Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - Afternoon Delight

Yesterday I posted the photo of Amy Poehler and Aubrey Plaza groping each other from the Afternoon Delight premiere, but forgot everyone else. I got so caught up in my skyrockets in flight that I forgot.

See, Marisa Tomei got that joke. She gets all jokes. This was her after the premiere on her way to party.
Adam Scott was there, but did not party with Marisa Tomei after.
The always lovely Alicia Witt was there, but did not party with Marisa.
I'm not sure Ileana Douglas even goes to parties. She did once make a movie with Tom Arnold though so....
One person who did party with Marisa was Josh Radnor. The lovely Kathryn Hahn did not as she was kidnapped by Aubrey Plaza.
Mary Lynn Rajskub was there. She does not really party, but she was on 24 with Kiefer Sutherland so....
Cobie Smulders was there with her husband.
I always think the movie Juno is about Juno Temple. Then I realize I'm wrong.


  1. Cobie's husband is the awesome Taran Killam who's barn door is open.

  2. Ohemgee, Chloe! And Robin and Ted!!!!

  3. Had George Michael and Lindsay stayed, they might have discovered what Michael and Maeby did— that “Afternoon Delight” was more adult-themed than its innocent melody would have you believe.

    1. @Iceberg, I read that in the voice of Ron Howard. Well done!

    2. So had I, it's impossible not to. Damn you Ron Howard / Richie Cunningham! You've infiltrated our minds.

  4. I think this enty is drunk

  5. Hahn (ever since Crossing Jordan)



  6. Marissa Tomei and who ever that broad is with her.

    Alicia Witt

    No clue about any of the others....I'll say Juno Temple

  7. Hey, this entry has an amazing ratio of people I actually like and care about, as most of them are actually talented and deserve their fame.

  8. Taran Killam is crazy hot.

  9. Whenever I see Ileana Douglas, all I can think about is the Cape Fear scene where Robert DeNiro bites off her cheek!

  10. I LOVE Illeana Douglas, Cobie Smulders and Josh Radnor!!

  11. I love Juno Temple.

  12. I saw adam scotts peen in a tv show he was on once. Now whenever i see him i get flashback of his wang it never fails...
    Juno temple lost a lot of weight

  13. WHAT is Marisa wearing? And WHAT is Entbitchy trying to tell us?

  14. Thanks for posting Adam Scott, Kathryn Hahn, and Taran Killam! I love all of them!
