Thursday, August 08, 2013

Your Turn

Product you bought, but only used once or twice. I have a million of those all littering closets and Goodwill stores. Bread maker is not one of them as I will eat loaf after loaf of bread made that way. I once had three of them and would have three loaves a day. The juicer does not get any use. I have never bought exercise equipment, but my mom has a hanger/former treadmill.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    A palm pilot

    1. Me too hag, never ckd figure it out!

    2. Never had a Pilot but I had a Palm Pixi and oh my lawd Ii had to create new swear words for the thing. :-O I'm a gadget hound and that Pixi was horrrrrrrible! Easily worst gadget I ever had. I wanted so much to get rid of it then one day HP bought Palm and out and a few weeks or so later the Pixi quit functioning becuase HP shut down the Palm servers. I went crying to Verizon and they wiped my tears with a free iPhone as a condolence gift. :-) Tears of joy there, btw, tears of joy. Never had I been so happy to see a product off itself! I'll always love HP for that.

  2. I bought one of those mats that turns any bathtub into a jetted tub. Used it once.

  3. One of those machines that trims your dogs nails and after the first battle with my Shih Tzu I said F this and simply let her groomer do it.

  4. Frigging slow cooker. I'm a very persistent person, but after two dozen spoiled meals and a lot of wasted food, I gave up the ghost.

    1. What?! I love those things! Just throw everything in and let it cook.

  5. I bought one of those balance boards to sharpen sense of balance for sports; I used it a couple of times and it sat in the closet for a few years. I Goodwill'd it; hope someone else is enjoying my $150 mistake.

  6. 1) Keyboard for my iPad.
    2) Shower attachment to bathe my dogs in the tub. (They weigh more than me and refuse to get in.)

  7. A Kitchen Aid mixer in boysenberry. Never used but it looks fantastic on the counter.

  8. My George Foreman just sits in my cabinet. I never remember I have it.

    1. Mine too, finally gave it to my daughter. Who uses it.

    2. My Dad gave me his Foreman grill, I use it all the time!

  9. Oh and I have used my salad spinner a total of 1 grand time.

    1. @Renoblondee. Ditto. But I refuse to get rid of it because I just KNOW I'll be stupid and buy another one at some point if I do.

  10. I bought a Pilates machine from QVC 15 years ago. $400 and never used it, partly because my beagle chewed through some of the straps, partly because I'm a lazy **** and hate exercise. Finally got rid of it 10 yrs later.

  11. Slow cooker. Never used it---takes hours to make something I can cook in half an hour including prep--/except beans which are still quicker on the stove top.

    I use my kitchen aid daily--multiple times a day. Same for the salad spinner.

    Would love a juicer. I think :)

  12. food processor, I never use it because it's a PITA to clean and I know how to use knives. So I just end up cutting by hand than use the processor. The only time I ever use it is when I'm making something like pate or my mom borrows it to make coleslaw.

  13. My fantasy mixer is the KitchenAid with all the attachments...grinder, sausage maker, pasta maker...(sigh)
    But I know despite all my promises to myself that I'd use it religiously that it'll just gather dust 10 months out of the year, so don't have one.
    That being said, my meat grinder.
    I've used it all of twice since I got it, mainly because it is *SUCH* a PITA to clean (both before and after use) but I got it swearing to myself that I'd use it regularly.

  14. The Ab Rocker; used it like twice.

    1. Ha, me too. That thing hurt my butt bone.

  15. oh Dewie, I am watching one of those on Ebay right now, guess I should forget about it?

  16. @Redd, oh not if you like to bake/cook. I don't like doing either, I just thought it would be cool to own one in an offbeat color.

    I also want to affirm the anti-slow cooker chorus. Those things are the worst.

  17. My mom got me that leg exerciser thing where you stand and hold a hand thingee and your legs go in and out like scissors -- sorry, I don't know how else to describe it, nor do I remember what it's called -- for my college graduation. Ick. I said it looked cool on the commercial, Mom, not that I wanted one!

  18. *handle thingee

  19. Electric rice cooker. That damn thing mystifies me! It came with my husband 10 years ago and continues to sit in the back of the pantry, unused. He won't get rid of it.

  20. I work in a kitchen shop and love to use almost all the stuff collecting dust on your shelves. But the wii fit my folks gave me (to counter act the effects of my kitchen gadget use) sits with its evil red light glowing at me.

    1. I love my Wii fit! Unfortunately, the kids my mother brought with her keep using my Wii and getting in the way.

  21. We should have an ish I don't use trade. I have a $200 juicer that my husband swore he was going to use everyday.

  22. You guys really don't use your KitchenAid or food processor?!!??! I use those mo fos all the time.

    Now, among my kitchen gadgetry hall of shame: Fondue pot - used once; creme brulee torch - used once.

