Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 15, 2008

Some of my favorite blind items have come from the accountant and in honor of it being tax day here in the US, I give you the best one he has given me so far for this year. There are plenty more, but this is the best. The very best. It is actually one of the best of all time as far as jaw dropping goes.

This A list actor. 95% of the time film. Single and allegedly never married. This is the first year he used this accountant and when he was reviewing the forms he noticed that he was listed as single on the tax forms. Our actor then proceeded to tell the accountant that the actor has been married for many years. The fact that he has only seen his foreign wife once in the interim did not change the fact that he was married. Our actor apparently does send money sometimes to his wife, but apparently does so in his corporate name. The accountant got the feeling that the wife actually has no idea who she is actually married to. Our actor meanwhile loves the deduction that comes with being married. It apparently is the one thing he really enjoys about being married. He also uses it as an excuse when a woman tries to pressure him into marriage. He explains to prospective future brides that although he would love to get married to them he is unfortunately already married and the process for divorce will take a year or two. In the meantime why not just live together or be girlfriend and boyfriend. Invariably the relationship dies out before the divorce becomes final. The actor never starts the paperwork and has never been challenged by the IRS about being married. They must not read the tabloids.

Keanu Reeves


  1. That's pretty juicy.

  2. He is so strange. And a cheap bastard. This guy has so much money from his Matrix movies etc. yet he wears shoes held together with duct tape? and I guess there goes all the gay rumors cause he is always being sighted in stories involving heterosexual relationships.

    1. And worst still, on occasion, he smells...or so I've read. What is it with these bazillionaire a list actors and their b.o. issues. Pitt, clooney have been said to stink to high heaven on occaaion.

    2. I have friends that work in wardrobe on sets, and have never heard this about Keanu, but they looove to tell about the horrors of Leo, Depp, Pitt, Hawke. Supposedly, all are gaggy as hell. Yum! Dirty poop drawers, unwashed for weeks hair, old, old BO, lizard breath and slime teeth.

    3. Lol di!! Yikes what a downer if you lust after one of them only to find out they smell like something died in their man snatch.

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Nothing turns you off quicker than arse smell and skiddies

  3. Keanu is killing a couple of birds here with one stone. Very clever. Awesome even.

  4. why get challenged? even if foreign, if she does not want a green card and pushing around the irs has nothing to check upon. less so if there is a long lasting marriage.

    and he was revealed in a few very kind blinds where he gave a lot of support.

    he may be troubled, but he is ok. more than many addicts in the business

  5. Bull. Shit. When you get that far up the income ladder the deduction you get from being married doesn't make that much of a difference. Not to mention the foreign tax implications that come with the wife living abroad. Add in the accountant running the risk of losing his license and client base for disclosing this info and you have a whole lot of nope.

  6. Damn, @Lucas, what's your problem? Coming up in here talking sense and logic!

    I read this on another site. Poor Keanu, he just can't win.

    Keanu Reeves and Alan Cumming get married
    Wednesday March 31,11:59 PM ET

    MASSACHUSETTS (Providence Journal) - First Rosie, now Keanu! Only days before the Massachusetts legislature was set to vote on the banning of gay marriages in their state, actors Keanu Reeves and Alan Cumming, raced over there to marry one another before a small party of invited friends. Reeves, star of such films as "The Matrix", "Something's Gotta Give" and "Point Break" had always been rumored to be gay, but always maintained his heterosexuality. Cumming, star of such films as "Spy Kids" and "X-Men 2" had always been openly bi-sexual, but had never married before. The duo, who had apparently been "secretly dating on-and-off" for over four years, wrote their own vows and recited them while Melissa Etheridge softly hummed "Come Through my Window" in the background.

    1. April Fools Seven!!

    2. @Johnny, please - like I'm going to believe someone whose last name is an adverb.

  7. If you google enough, there are articles about him getting married in the early to mid 2000's

    1. and i'll add: to a woman.

    2. Right, Autumn Macintosh. Even if he is married the reasons given in the blind are shit.

    3. I still don't believe it. Also forgot about Enty revealing that Keanu stalks Charlize Theron.

      Why does Enty hate Keanu? If its because of the Matrix sequels, you can't put all the blame on KR.

  8. If he is married to a broad we never see or hear from, then it could be the broad in the Matrix with him. Only other thing I remember her in is Memento.

  9. I'm sort of confused - how does the wife not know who she's married to? I mean at the very least they must have been together at the ceremony? Or does it just mean she didn't know he was famous?

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    @Violet - exactly. That's what I was coming here to say! I don't know people get married without at least being in each other's presence at least once, for the wedding. Maybe someone else knows how that works?

  11. Oh, please. Keanu is married to David Geffen. Everyone knows that.

  12. Totally confused by this entire blind. So no woman he's ever dated has leaked the "he's already married" line to anyone, the press, etc.?

    Stop hatin' on Keanu. He just lives his life. And gives away millions of his own dollars to charity and others.

    Oh, and according to Enty, stalks Charlize.

