Thursday, August 08, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

May 15, 2013

This former A list mostly movie actress who has been trying to make a comeback from her C list status won't be working with her recent director or co-star anytime soon. At a recent event for their new film, the actress refused to talk to either of them, despite it being a Q&A session. After the Q&A session she also refused to talk to any of the attendees even though they were all industry professionals. She said she was far too busy. Probably trying to figure out another way to get back with her long ago ex.

Winona Ryder


  1. Idiot. Way to show your gratitude.

  2. I hate that. I used to worship her in the 80's and 90's as a teenager.

  3. i cant help but love her

  4. trying to get back Johnny Depp? That ship has sailed.

  5. @PotPourri hahaha was the ship called "The Black Pearl"

    1. lols @nevermindthat! Is that what Depp will be calling his teeth if he doesn't start brushing them more?!

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    The industry people she refused to chat with were probably dicks to her in the past

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Winona forever ... Can't hate her, I just can't

  8. @fancyscreenname I agree, could have been, but you know what she needs to rebrand herself and rise up. She really should be the actress and act it out. She didn't need o be friendly, just professional. Be the better person. People who were not aware of what's going on that were in the room may have gotten the wrong impression of her and rumors spread like wildfire. She really didn't need to give them fuel.

  9. Delusional. Some people still love her for her teen/young adult roles, but now that she's past 40 no one in power in Hollywood gives a rat's ass about any of that. She'll be lucky if she gets supporting roles playing someone's mom.

    People such as Ryder who think they wield the same fascination they did at 21 kill me. Daryl Hannah is like this, too. Girls, by Hollywood standards, you're old hags. Take what you can get and shut up about it.

  10. she ruined Frankenweenie for me.

  11. She has never been the same since she was Jerry Lee Lewis' 13 y/o bride. The things that man must have done to her .........

  12. @Sandy: whoa! I get your point about Hollywood double-standard ageism, but consider that Winona is a contemporary of Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts...all that lot who are still at (or near) the top of their game. Winona just seems ancient b/c she started so young.

  13. Wino foreverrrr!!!
    (that's got to be one of the best tattoos EVER)

  14. Maybe she was super high and just didn't notice them enough to care

  15. Charlotte. called it first - well done!

  16. @Sandy...that's exactly what happened--she played Spock's mum on the first Star Trek remake. She was so horrid (spoiler!!) they had to kill least, that's how I saw it.

    She was over-rated as a young actress and can't come close to the A listers out there now, imo.

  17. Majik, I watched Heathers a while back. I used to think it was such a cool movie, but after rewatching I thought Winona stunk. Shannen Doherty was better and I never thought I'd say that.

  18. I dunno, with people tiring of Depp's schtick it could be fun to see them reunite.

  19. Oh Winona. I just can't dislike her. Can't do it. I'm still rooting for her to get her act together and make a big comeback.

  20. I hope they're not talking about her working on the next Trek movie because *spoilers* ....she died in the first one. Poor Spock, his mommy is played by Crazy Winona.

    She needs to wake up, she'll only get so many chances. It's not like her last name is Lohan.

  21. Charlize Theron is much younger that Ryder (and looks it). And while Roberts, Kidman, Aniston, etc. still work, they're all aging rapidly and really can't topline hit movies the way they used to. Actually, most of their recent films have been utter bombs.

    No matter. Ryder was never a very good actress, even in her heyday (please watch The Age of Innocence or Dracula for corroboration), and for her to cop attitude today is utterly ridiculous. She's on her way to Sean Young-dom for sure.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Aw, man. I also LOVED the Winona and Depp years. Makes me nostalgic. I thought she was great in "Black Swan". I also miss Samantha Mathis and Christian Slater. I thought they had amazing chemistry in "Pump Up The Volume". When they reunited in "Broken Arrow" I was so freakin' happy!

  24. I need to watch The Heathers now...

  25. I need to watch The Heathers now...
