Friday, August 23, 2013

Blind Item #5

What former female brat pack member spends most of her day inside at her house waiting for the various delivery services to come by with her pill prescriptions. Our actress, currently is taking about 50 pills a day and is barely recognizable from her days in some of the best movies ever.


  1. Molly Ringwald?? Demi?

  2. Molly Ringwald is still in the public from time to time. She looks like herself. I'd say Demi Moore.

  3. Maybe it's just me - I don't think that someone with a health problem who stays in a lot is particularly scandalous or even marginally interesting. I might be having a crappy day.

  4. The only female Brat Packers were Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald, and Demi Moore. The only one you never really hear from is Sheedy - Demi sounds like a fit but the blind makes it seem like they haven't been out in the public lately

  5. Not Ringwald - she just put out a jazz record last year and looked great in all the promo stuff I saw. Plus she is pretty active on Twitter and girl keeps a full schedule.

  6. I would assume Demi, but who the f knows what sheedy has been up to lately.

  7. Probably Ally Sheedy - even though my first thought was Demi until the 'barely recognize her' part - In recent pics, you can DEFINITELY recognize her. I don't know if I'd be able to recognize Ally Sheedy...

  8. Imbd says Sheedy is currently filming a series and a movie.

  9. definitely Ally Sheedy. She's been in rehab for addiction to prescription pills & problems with mental illness.

  10. Also, I'm sure that she has a fancier house than me, but I've been stuck in my house the past three days after having surgery on Tuesday and even with all the good drugs I'm on, I'd still rather be OUTSIDE. But I'd rather not scare small children with my face swelling/splint, so I'm staying put for now.

  11. has to be Ally Sheedy! Love HER!!

  12. Was Ally Sheedy in "some of the best movies ever"?

    1. @Sophie - are you implying that 'Short Circuit' wasn't one of the best movies ever?

    2. Maid to Order was way better.

  13. Ally Sheedy has had a few guest starring appearances on Psych over the past few years (as a serial killer) and is currently filming a couple of other things; while she does look older--and not pinched and lifted to death like Demi Moore--she is still recognizable.

    That said, I have no other guesses.

  14. @Lucas she also wrote a book. She was on npr earlier this spring discussing it.

  15. I recall Ally from those PSA spots she did for anti-drug stuff, saying "Huh, Uhm Uhllee Shuhdee, uhnd Uh'd luck tuh suh-hay yuh should fuhl good suhing like 'nuh' to yurh fruhnds who uhffer yuh drugs."

  16. @Lucas

    I am extremely movie un-savvy. I did not know she was in Short Circuit! But it was one of my favourite movies as a child.

    Because Demi's use of pills is almost common knowledge now, I kind of find the Ally theory tempting. I don't think Demi popping pills would be blind item worthy.

  17. Lol, Barton!!!

  18. Ally Sheedy is a good guess. Doesn't she have a mental illness?

  19. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Ally is my guess...

  20. Mare Winningham. Just saw her on some ramdom show and she looked horrible.

  21. The last time I saw Mare she looked like hell. Doesn't she have a bunch of kids? I haven't seen Ally in a long time.

  22. Ally Sheedy just did a public appearances for Kiehls at the end of June, and she looked completely recognizable to me.

  23. St. Elmo's Fire & The Breakfast Club.

  24. Mare Winningham definitely was considered a Brat Packer and I haven't seen her in eons.

  25. Not Mare - a friend (teacher) had one of her kids in class - very normal (involved at the school, etc.). Plus she has worked steadily over the years (Gray's Antomy, Hatfields & McCoys, Under The Dome). And still very recognizable...

  26. Anatomy, not antomy.

  27. @Barton Fink I LOL'd! Even so, I had to read it twice.

    My guess is Demi.

  28. So if not Mare, maybe it is Demi.

  29. Don't forget Ally Sheedy in War Games. The movie they showed in the White House and the next day Ronald Reagan directed his national security team to set up a meeting with the Soviet leader so they could reduce the threat of an all out nuclear war.

  30. Mare did an Arc on Grey's Anatomy as Meredith's Step Mother, still as talented as ever!

    How can y'all forget about Mare! It's Ally Sheedy though.

  31. Crazy thing, Demi was actually the one that helped Ally overcome her drug addiction back in the day.

  32. Ally. She really is almost unrecognizable, unfortunately.

  33. Ally. She's struggled with her addictions for a long time. Feel so terrible for her, and her daughter.

  34. Demi has been photo'd recently, and recognizable. Molly as well. if it's Ally, I hope she gets better.

    Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies of all time.

  35. Ally Sheedy was great on Psych, but I do think this could be her. She's still very recognizable, but her look is very different, so maybe Enty's talking about her looking rather strung out when she used to look healthy and vibrant.

  36. I met Mare a few years ago, and she was a delight. It would be hard to imagine this being her. I sure hope it isn't.
