Friday, August 23, 2013

Sydney Leathers Might Be HIV+

Sydney Leathers just finished her first porn. She also just received the worst news possible. Her sex partner on the shoot had sex a few weeks earlier with the performer who tested positive for HIV. Yeah, so the adult performer already HIV when she slept with Sydney Leathers' partner. Sydney says she has been tested twice, and both were negative. It is still far too soon for her to breathe easy. Have her check back around Halloween and if she is still negative, then she is probably ok. Since porn was likely to be her future career, I'm wondering what she would do with her life if she is HIV+. She would have to get a regular job. She really couldn't even be a professional sexter anymore. Guys in their fantasies don't want to hear their possible partner is HIV+. Kind of ruins the moment. I guess she could still be a stripper or webcam model. McDonald's is always hiring. That sugar daddy website would get out of their deal really fast.


  1. The woman could be HIV+ and you make cracks about her maybe getting a job at McDonald's. Asshole.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. *clicks tongue*

    Dem's de breaks!

  3. Too bad Weiner didn't get it.

  4. she was a fool to think porn is a quick and easy way to fame & money.

  5. She burned any possible career in interactive online sex when she sold Weiner down the river. No man will tolerate that threat.

    If she can't work porn, she's looking forward to a career involving the phrase, "You want fries with that?"

  6. On the other hand, with that name, she was destined for porn or maybe making Australian cowhide furniture.

  7. Wow. That absolutely sucks for her. I hope she isn't HIV+ even though it isn't necessarily a death sentence these days.

    Makes you think that maybe the porn industry should rethink their stance on condoms.

  8. She knew the job was dangerous when she took it. Saving my tears.

  9. Not feeling anything for her

  10. Someone please fill me in, is that really her name?

  11. Did anyone see her interview with Sean Hannity a few weeks ago? I thought there was something creepy about her. That being said, I hope she's not HIV+.

  12. @Lotta: Yes, it is. LOL

  13. This is a serious matter and the tone of your post is just...I can not in good conscience consider this a "karma" situation. I hope she is negative, as I hope everyone were negative. For their sakes, and if not them, for their families sakes and the sake of any innocent partners.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. She is an asshole, douche and all, but a job as a porn actress is supposed to be safe, because all the controls and that.

    I'm not exactly sad because who she is, but somewhat concerned about her and I hope she lives long to see the pain she wanted to make in her other issues.

  16. Judging from your writing portfolio and deductive reasoning skills, "Enty," you're in no position to be judge-y about someone else's future employment prospects.

  17. I wouldn't want ANYONE to get one! But chick has made some rather unfortunate choices, trying to cash in on her notoriety. I hope she learns a lesson from this: there is no easy way to fame and fortune. You play, you pay.

  18. i second what @jodi benton said - "The woman could be HIV+ and you make cracks about her maybe getting a job at McDonald's. Asshole."

  19. If this happened recently she will have to get tested for the next year. Most positive tests won't show until 6 months after exposure. That means Christmas time earliest. Shea done before she even got started. Hope that's a lesson to others that decide they want this career.

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    "Celebrity Stripper"...but most make their $ off of prostitution & drugs will come soon enough for her

  21. Umm... I don't know this woman personally. I heard her porn was her performing on herself? Maybe I'm confusing her with someone else. I don't think she's dumb enough to think her 15 minutes were going to last very long, so was looking to bank what she could. Not a choice I could make, but it is what it is.

    I wouldn't report with such obvious glee anyone being exposed to HIV. Pretty heartless for someone(s) who frequently claims a moral high ground.

  22. Let that be a lesson to you kids out there. Porn can be deadly. Seriously, what did she think was going to happen when she opted to go bareback? Possibly just this! Hard for me to feel sympathy; she isnt stupid and this could have easily been prevented with a condom. She rolled the dice, and may have lost.

  23. she filmed the self love video 1st. then filmed an actual porn with a partner that freelances. meaning he isn't solely within the LA porn industry where they try to have standards. just like the last time they had a scare, someone films bareback elsewhere with other renegades then comes back to the valley with hep, HIV and other goodies.

  24. j kay, that just goes to show how self-love leads us down the wrong path!

