just a little respect for not talking publicly about a person in so much trouble or about an ex or about a friend?

  14. Stupid girl.

    Her relationship is the only reason she is gettting press. The quality of her performances and recordings certainly is not the draw.

  15. Why is she responsible for explaining his behavior? Maybe she didn't have any good answers. Who cares? I have friends who act stupid, but I'm not responsible for their behavior and I certainly don't have to explain that to anyone.

  16. Often stars or their publicists will agree to an interview subject to certain things not being discussed. If the interviewer agreed in advance not to ask about JB or her personal life then she can walk off when the interviewer breaks their commitment. Alternatively, if the interviewer has not agreed in advance to any restrictions, then she should have stayed and simply made non-commital answers if she doesn't want to talk about it.

  17. Hell, I won't talk about my exes. Why would I expect her to? Because she is on TV? Ridiculous.

  18. She is rather boring.....and has some movie coming out soon. So lets see if she can act. I haven't seen any evidence of it yet.

    She's using her relationship for status---yet she doesn't want to ever talk about it. Interesting. It's a neat little trick no?

  19. Let's be honest. If she was not dating JB she would be invisible. IMO she is not overly talented.

  20. Boy, the style of that "Enty" tirade is awfully familiar...

  21. Don't care too much about her one way or the other. However, if he's a film critic why isn't he focusing on the film? And if he actually bases his reviews on who is nicer to interview... eh. I don't trust them.

  22. I agree with the fug, plus she's talentless. Yet another reason to hate Disney for dropping these no talent girls on us.

  23. I know people have said this before, but I've really never believed more than right now that Enty is actually Jax. I'm convinced. Sounds just like her.

  24. She is annoying, she looks 11 years old, she can't sing for shit, and I roll my eyes when people say they feel sorry for her because Bieber's a douche. He is, but nobody put a gun to her head and made her date him.

    I miss the days when most celebrities were adults. I'm sick of these Disney tweeners being pushed on the public.

  25. Would you want to publicly answer questions about pegging your boyfriend??

  26. Just go away. She might have been fine if she didn't keep going back to that trash can Bieber. She could have found another actor's coat tails to ride. That would have been a better gimmick for her. However, she's done now.

  27. It was a shit move. I worked once w her before, she's got Taylor Swftitis-faaaake. But, extremely pretty like a little doll, IRL.

    "I can't really speak on what Justin does in his day to day life now, our relationship was in the past, so I'm not privy to his thought process. I have nothing but fond memories about our past, and I wish him well in all his endeavors."

    NOT HARD, Selly G. Time to grow up and get better management.

  28. I really can't blame her. She was lobbed a softball JB question from the St. Louis version of this interview, if I remember correctly, and she handled it fine. This was probably just one of 100 interviews she did yesterday, and the only one that set her off. That's pretty understandable, if you ask me.

  29. Listening with earbuds you can hear her PR say 'we're just going to cut it'

    The only way you can ask a person that if they are face to face. Good try on his part but that is the problem with PR now. They lobby too much control over interviews to make everything sanitary clean and boring.

    Get her in Howard Stern's studio and see what control PR has over the interview.. Zero Point Zero.

  30. WGN is a network that transmits on low frequencies, and I can't even tell you the channel number, but somewhere in the befuddled 35-59 range. WGN is also a christian network, that shows reruns of 'Touched by an Angel' and 'Criminal Minds.' Think ION with some hymns

  31. She's famous because of her relationship with the little twit. They're like a prom king and queen. Now they're broken up, it's like a tragedy of epic teen hormone proportions. People will ask. She should have a pat answer, if only "I'd rather not discuss Jackass Beaver or my relationship status at this time, lets talk about my new single!" And go on from there. This shit she does makes her look immature and silly.

  32. There is no way on earth her people didn't say in advance that JB was off limits. If he didn't like those terms, he could've chosen not to interview her. I don't blame her a bit. Her personal life shouldn't be a mandatory part of promoting a film that has nothing to do with her relationship.
