Thursday, August 15, 2013

Gia Allemand Dies - Suicide By Hanging - New Details

Late Monday night, former Bachelor star, Gia Allemand was found hanging in her home by her boyfriend, Ryan Anderson of the New Orleans Pelicans. Apparently the two had been fighting and he said that he wanted to break up. She said she did not want to break up and one thing led to another and at one point on Monday she threatened to kill herself. Apparently this was not the first time she had threatened to kill herself, but there was something about what she said that made her boyfriend go over to her house to check on her and he found her hanging. She was pulled off life support yesterday. Gia was 29.


  1. That is so sad. She was really sweet.

  2. I don't know who she is, but that's very sad. My prayers go out to her family.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    He's going to blame himself for the rest of his life. So sad. We really do need a better system to get people with depression the help they need.

  4. Hey Enties - weren't you snarking just yesterday how she was on life support because of a drug overdose? Stay classy.

  5. How awful ....for everyone in her life.

  6. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Oh my fucking god. I don't know who she is, but she must've felt complete hopelessness, and now those left behind must carry this for life. So fucked up.

  7. Anonymous6:15 AM



    Orleans .....



    Sorry. I don't know why, the ridiculous name of that team (it's a team right?), just killed

    Uh oh......too soon?


  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    God, I burst into years watching the news. Blood shed in Egypt, all horrible. Can we please have some light in this? I'm going to find my cat for a cuddle.

  9. Broad threatens suicide that is the sign to cut off any and all contact. I wouldn't have gone their myself, I would have called the police and sent them.

    At least she's at peace now. I doubt the break up was the only issue going on.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Count : always call the police and ambos. It would've been the proverbial tip of said iceberg definitely.

  10. sometimes you just feel there is no reason for you to live.

  11. If she had threatened to kill herself many times before, then people around her should have been getting her help. She could have been hospitalized at any point (if she was a danger to herself or people thought she was). I realize that is a temporary fix, but it would be a start. So sad for everyone involved.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Perhaps they had tried auteur. People resolute to end their life usually bide their time. She was obviously a very unhappy girl.

  12. Sad, sad, sad. So beautiful and she was sweet.

  13. Dammit FSP

    Indeed, yesterday it was a drug overdose or him feeding her peanuts or something.

  14. never heard of her, but what a tragic waste.

  15. it does seem like something else must have been going on -not just a break up

  16. @ raja, I believe that when someone commits suicide it isn't just one thing that causes them to do so, rather a build up of things or the lack psychological help. It may appear that a particular event was the cause, but it simply acted as a catalyst to something they had already planned on doing. Of course, I'm not a psychiatrist but it's what a counselor conveyed to me when I lost someone very close to me to suicide.

  17. sounds like in her depression she was no longer being rational. when you get like that if really helps for people around you to point it out to you instead of just staying silent cause they are uncomfortable

  18. To be fair, the rep and two other people (who these mysterious others are is not clear) mentioned in yesterday's entry suggested 'medical event', 'adverse reaction' and 'possible overdose'. It's not like Enty pulled the conclusion out of thin air.

    I am sad for her loved ones.

  19. Having lost a close family member to suicide, my heart is sad for all the loved ones she left behind.
    Their guilt/grief will be off the charts for awhile, even though it's not their fault.
    Such a sad & fucked up situation.

  20. I tthink it's like most people say, its taboo to mention your mental issues. As if they only happen to the middle aged or unattractive or weak or poor. I'm very sad when I hear about a young person who threw their life away for whatever reason.

    I read that she was a kind person who loved animals. Lord knows we need more of people like that here on earth.

  21. I am very sorry for her boyfriend and family. Suicide is very painful for the people left behind.

  22. She used threats of suicide to manipulate people to get what she wanted. I bet she thought he was going to get there in time to save her and then he would be too scared to ever leave her. She was obviously a nutter and should not be missed.

    1. Well, more people will mourn her passing than likely will notice when you no longer grace the planet.

    2. And you're obviously a bit of a nutter for such a callous and inconsiderate comment. Or your Emotional Intelligence is on the retardation level. Or both. Get some help, Diana.

  23. Anonymous10:04 AM

    (The rapper) Nelly called.....He says it's gettin' hot In here ........

  24. I agree about the taboo-ness Ivana. Opinions like Diana Maras' don't help. A lot of people just don't understand and also assume it's simply a matter of making an effort to feel better. As if being a strong person means your not susceptible to depression.

    Suicide by hanging or a gun is very violent and it's usually done with a high intent to succeed.

  25. She may have been on some drugs that made her act that way, drugs or alcohol can exasperate clinical depression and cause the bad judgement, sometimes when you go to a doctor for help you have to go through trial and error to get the right meds and just hope you're OK until you get there

    sometimes it is hard to tell if someone is clinically depressed or bipolar or whatever, it may just seem like someone is being a drama queen vs someone in real trouble, some people are very very good at hiding things

    I guess even if you think someone is being just a drama queen in order to get their way, if they use the suicide threat, you need to take it seriously.

  26. good point Count should have called 9-11 right after that phone call, unless you live in Detroit where it is taking an hour for emergency crew to respond

  27. What a tragic situation. :(

    Agree with @FSP, yesterday was the terrible joke about her boyfriend feeding her peanut soup.

  28. Suicide is dumb, better to live as long as possible and make it a point to make everyone else as miserable as possible. Whether or not she was depressed, that guy is going to think she killed herself because he dumped her and that's stupid. Better to live well and pretend like he doesn't even exist. Run into him in public and he tries to talk to you? Just blank him completely, ask "Do I know you?" That is more of a "punishment" to people than caring so much that you die because of them. And the beauty part is it works for anyone and everyone you hate! Old classmates, acquaintances, "friends", it's awesome! But now she's dead so too late. Oh well, RIP.

  29. While she seemed to be very sweet, she also came across as a little desperate. There were reports regarding a possible OD so Enty is correct with that. If she was still alive by the time the bf got there I just wonder if she would have made it if 911 would have been called?

    It's too late now unfortunately.

  30. Sweetheart may you find the peace and love you longed for

  31. I've been a reader for years but the new Enties are too snarky. After yesterday's "drug overdose"-turned suicide, the blog's becoming the new Perez Hilton. I'm out.
    Peace & love, guys

  32. The pain this family must be in at the moment is unfathomable. My heart breaks for them and the bf, who, as other have said, will blame himself for this. By all accounts she was a lovely girl, I'll bet if she knew she was going to cause this much pain she'd never have done it. Everything pointed to a loving heart...she was just taken over by the momentary pain. I am so saddened by this story.

  33. @fancyscreenname, the hockey team in NE Louisiana was the Monroe Moccasins ..the snake, not the shoes. They'd throw rubber snakes on the ice during halftime.

    Pelicans is a much better name.

  34. Yet another Reality TV "Star" bites the dust.

    Have you ever noticed...again and again, it's mentally ill or unbalanced people who are desperate for this type of fame, and they're the ones who'll do anything to get cast.