  25. WOW! Way to add to the HIV stigma that every person with HIV battles on a daily basis...Guess what assholes, having HIV does not mean that you have to have a low wage job. HIV does not discriminate against socio-economic status. The virus does not care how rich, educated, or cute you are. The virus does not care about your race, your age, your weight, your sexual gender or your sexual orientation. If you think you do not know an HIV positive person, you are wrong - you may not know it, but a relative, a friend, a coworker, or neighbor likely has it, and hasn't told your ignorant ass about it! Hopefully, this girl is getting the proper counseling/treatment to deal with this. At least porn stars are tested regularly than the general public. Most people do not get tested due to the stigma that this post perpetuates. NO PERSON HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE OR DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY PERSON THAT HAS HIV! Has this girl made some bad choices? Obviously! But hasn't everyone? Haven't most people dodged a bullet from random encounters, be it pregnancy, std's, or HIV? That hot girl or guy you picked up at the club last Friday night could very well be HIV positive and you would never know. If she is HIV positive, she might use her minor fame and go on to become an advocate for safe sex and testing, and for adequate healthcare for those with HIV. Also, are you aware that HIV is on the rise amongst older baby boomers? Not very many of them asking, "you want fries with that?" @JonathanAndrewSheen, you're ignorance is showing!

    1. Pretty sure JAS wasn't referring to her possible HIV status when he made the macdonalds comment. He actually made it pretty clear that he was referring to her inability to do anything other than sex or bum work for the rest of het life because she is a dumb fuck. Would you like any assistance pulling that giant wad out of your ass?

    2. Pretty sure JAS wasn't referring to her possible HIV status when he made the macdonalds comment. He actually made it pretty clear that he was referring to her inability to do anything other than sex or bum work for the rest of het life because she is a dumb fuck. Would you like any assistance pulling that giant wad out of your ass?

  26. Oh, and by the way? You're in no more danger of contracting HIV from a McDonalds worker than from a Seven-Eleven clerk or your dry cleaner or a bank teller -- which is to say, none at all.

    So, no, Enty isn't an asshole for suggesting someone who has burned all bridges for "respectable" employment, and may be physically disqualified from her ambition to take cocks for money, will end up working under the Golden arches. Someone saying that is an asshole, for spreading unfounded fear of HIV-positive people.

  27. @Biloxi Native----I agree with what your saying but regardless she is still a slut pig

  28. all I can think of to say is I saw her interview last week on Hannity???? Weird. Why would she choose that show to appear on considering...

    she said she didn't want to live past 50 or some form of that statement.

    she may get her wish.......

  29. Actually, rajahcat, she'll live more or less the lifespan of a seronegative woman, as long as she isn't infected with Hep and doesn't take up injection drug use.

  30. I said may not would

    not a hater-just thought it was a weird ridiculous statement to make on that show.

  31. I think it's presumptuous to suggest she won't be able to get a better gig than McDonalds.

  32. Why does the pron industry pretend that monthly or even weekly testing keeps them safe? It seems like a false sense of security since HIV takes months to show up on a blood test:
    "The window period can be from 9 days to 3-6 months, depending on the person's body and on the HIV-test that's used. During that time, you can test HIV negative even though you're HIV infected. You can still catch HIV from someone who is in the window period. In fact, there is evidence that a person in the window period is more likely to pass the virus on."

  33. Also, the headline was purposely exaggerated. She may have been exposed to HIV, but that has yet to be determined.

  34. Wow, Biloxi Native, you're shooting one hundred and eighty degrees in the wrong direction.

    She's not going to end up saying "You want fries with that" for a living because she's HIV+ (if it turns out that she is.) It's going to be because she's not qualified for any other job.

    All she's ever done for a living is Cyber for money, and screw on camera.

    Well, she'll never work in the former field again. She's famous because she betrayed, humiliated, and deeply harmed her client. Nobody will ever again enter into that kind of vulnerable, intimate relationship with her, knowing, now, that she's willing to betray them if she sees a possible advantage in it. All bridges to that career are down in flames, never to return.

    And, it's worth noting the collateral damage from that: Is it even remotely possible for her to get any responsible job, any job requiring confidentiality or integrity, when she's made herself world-famous by betraying a client's trust? She's not going to get an office job, a job in banking, a job in customer service -- which gives access to client account information -- because she's famous for betraying confidentiality.

    If she turns out to be HIV+, that will obviously prevent her from working in porn, so that's out.

    So, if she can't work in Cybering for Sugar Daddy websites (or in any other way that involves online sexual interaction with a client,) and she can't work in porn, and she can't get any kind of responsible job that requires any kind of confidentially or integrity, what does that leave?

    She'll work at the bottom of the employment food chain.

    "You want fries with that?"