    I'm in the process of purging my house, so I'm sure I'll come across more WTF treasures. I have a huge problem with my shoe collection and hanging on to clothes "in case" I get knocked up again.

    And then I have all this crap that has been given to my from my mom, MIL and grannies. I hold onto that shit out of guilt. Argh. Clutter!!!

    1. @Susan. I have the Hamilton Beach one (so no attachments,) but I use it all the time. Love that big beast, no matter how much counter space it takes up.

  23. Side note: The Kitchen Aid ice cream maker is FABULOUS. Makes killer ice cream.

  24. Weights, weight bench, the whole setup. I'd have been better off spending the money on all-you-can-eat buffets.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This is such an interesting thread! We should set up a swap shop - I love my Kitchen Aid mixer (mine's forest green, purchased in 1997 when that was still a hip kitchen color - now I'd love for it to be red), and my rice cooker. I use both of them several times a week.

    I'm terrible with a slow cooker, even though I have two of them, and we gave away our juicer to a fitness freak friend who loves it. Fitness equipment? Forget about it! I had a treadmill once that I used quite a bit, then didn't at all.

    1. I know people trick out their kitchen aids so look into repainting it red!

    2. Thanks, Ivana, I will! I had no idea painting it was a thing - great tip!

  27. Silhouette craft paper cutter.

  28. Oh, also - food processors are awesome! I have a groovy Cuisinart one that is easy peasy to clean - right into the dishwasher. I use it several times a week, too. And a little mini chop is the best $20 you'll ever spend - dices onions, carrots, etc. for soup or whatever speedy quick.

    TotallyDistracted, how can you not LOVE your iPad keyboard??? I can't live without mine! But I will admit that I never ever use my bread machine.

    1. @Frufa. Love my food processor, especially near the holidays, but I hate those mini-choppers. No control.

    2. I love my mini chopper. Works great. Always a uniform cut.

  29. I bought a TV and haven't used my brain since! :P

    Other things... makeup, eye shadow in particular. I probably have 400 pots of the stuff! They do get used, but many sit idle.

    1. @Zeeky_Boogy_Doog
      Make-up!! Yessss!!!!

  30. Scrapbooks, still in wrapper, nesco cooker, used 1x, steam cleaner, does shit, dont use bread machine or ice cream maker as we are tubby enough, and just last week bought home nail gel kit that i know, i just KNOW I am never going to use.

  31. @Susan - you gotta purge that stuff! I'm saying this as a friend, and a person with family on all sides who hauls shit we didn't even ask for up the highway 8 hours and dumps it in our house. We have learned to just say thank you, and pretty ruthlessly go through it all after they leave.

    My mom insists every time I visit her that I take a bunch of her shoes home. She has a rotating set of foot/toe problems, and buys expensive, yet hidious shoes to try and meet all her needs. I just take everything she offers and give away the ones I don't want. At least that way, they get into the hands (feet!) of people who need them.

  32. I bought one of those those thingy's that suction to your wall and are supposed to hold a hair dryer to make blowing out your hair easier?
    I've used it *maybe* twice, and now it's a holder for my necklaces/bracelets

  33. Immersion blender. It's cute, it's bright orange. It's a pain to clean and I'm convinced there are food particles that I can't see stuck up inside it.

  34. Ruby, I still use the same hair dryer I got in 1986. It has a plastic snap-on stand and makes life so much easier!

  35. We bought one of those NuWave ovens that are supposed to cook food faster. Used it twice. It DOES cook fast, and steaks are juicy, but they don't get HOT. It's the damnedest thing. Now it's just another appliance on top of my refrigerator making me feel bad for not dusting it more often.
    Love, love, love my Foreman grill, though. I've just about worn out my third one.

  36. Before someone says it first: condoms.
    And in a more serious note, some cheap things as DVDs, videogames or books.

  37. I love my slow cooker so much I got the recipe book for it and I use it faithfully every winter. I love putting food in there in the morning and coming home to a meal. I've never had anything bad come out of it. I've been doing that for years.

    I also love my my cuisinart and mixer.

    I never use my exercise bike, sadly.

  38. OMG, I LOVE my NuWave! Frozen chicken breasts cooked in 20 minutes! The food always seems hot to me. *shrug*

    It's a PITA to clean if you don't have a dishwasher, though. And bacon never gets crispy on it. But for frozen fish, chicken, and steaks, I adore it. :-)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I love my slow cooker (always a Crockpot to me, lol). I use it in the winter all the time. Pulled pork, chicken tacos, lots of stuff.

    1. Yep I was wondering why noone called it a crockpot.

      Sing it, sister, about the food! Are you from reno? Raised in LV over the here.

