Thursday, September 05, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Jessica Simpson relives her Dukes Of Hazzard Days with these shorts.
Keira Knightley discovers one great thing about having a husband is to have him carry all your dresses.
Lindsay Lohan is looking a little rough.
Long time no see in the photos for Lorenzo Lamas and his wife.
Miley Cyrus shills for Chanel.
Mel Gibson shills for the benefits of hormone replacement therapy. HGH cocktails for everyone.
Martha Stewart plays the role of grandmother. It;'s a good thing.
Naomi Watts is actually smiling even though
she just had dinner with Sean Penn.


  1. "A little rough" is being generous...

  2. Jessica Simpson is starting to have a signature look, like a real fashion exec. She wears nothing but caftans or whatever they are called.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The cracker already has "grandma skin", that's just crazy. Her 19 year old sister though looks even worse. She looks like she just opened the Ark of the Covenant

  4. Lindsay cracks me up. What a moron.

  5. Wait, I thought Naomi and Sean didn't get along. Something about her man punching Sean for being inappropriate.

    I thought that Keira pic was Olivia Wilde at first.

    Um Lindsay has been looking a little rough for quite a while. This is not a new thing.

  6. Why does Lindsay insist on carrying a bottle with her everywhere she goes? Guess we know its not really water in there. Her ship sailed long ago... Never to return.

  7. @mistang I thought the Keira pic was Natalie Portman.

  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Shes been looking really rough for the last five years at least. The booze and cigs are catching up to her

  9. Wow I didn't even recognize Lindsay at first! At least she's wearing a bra?

  10. Jessica looks really great.

    Keira looks so much happier and healthier since she got married.

  11. Lindsay still has nice bewbs. Just sayin'...

  12. Thank you, Keira Knightley, for ditching the overalls.

    Is Miley in costume? What the fuck?

    Love Martha.

    Jess looks cute.

  13. I got 10 years on Linds and she looks older then me, yikes!!!

  14. lindsay's looking a lil rolypoly rub a dub CHUB...'

    ... has food become a replacement for....?? Naaaghhhh....she's probably stealing it too.

  15. Lindsay's always bigger when she's pounds start to melt in 3...2....

  16. Actually, Lohan was looking pretty good, what, two days ago? How do you go from looking recovery-healthy to obvious coke bloat in 48 hours? Oh right, silly question....

  17. Lilo looks like 1950's Joan Crawford. Not that this is a bad thing - unless you're under 40...If she's clean, though, good for her!

    Jessica Simpson looks great. Lots of "after" shots of celebs in the pictures today.

  18. I would never pick out or wear any of Kiera's outfits, but I love them on her. They are simple and plain, but they compliment her beauty and for some reason, for me it works.

  19. I would never pick out or wear any of Kiera's outfits, but I love them on her. They are simple and plain, but they compliment her beauty and for some reason, for me it works.

  20. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I love Martha Stewart!

    I want Kiera Knightly's cute dress!

    I've got 18 years on Lohan and (IMO) look alot less worn.

    Jessica Simpson looks beautiful!

  21. Lindsay is looking suspiciously coke-bloaty in that pic.

  22. Jessica is a beautiful woman. Lohan, poor thing.

  23. If I were Jessica, I'd let the nanny carry that big ass bag, and I'd carry the chubby little blonde angel. That's just me