  35. Porn testing keeps no one safe. Just like no laws in the world will keep schools and malls safe from a lone lunatic, there is nothing that can keep porn safe from a junkie or an irresponsible escort. What porn testing does is make the performers SAFER, by identifying and containing potential outbreaks.

    There are risks in every job. If the pay isn't worth the risk, then you find employment in another field.

    This story is jumping the gun. Xander Corvus was retested yesterday, and the results should be in today or tomorrow. W/o the presence of open wounds or another infection, then the likelihood of transmission is probably low, IF he was infected, because I doubt Leathers was getting boned in the balloon knot.

    This is the trailer for the scene With Cameron Bay and Xander Corvus shot July 27.

    This aint remotely safe for work.

    1. Fuck me with a chainsaw, Count. And this will annoy you, but I'm now convinced that you work in the adult ent. industry. And if you don't--boy, did your guidance counselor steer you down the wrong career path. Oh. And PLEASE tell me that you've starred in one or two.

  36. @jonathan

  37. I have a hard time being sympathetic with this.

  38. Enty implied it was the possible HIV+ status, so spin it how you want. Gennifer Flowers still makes money. She also went on Howard Stern. Not saying either of these women are role models, but betraying someone is not always a death knell to future money making opportunities. If she invests wisely, she could start her own business. If she resorts to going down the spending faster than she has made it route, then it will be a much harder path for her. Not sure which one she will chose, but I'm not going to presume one or the other.

  39. On another note, not a lot of people consider Carlos Danger a victim. ;-) If he was "vulnerable" at all, he has nobody but himself to blame. I don't believe he was a client since they never exchanged money that we know. He just promised it.

  40. Back in college I took a human sexuality course and they informed us it can take up to 6 months to test positive for HIV once you've been exposed. Pornstars seemingly get tested once a month, so even then, there really isn't ever a guarantee that someone is HIV negative unless its been 3-6 months between partners + shoots.

  41. Good point Prada seem to me that any new porn actors need to practice safe sex for the first six months but even if all the other actors and actresses keep up with weekly or monthly testing, that does not preclude them from having unsafe sex outside that community of porn actors who are supposedly being tested regularly and does not preclude them from sharing needles with HIV carriers

    the only good news is HIV is no longer a death sentence

  42. "actually, there is a porn genre for hiv+ performers." wow and you know it makes sense, those adult film execs are practical

    and you could have the herpes infected performers in another genre

  43. @Jonathan Andrew Sheen, I apologize for calling you ignorant and appreciate you clarifying your statement. But I think you are overreaching in your defense of Enty's post. I agree, wholeheartedly, with you that she has made some obviously bad choices and has shown herself as an untrustworthy person. As a person who works daily with HIV positive clients, helping them navigate the red tape to have access to the HAART meds, housing, employment, etc., I took offense at the implication in the posts that HIV would be the reason for only having McD's as an employment option. And I read this as perpetuating the HIV stigma these individuals face daily. I have clients that have been asked not to attend their churches, to find different doctors, their child visitations cancelled, terminated from their jobs, etc., due to the HIV stigma. So, I may have jumped the gun with my initial gut response. I'm very protective of my HIV clients and constantly surprised that after 20+ years of education about this disease, they continue to be ostracized, discriminated against, and dismissed by society.

  44. Actually, HIV is still a death sentence, imo. Just because the HIV positive individuals with access to healthcare and HAART medications are living longer, the majority will still expire from an opportunistic illness. We are just now seeing the long term effects that the medications are having on their bodies, (the heart, liver, etc.). And there are more people dying of ARC due to lack of access to the HAART meds. The media, the govt, and Big Pharma would like the public to think that the meds are available to everybody. Sadly, they are not. The costs of the meds are so incredibly high that only those with excellent health insurance, money, or are below the income level necessary to qualify for assistance are getting their med; and, approx. costs of these meds in America are around $8,000 to $10,000 monthly, depending upon the regiment they respond to. A middle class person with HIV is likely to go bankrupt trying to afford the meds. Pills that they give away in other countries for a dollar a day are hundreds of dollars a day in America, because Big Pharma charges the expense to insurance companies and the govt.

  45. Wow Biloxi Native, thank you for educating me. I did not realize the cost of the meds was that high and I did not realize the meds, though one could have guessed, are having their own long term effects on the body.

    Is there any progress whatsoever on a vaccine?

  46. caralw: They may not consider him a victim, but that's just because they don't like him.

