Thursday, September 05, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

It looks like Justin Bieber is finally going through puberty or he found the eyebrow pencil again.
Josh Duhamel spends some time away from Axl to do some manly things like look at guys in tool belts.
Jamie Foxx in Madrid.
Jessica Biel nurses a beer at the US Open.
Katie Couric showed off her new ring at the tournament.
Dakota Fanning showed off her boyfriend.
Even Vivica Fox was there. She was probably shocked someone recognized her.
Michael Strahan is a big tennis fan and wants to play doubles with
Jimmy Buffet.


  1. Oh Vivi, that outfit is horrible, esp. the pants.

  2. Bieber is one bad ass mo fo. I'd hate to tangle with him.

    I've been waiting for Dakota to start the bearding schtick.

    Jimmy Buffet is aces.

  3. Bieber reminds me when they would always make fun of Bud on Married with Children. They were always telling him to wash the dirt off his face.

  4. Baby Beibs needs to wash his face--there's dirt on his upper lip. If that is an intentional attempt to grow some peach fuzz, someone needs to tell him how much he looks like the douchiest of douche bags. Gah why couldn't he have found a better crowd to run with. They've turned him into a walking joke. Loose the fug hats too.

  5. Dakota needs to do something else with her hair - it's starting to remind me of Goopy's!

  6. ahhh, Dakota's boyfriend is such a hottie. He's a model and his name is Jamie Strachan. He's also close friends with Rob Pattinson.

  7. god damn it Beibs!
    that's where my eyebrow pencil went!
    i thought my daughter got into my makeup bag again. i've had no eyebrows for 3days now, u fucker!

  8. Ugh




  9. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Biebers getting fuglier every day. Lil douches fans are gonna drop him like a hot rock.

  10. I rarely *snort*, but I totally did a "snort" when I saw that pic of Bieber. Ah, memories of junior high when every kid grew a teeny mustashe because he suddenly could.

    1. Anonymous12:09 AM

      MK: he excitedly rushed in & showed his entourage his "first hair down there". Next week, expect his balls to drop and his 1st wet dream.

  11. JLo is back on American Idol??? Why??? She was horrible the first 2 times she was on. I hate that show.

  12. Ahahhahahahajhahahahhahajaha omfg Justine bieber's moustache is hilarious!!!

  13. Vivica, I'm gonna let that outfit slide since you were hilarious on your season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I will always have a soft spot for you. Plus, you hosted Jerseylicious reunions. Oh, the humanity.

  14. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Katie looks so happy ---- "giiirrrrrrrl I'm engaged!"

    SeƱor Bieber!

  15. "Nursing a beer" usually means holding on to it between sips, not having it it sitting in front of you.

  16. Damn Biel is fugly.

  17. Sorry, this is going to come off as really intolerant, but Biel looks the rabid Navratilova fans my dyke friends used to make fun of, the ones who would buy up her used court sneaks and then ask her to sign 'em at the gate.

  18. Just when you thought the Biebs couldn't POSSIBLY get ANY douchier... He goes and cranks it to 11.

  19. My hubby's man-crush is Jimmy Buffet. Mine is Jimmy Fallon.

  20. All the disgust I had for the Bieber has sort of drained away. I think I've finally built up an immunity to prepubescent douchebags or something, decades too late.

  21. Biebs needs to get to an Emdochrinologist stat. He has zero testosterone, which leads me to think $elina didn't see much action in da boudoir with Justin's micro junk. $he had to be getting something other than massive press.

  22. Josh Duhamel can come to my house and fix anything he wants

  23. I hate Jimmy Buffet

    I really fucking hate him SO. MUCH.
