Monday, September 30, 2013

Blind Item #6

This A list celebrity/singer tells everyone he is sober. Apparently those beers he was drinking this weekend while passing around joint after joint after his concert must just be part of his recovery program.


  1. Many will revile this point of view, but as a drug addict, I think that drinking 2 glasses of wine and potentially smoking marijuana some day (as it's legal in my state) is not that big a failure -- It wasn't until club drugs that I ever had a problem. If the celeb/singer can avoid hard drugs and stick with social use of alcohol and cannabis, I say he's not that bad off. (Of course, most druggy people have a hard time not going on a hard drug binge after getting high, though.)

  2. I agree @Barton Fink. I can safely drink a couple beers, smoke some weed...but if vodka comes out, or certain pills, I'm in trouble.

    After the hell I went through, why tempt fate though? ;)

  3. Blake Shelton was just in Detroit this weekend playing a concert.

  4. What are considered club drugs? Coke, heroin? Probably not weed or meth, I could see that.

    @Barton & Baby, good on you both for your strength.

    I have no horse in this race but I love Blake Shelton annoying the hell out of the Westboro idiots on Twitter.

  5. Plain and simple - if you are drinking, you are not sober.

  6. Right Moose and alcohol is what starts all the trouble for me.

    1. Ditto, Sherry. Another friend of Bill W here.

  7. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Keith Urban. He had 3 shows this past weekend.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous1:15 PM

    judgey judgey!

  10. I am a friend of Bill W. People who call themselves sober have admitted they are alcoholics or drug addicts. Those who go to AA agree that we can no longer drink or use. However, it is not the policy of the program to go chasing down our relapsed brothers and sisters. People have to want the program. So, if this artist is drinking beers or smoking dope maybe he was mistaken about being an addict? Whatever, it's his business and none of the alkies I know would judge him.

  11. @ Lisa......RIGHT ON!!!!

  12. @Cam Colty - where where?