    Yeah, he was dealing with someone on a very vulnerable and intimate way with someone, and there's always a base level of trust involved there, and she absolutely betrayed that trust.

    Moreover, if you look at the timeline, she was working for the Sugar Daddy website, then stopped at just about the time Weiner confessed and resigned over his Twitter scandal. Then she started interacting with him online. Does anyone seriously believe that this woman who previously made a living doing online sex with older, wealthier men, suddenly took up with an older, wealthier man who was suddenly famous for online sex for any other reason than to hook up with him online?

    She baited him, trapped him, used him, and betrayed him. He is absolutely a victim here, even though, in his wife, he has harmed a victim of his own.

    Speaking of which, DAYUM, of the three people involved here, we've seen wrong two naked! Huma Abedin is a babe!

  47. I'm sure there is, but I would guess that if a vaccine does come about it will be in Europe; and, if effective, it will be fast tracked by the FDA for use in USA. Much like cancer, the vast majority of breakthrough treatments are being done in Germany, Norway, Sweden, etc., because the costs for research and development is less. Big Pharma is saying that R&D is not profitable in USA, and that is why they have to charge so much more for medications over here. It's not profitable for them to do R&D in America. To my knowledge there has been success in a couple individuals using blood transplants and stem cell therapy, but I don't know if the elimination of the HIV virus from the blood was enough for them to remain HIV negative, or if the virus was hiding/dormant in other organs and reappeared at a later date. I do think, and I'm not 100% about this, but, I seem to recall hearing the first guy that they declared "cured" is once again HIV positive, but there were questions on whether the virus was just laying dormant in his liver, or if he participated in some risky behavior and was re-infected. I think they were checking the strain to see if it was the same as before, or different from the original strain he had. Then the story just kinda disappeared.

  48. Jonathon, you misunderstand me. I do not condone her behavior. She wrote an article describing how to snag a politician. It's his own ego that made him fall prey to it. Don't forget, there were others that he sent picturs. Others who did not want to receive those pictures. Plus you forget another one of his victims... his child.

  49. If she did get HIV, wouldn't she have a huge lawsuit/settlement on her hands and never have to work again?

  50. @jsierra: reasonis as fruitless a weapon against ignorance as a trash can lid is against an A-bomb. People read the words they want to see and interpret them to further their agendas. Only only thing correcting them does is increase the rage becuase they have a harder time coping with being wrong than they do reality.

  51. @tori: newer tests, detect the antibodies a ssociated with HIV much much quicker.

    @Miss Mess: other than writing a few articles and a press release, I have never done anything in porn besides troll like I do here. Never earned a buck at it, and tge only times I've fucked on video I have the only copies.

    If I ever needed a substatial write off, I would start a POV site though, in the style of

  52. @alexa rose: who is she going to sue? I'm sure part of tge release is a waiver. Sue the other performer who didn't know they were carrying? Herself, for piss poor life choices?

  53. Biloxi: Thank you thank you thank you...We know so much more today than we did 20 years ago obviously. I lost my dear uncle to AIDS and I would give anything in the world to have him back. Even so tough he probably wouldn't be able to afford the meds. Sad. And don't get me started on big pharma either.

    Count THAT was a trailer? What more can they do after that? Oh wait, please don't answer.

  54. I remember in the late 80's-early 90's all porn used condoms and that was just that. as a child sneaking a peek at porn it was drummed into me to be safe always; monkey see, monkey do.

    now HIV/AIDS is far more of a pandemic than it was then but its almost unheard of to see porn with condoms. so what the f*** happened??

    and by the way, even with the best medications in the world (which come with terrible, painful side effects), people STILL DIE. THERE IS NO CURE! Let alone in the U.S.A with such limited access to healthcare

  55. Count, surely but slowly you're bringing me into this century. Not sure 'I saw Jesus', but the staircase scenes were very interesting.

    Biloxi Native and JAS, I don't think you're on opposite sides of the fence. This isn't the venue to post complete expositions of your beliefs/positions. I think you've both posted valid points.

    @BN -- Hi from G'pt!

    And finally, IMO, nobody deserves ARC/AIDS. Although i'm not a fan of SL or AW; i think they're both bottom feeders in their own sleazy way.

  56. Xander Corvous, the link between Cameron Bay and this Leathers whore has been cleared in the initial round of testing. They still do more tests before he can go back to sticking whores, but most likely this mope ain't tainted.

  57. Well considering how difficult it is for men to get HIV from having sex with women, she's more than likely still a negative, talentless hag
