Thursday, September 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 19, 2013

This all time and will forever be an A+ list movie actor who is an Academy Award winner told some friends last week that he once offered this former A+ list mostly movie actress and still an A list Academy Award winner $50,000 to have sex with him. He says that she called him disgusting and then he said that he knew of at least two guys she had slept with for parts, so what did that make her?

Jack Nicholson/Nicole Kidman


  1. LOL I have heard stories about Jack offering actresses cash for sex so it does not surprise me one bit.

  2. Sounds like he should have offered her a part instead of money.

  3. That's a pretty awesome reveal! Thanks Ent. Wasn't she also revealed to be one of Warren Beatty's girls back in the day?

  4. He would've turned into an ice statue with the Ice Queen stare she would've given, I don't believe it!

  5. I don't believe this either. She was 21 and married to Cruise.

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Well we know Tom wasnt one of 'em...

  7. He DID offer her a part, Cool cool cool, but she either thought it or the mony wasn't big enough. :D

  8. he sounds like an A-hole. What does that make HIM if she sleeps with people for parts but wouldnt touch him for 50 grand?

    1. Exactly. And he's not exactly a graceful loser is he?

  9. @Steampunk Jazz, Touché! :)

  10. eris hilton: Not a hypocrite?

    He's happy to pay for sex, and doesn't see anything wrong with it.

    She says someone who pays for sex is disgusting, but has had sex for pay in the form of roles.

  11. Actually, she said that HE was disgusting. It could be that the thought of his old man balls grossed her out, regardless of the money offered.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Ha! Hes always so good with the repartee.

  13. The difference being, Nicole doesn't need 50 grand. She did NEED that Oscar.

  14. Was this recent? Have you seen him lately??!!

  15. I was going to say, there's nothing in the reveal that says this was a Long time ago just "in the past". But, after 'Dead Calm" she did 'Bangkok Hilton' and that is pre Tom....

  16. I'm suspicious of this one because Jack is so fiercely private and Enty has long been so nasty with Nicole.Sounds fishy to me.

  17. Sounds like what a chauvinist douche bag would say about a woman who turned him down. Just because he said it, doesn't make it true.

    Nicole had a lot going for her when she started, talent and beauty, and not cookie-cutter beauty, either. She definitely stood out. She probably didn't have to sleep with anybody to get parts. Even as far as her marriage to Tom, I think it was real for her at the beginning. I don't think she had any idea about how CoS was going to interfere.

  18. That would make her discerning, Jack. This reminds me of the old joke: what's the difference between a slut and a b&tch? A slut sleeps with everyone and a b&tch sleeps with everyone BUT you. Sorry, Mr. Nicholson. Wah wah.

  19. For the record, I NEVER saw the appeal of Jack Nicholson. He was always just a little too greasy for me, and it would cost a lot more than $50K. Co-starring with him in his next movie for about $20M with name above title plus backend might do it, though.

  20. They're both terrible.

  21. One of the greatest things I ever read. You know his retort took the wind outta Nicole and she was probably up all night w/ anxiety wondering who else knew about her casting couch stories.

  22. Anonymous12:30 PM

    You gotta love Jack

  23. Yeah, she called HIM disgusting. She could have meant his offer or she could have meant his ugly fat ass.

  24. Just a FYI, don't believe any NK stories on blind gossip sites.

    They're all warped in Scientology plants, Kidman married Cruise when she was 21 and had appeared in Dead Calm just before that.

    Dead Calm made her the hottest young property in Hollywood and apparently Arnold Schwarznegger wanted her cast in near every film with him.

    So unless Jack Nicholson knows a lot of Australian actors, this cannot possibly be true.

  25. So if she slept with someone for a part, then she can't turn down someone else? Yeah, logic fail. Yer nasty is showing.

  26. Lol! I 💚 Jack. Sorry to hear he's retired bc of memory loss.

  27. I'm pretty sure Nicole Kidman gets paid more than $50k for a part.

  28. Maybe she didn't have a problem with the money or doing it for a movie part, maybe it was having sex with Jack that was disgusting.

  29. Jack, you devil.

  30. She was with Sam Neil for a while early on, not sure if that was before or after Dead Calm but dating him couldn't have hurt her career back then. She "dated" Warren Beatty so he is most likely to have blabbed to Jack about that.

  31. Jack is gross. Always has been. Good for Nicole. Think of the dirties!

  32. Are there REALLY still people naive enough to think that because a beautiful woman can act she really stands a chance getting a major role in Hollywood?

    Independent or self-financed, maybe, but if it's a choice between a great actress (which sorry, Nicole isn't - she's a goddamned mouthbreather) and a woman who can't act but will suck a dick, the producer/director/lead will cast whoever puts out every time.

    I'm not saying they ALL put out; just the ones cast in big roles.

    Someone with Calista Flockhart's background, for example, would make her likely NOT one to suck dick for parts. Apart from Ally McBeal, she's been known mostly for stage and smaller, independent films. Not the resume of a cum-guzzler.

    Megan Fox, on the other hand, could impregnate an entire wing of a fertility clinic's egg storage facility with one sneeze.

  33. Nicole Kidman is a brilliant actress, you need to watch her independent stuff.