  13. I just got "let go" today. Where can I find a fake wife position to apply for???

  14. What the fucking fuck?!? So Keanu's both a creepy/angry stalker ex-boyfriend and now a tax evading, faux husband as well? Today-Enty, if this is really true, you kinda outed the accountant who knowingly assisted Keanu in perpetuating tax fraud. All the IRS has to do is look through his old tax returns and investigate all of the filing parties.

    1. The accountant who is also a CPA if he is doing tax returns will not get in trouble in anyway for letting him file as married if you read that fine print on the paper you sign after your CPA finishes your taxes it clearly states that he has no responsibility for any incorrect information you are providing. So I doubt the accountant would care.

    2. The accountant who is also a CPA if he is doing tax returns will not get in trouble in anyway for letting him file as married if you read that fine print on the paper you sign after your CPA finishes your taxes it clearly states that he has no responsibility for any incorrect information you are providing. So I doubt the accountant would care.

  15. Surely this should read "he was listed as MARRIED on the tax forms"?

  16. @bekH, I'm sorry to hear that you were let go today :(

    1. Wow, that SUCKS, @bekH. I will say a prayer for you to find something JUST RIGHT, right away. Best of luck to you!

  17. I can't imagine Keanu would care about a tax is not an issue clearly.

  18. well you learn something new everyday. Didn't realize Keanu was so generous with his fortune.

  19. @Just Another HR Lady: Thanks for the link. That sums up a lot of odds and ends I've heard about Keanu. It also basically calls "BS" on the blind!

  20. He is extremely generous with his good fortune, I will never have a bad word to say about him. The article also failed to mention that he bought all of the stuntmen on The Matrix each a Harley.

  21. Is it a mail-order bride? That he just married once and supports for her silence?

    I don't want to believe this, though. His Reddit AMA and "Good Guy Keanu" stories seem factual and easily corroborated.

  22. Bullshit

    I've read several blinds where you out the source. Nobody will be sending u tips if u keep it up.

  23. Always will love keanu

  24. Still love him! Weird tax set up tho.

  25. Okaaaay, lemme see if I can work this actor, worth millions per movie, marries someone he has never met who lives in a foreign country to save money on his taxes. His TAXES. And so he doesn't have to commit to any of the "women" he is dating. Apparently doesn't stop him from literally committing to Alan Cumming, who can rock a mesh shirt like nobody's business.

    Do you think someone is floating screenplay ideas on here? Maybe for an online soap opera?

  26. There is no tax advantage tobeing married. LOL!

  27. I don't believe this for one damn minute. However, I would marry Keanu with the quickness! Sign me up.

  28. I love Keanu. He's just a good guy going about his life. And I give him a lot of credit for that, since I think most people would crawl in a hole and give up breathing after losing both his girlfriend and his baby.

  29. Wait! Keaunu is straight? Are you sure?

  30. I like Keanu, he keeps his shit private. And, if he keeps things the way they are he may have one of the longest lasting marriages in Hollywood.

  31. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Oh come on, people. I'm gay and I was married for a few years so a female friend of mine wouldn't get deported. So why is it so hard to believe KR would be married (or say he was) as a cover-up for the fact he's gay? Lord knows he would just be one in a very long line of fellow actors (and actresses) who have done the same thing. He could even have asked the accountant to release this information. (And if he didn't, it's a pretty safe bet the accountant will never make another dime off him.)

  32. I call BS on this blind, simply because Keanu isn't that stupid. Remember the whole fiance dies and they lost a baby story? This guy has way more heart than this blind, and all the other information you all have shared, than what this blind implies. I wonder why Enty would even spew this crap. It's so not even believable.

  33. Holy Shit! I've seen him with a 32-33'ish Korean woman a couple of times. Wonder if it's her?

  34. Way smarter than I'd have ever given him credit for.

  35. But this contributes to his being far too fucking weird to ever live a normal life.


  36. If one was so far up one's own ass, I can see one thinking one's own body funk was something SPEcial...

  37. I'm starting to believe that Keanu is one of the Enties and that he is writing this stuff just to fuck with us.

  38. Geez, I guy can be generous and married for tax purposes.

    I wonder if it's a Virgo thing. My ex, a Virgo, did this to me. It took me forever to get divorced from him because he liked being married when he was screwing around. He would tell the poor woman that I wouldn't give him a divorce and play it along until she dumped him. I had so many women threatening me because of him.

  39. Tax savings from spousal deduction $1-2K a year. Expense of divorce - 50% of all assets. Sounds like he isn't going to increase the average intelligence of the actor gene pool.

  40. I don't really see the problem here, many more do far worse. He's just avoiding marriage... ooh what a jerk!!! (sarcasm)

  41. Keanu is a saint. Obviously no one knows the loss he has suffered family members along with the love of his life and a baby.or the money he gives to people. I don't care what he does...he's got an IOU into the next life.neo forever <3

  42. Keanu is a saint. Obviously no one knows the loss he has suffered family members along with the love of his life and a baby.or the money he gives to people. I don't care what he does...he's got an IOU into the next life.neo forever <3