  41. My exericse bike. Used it maybe five times at the most. It was so tedious that i got fed up with it. Now i use it to set my Blackbrry and Samsumg Tab on its seat when recharging.
    Also my Acer Netbook--used it very seldom, then was gifted above Tab. Still love the Netbook however and do intend to use it again someday. But the exercise bike will never feel the warmth if my booty again.

  42. A flat iron off Amazon but my mom took it and uses it regularly so it didn't go to waste.

  43. mini trampoline
    sexy underwear

  44. Treadmill. Bought it to try to work on strengthening a shattered ankle and even the slowest speed was too fast for my bad leg and I was terrified of falling off. Used it once.

    Love my programmable slow cooker--I have several regular things I make in the am--set it and when I finish work, I have a nice meal when I get home and no heating up the kitchen.

  45. I use my slow cooker to cook pot roasts and veg in the Summer so I don't have turn the oven on. I make salsa with my food processor.

    The Foreman Grill is too hard to clean, I can cook in a skillet. French press coffee pot, same reason, and the coffee isn't hot enough for long enough, nor does it make enough. But that's some damn good coffee.

    1. I love my French press but it's TOO much coffee for me.

  46. @Jenn said: The Foreman Grill is too hard to clean, I can cook in a skillet.


  47. Frufra - OMG. I KNOW!!! I'm constantly cleaning shit out and The Hubs goes to Goodwill like on a once-a-month basis. (We took part in my Mom's yard sale last year. That's a weekend I'll never get back.) South Jersey is like the land of yard/garage sales. Kill me.

    People totally keep giving me hand-me-downs for my son. It's getting to the point where I don't even go through it. I just ship it off to Goodwill. I do keep outerwear. I just KNOW we're going to get a snowstorm one day. Who the eff wants to buy a snowsuit for a toddler. But, really, why do people pass on worn out playground spaghetti-stained jeans. Seriously. I can spring the $8 for a pair of Old Navy jeans. Christ.

    My mom is ALWAYS passing on shit from yesteryear. She tried to give me a ye olde college T that was mine from almost 20 years ago. I'm like, Mom, seriously. Burn that shit.

    I get such anxiety from this topic because I am always cleaning out organizing and yet, I always feel like a disaster because people are always giving me things that I DO NOT WANT. I think this is because I have a gigantic basement. It's like a magnet for useless shit and clutter.

    Thank you for your support. Drowning my anxiety in wine. I should probably eat dinner. Yikes.

    1. @Susan, I am feeling ya on your whole comment here! We moved into a decent sized house with a large basement a little over a year ago, after having been in a tiny 1 br hubby and I both loathe clutter but now that we have the space, everyone else is dumping stuff on us. Our garage and basement have so much crap already and it's driving me crazy! Just wanted to commiserate ;) thanks! Lol

  48. This is like the best Your Turn ever. I have a ton of useless baby gadgetry that I was so adamant about having: ie., baby monitor - used it once; buried it in a box. I know when my baby screams. I do not need a monitor. Bottle warmer - So fucking stupid.

    And I have enough blankies for an orphanage.

  49. I seriously have purged since moving a few times. I plan to really pare down again. I don't miss/need/want that shit but I was unhappy for awhile and buying shit fulfilled something. (Nothing like 'hoarders' territory!)

    I do still have a trillion dvds and buying blurays I know I'll never watch except once. That's outta hand. But other than that, a lot of yards of fabric that I don't want to use because they're too pretty to cut.

  50. Yeah, I didn't realize how many sheets, oven mitts, pillow cases, or dish towels I'd amassed over the years.

  51. @Ivana:
    I was raised in Reno. Was there for 20 years. I'm in NC now.

  52. @Susan - no prob! And the baby stuff is really tricky, isn't it? I never needed a monitor, either - we lived in small houses when our kids were little - there was absolutely no guesswork there! BUT, I did love my bottle warmer - kept it bedside when my second one was a baby - didn't have to get up and walk around that way.

    One thing I hated was the Diaper Genie. I think it would be a good system if you weren't home all day and maybe only changed three or four diapers a day. But I stayed at home when my kids were babies, and lordy, we could fill up that sucker quick! I gave mine away and just started putting the diapers in grocery store bags. Easier and free.

  53. This is so interesting. I LOVE my slow cooker and rice cooker. I use my slow cooker to cook beans and chili. My rice cooker is programmed to have rice ready when I get home. It is so great to have a meal ready when I walk in the door!

  54. if any of you Kitchen Aide guys come back here- I saw somewhere the other day where you can get these cute decals to slap on em and change their appearance, tres chic!

  55. Ben wa balls. Damn things were so heavy they kept falling out. :-D
