Friday, August 23, 2013

Chris Brown Says District Attorney Is Racist

Chris Brown said yesterday on his Twitter that the District Attorney in Los Angeles is racist. Why? because they didn't let him get away with faking and lying about his community service hours. He is lucky he isn't in jail. If you or I faked hours and had people lie about it, everyone would be in jail. I don't think Chris remembers that the police chief that played along with his lies had to resign from his job. The man had been a policeman forever, and because he got caught up in it, he was out on his butt. If the hours were not faked, do you think the guy would have resigned?

Chris Brown is an idiot and he lied. He lied about the light sentence he got for beating the crap out of someone. That was the only time he was caught. To get up to a beating like that, he probably did it a half dozen times at least. So, the one time he gets caught and busted and a slap on the wrist, he lies about it. F**k you, Chris Brown and go pick up some trash right in the center of pap land and let them shame you every single one of those 1,000 hours you need to do.


  1. Wow. Im just gonna say it: I agree. Woa

  2. @ auntliddy You took the words right out of my fingers. Whoa to the fullest degree.

  3. I cant believe that Im agreeing w new Enty on something!

  4. Time for this rcist,woman beating piece of cr*p to disappear!

  5. Martha Stewart got locked up.
    Paris Hilton did the crime and did time.
    This is beyond ridiculous.

  6. The da of la is racist but Chris was wrong plain and simple. I hate when ppl use the racist card when it isn't necessary.

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Yay new Enty!

  8. Never a bad time to re-watch this video (the only time I've agreed with anyone on fox news):

    1. "Turns out the only thing Chris Brown is guilty a felony"

      Thanks for posting that, it's so great!!

  9. Ooops uhh daisy! I accidentially threw my garbage bag out the car window.... ooops

    I would drive by wuss brown all day and harass ehr....'support' him

    1. @Erika, I'm with you. (Oops, I accidentally tossed my baby's diaper out the window). I'd steal some of his music from Wallymart and toss 'em on the roadside just to watch him pick up his own CD's & put them in the trash. That would be the money shot.

  10. CB needs a pacifier: STFU, whiny little bitch.

  11. It is necessary to use the racism card. If he didn't use it, he would go to jail, now many African Americans and liberals will be on his side, and will try to take the DA out of his job.

    As recent events have shown us, only crackers can do wrong things, and when African Americans are said something, it is racism.

  12. Tom Cruise should do something productive and kick Chris Brown's ass - or fuck him up the ass and infect him.

  13. Everytime he opens his mouth my response is "bitch, please"

  14. its always SOME ONE ELSES FAULT

  15. when will he just please go away

  16. Chris is a fucking moron. Who happens to be black. You got caught lying and is so lucky they didnt arrest him his lying mom and all involved

  17. I really wish assholes would stop buying his music and supporting him so he'd have to go away.

  18. This is my favorite picture of Chris Brown ever.

  19. I'd say that I hope his comments help convert community service to jail time, but I'm thinking he would like to be in an environment where he showers with a bunch of dudes and gives blow jobs for an extra serving of Salisbury steak.

  20. Difficult Brown pulling the race card, is anyone surprised? He'll do whatever it takes to keep from taking responsibility. "I made a mistake! Just once!" Your mom did, too.

    Kermit, you're just as big a whiner as Chris Brown. You could be Chi Sigma Pampers frat brothers.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I'm sure the next tweet will be that somebody hacked his account. He will never take responsibility for his own actions.

  23. He had better STFU or the next time and we know there will be a next time he gets arrested he will get more than community service.

  24. The judge was really clear - he said community LABOR, not service, and gave him four options.

    I'm sure the only reason Mark Geragos hasn't dropped him is he most likely pays his bills on time (or was given a huge retainer).

  25. BooHoo poor little bitch. Playing the race card when its not true doesn't leave ya much to say when it truly is true. The difficult brown is a loser. No matter what race he was born. Suckitup playa

  26. Why is the last line of Enty's rant not: "And your dick looks like a churro"...?

  27. I find it even funnier that he is calling the DA racist when the female prosecutor that went after him is also African American!! He is throwing a fit but is only making himself look more of a fool than he already is!

  28. He needs to grow from this. His career is done!!!

  29. @Kermit or whatever that is just not true! gawd, all white people are just you for that ignorant statement.

    @seven of eleven agree to all

  30. It's not necessary to use the race card. I'm liberal and not on his side. I'm not worried about what the DA is doing but Chris Brown need to be punished for what he did and now he needs to all the extra community service he was awarded for lying about it in the first place. I understand he feels he the need to use it to get what he wants but that isn't the same as needing to use something.

  31. This is one of the most vile humans that ever lived. Racist my ass. Racism is a horrible problem in this country...but Chris Brown is not a victim of it.

  32. What a fucking ass.

  33. Hmmm. Does he realize that the LA County DA, Jackie BLACK?
