Friday, November 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 1, 2008

Anyway, this married NBA All Star took a little time away from the family this weekend to play his own version of Santa Claus. No, this isn't a kindness. Apparently he and one of his long time friends got a suite this weekend and invited a gaggle of strippers. Our basketball player dressed as Santa, minus the pants and invited each of the strippers to sit on his lap. Yep. Each one got a turn with Santa and then his friend who didn't dress up. Seems kind of a waste of a good theme. Anyway, the strippers stayed for several hours until Santa and his friend were completely satisfied and finished spreading their holiday joy. Then Santa went back home to the wife and kid/kids to spend some quality time with the family.

Kobe Bryant


  1. Lately, these blind reveals have been the equivalent of me regifting calendars from 1998.

    1. I knew I'd eventually understand the link jests from the future, heh @V

      《《 future posts that way, with kittehs!

      I read back 》》》》
      《《《《 to the future


  2. Kobe cheats Vanessa loves her lifestyle and free gifts when she catches him we get it.

  3. I don't believe this blind for a second. Kobe doesn't have any friends.

  4. hahaha @TalksTooMuch!

  5. Kobe does too have friends--he has a mirror.

  6. LOL @ TalksTooMuch!

    EWWW @ "spreading their holiday joy"

    Also, if "servicing" happens, they're not strippers.

    1. Filthy minds high-five, @7, I did an identical mental summary as you.

  7. @Talkstoomuch, I'm sure you're right. I'm betting he only has 'friends' that he has pay to kick it with.

    So there he is, paying for a wife, sex, and buddies, too. Hell, I'll bet his own kids won't hang out with him for free.

  8. Strippers don't fuck for $ they strip. These girls are hookers.

  9. For pay friends of Kobe.

  10. I agree with several of the above posts. Strippers rarely turn tricks and once they do they become hookers or aspiring actresses. I sure hope condoms were used.
