Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Who Is The Mom?

Short but juicy and front page tabloid material when revealed. Oh it needs to be. Actress is A list bordering on A+ list. Academy Award nominee/winner. Aging but not old and looks amazing. All of her children IVF. None of her children used her eggs. One of the dads won't care. The other one will go ballistic when he finds out because she told him they were using her eggs. Our actress found someone who looks a lot like her and used her eggs for all her babies.


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  2. 2seperate fathers: Halle?

  3. I like the Halle guess. Current French hubby won't like it.

    1. Yasss! Try Leigh, I totally think this is Halle Scary.

  4. Ok, these medical professionals that are leaking all this private medical information need to have their licenses revoked, just saying.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Why assume it was a med professional that leaked it?? Surely she has some friends.

  5. Agree with Halle.

  6. Halle.

    With Gabriel being the dad who won't care

  7. What reason would she have to not use her own eggs?

    1. Maybe they weren't viable.
      Maybe she had none & was sterile from birth.

  8. Maybe cuz she's a type 1 diabetic? Maybe didn't want to pass that on? Idk

  9. I think they'd be more pissed if they found out it wasn't their sperm. Seriously over the age of 40 a woman's eggs may be not so fresh is the best way I can say it. And I say it because it happened with a friend of mine.

  10. @Sugar, maybe something was wrong with her eggs? Or they were just "old"?

    Or maybe there are health problems that she doesn't want to pass on o her kids, but also doesn't want to tell her husband about?

  11. This is psycho behavior so I'm going with Halle the Psycho. What a scheming, lying bitch. The dad that cares could have a field day in court.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Psycho behaviour Harry? I'd like to see your degree in psychology (or anything for that matter). You are fucking clueless.

  12. *to (I hate typos--it makes me feel less superior to Enty)

  13. Ahhh, I see. I have spent my whole life trying to not have kids so I really don't know about such things. Thanks for the schooling.

    And because I haven't been able to say it about Halle in a while......


  14. What might freak the dad out is who the actress found who looks like her. A sister? A grown daughter?

  15. So she's basically a surrogate but carrying her child, she's carrying someone else's egg. Technically the other women could ask for some custody. What a messy situation. Speaking of messy what's wrong with her dna that she doesn't want it passed on to her children.

  16. This is completely selfish and controlling behavior, so of course it has to be Halle.

  17. It is unfair to believe that she didn't want to use her own eggs, there are cases of infertility where you HAVE to use donor eggs if you want to experience pregnancy and carry it to full term.

  18. @Karen, it's okay, even with the odd error, we know you're superior to Enty-of-the-day. :D

  19. I thought of Nicole Kidman.

    1. Plus 2. I think people are way off with the halle guess.

    2. But Keith urban is the father of both her kids

    3. There were rumours of her using her sister's husband

    4. There were rumours of her using her sister's husband

    5. There were rumours of her using her sister's husband

    6. Elat, her one daughter looks just like her, so must be her eggs.

  20. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Some people do choose this route for noble health reasons. Not just illnesses like high familial rates of heart disease or cancer. But numerous studies have shown the instances of serious mental illness like schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder, or developmental disorders like ADHD or autism, can have hereditary links.

  21. Pretty much every reason I can think of for her not using her own eggs is either practical or rational (her age, any medical complications she might be prone to during or after the procedure to get the eggs, if she's had genome testing done or is just generally concerned about passing on some health issue -- including mental).

    The only "bad" reasons I can think of for her to use someone else is if she thought it would be too much hassle or pain to get them from her. Or, if she's a total sociopath, some long con where she leaves each kid with the respective dad and cackles as she yells out, "Sucker!"

    I agree that if this is coming from medical staff, someone should be fired. This is super, super shitty info to reveal.

    She's their mother no matter where the egg came from. Same as if they used some other dude's sperm or adopted. Genetics do not define who your parents are.

    I guess Halle and, while I don't condone lying about the source of the egg, I really don't see it as this horrible betrayal worth going ballistic over. Then again, I have a partner who I could just say this to from the get-go.

  22. Halle Berry, Maybe she didn't want to pass down her original nose lol

  23. Hell Gabriel could go for full custody then… right?

  24. I thought Nicole had her sister carry her kid(s) for her....?

  25. if it halle berry, then she didn't use her eggs cause she don't want to pass the crazy on to her childrens. quite thoughtful of her.

    Now if it is found out that first kid aint hers biologically, can the dude get her aced out of the kid's life? Can she get out of paying support? Biological parents always have a leg up in court, right?

  26. +1 @Lenore. We're on the same page. If it were for medical reasons, Enty might have mentioned it. I'm thinking the actress has had so much work done ( eg Halle Berry and Demi Moore) that she doesn't want to run the risk of her kids inheriting her original, strong features. Take a look at Demi's kids. They have her original features.

    1. You have an interesting thought. My friend said yesterday that's why we can't see Kompass.
      The extreme narcissism would be the why. I go with Halle too.

  27. In Australia if you sign the birth certificate you are considered the parent, even if later on you find out the child is not yours biologically. It is considered no different than adoption.

  28. There is another reason though I imagine the diabetes argument is a good one for the Halle Berry guess and there are other genetic things one would prefer not to pass on if you knew.

    But maybe she had her ovaries removed for a medical reason though I don't know if you can still carry a child.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Demi's kids also have their father's features, which look good on him.

  31. Halle was IVF for both pregnancies, no matter how much she pretends that second pregnancy was a "surprise". So I could see it being her.

    And using another egg for medical reasons makes 100% sense to me, but I don't see why anyone would lie about it. They're still her children.

  32. If it's Halle they'll breath a sigh of relief…the woman is nuts.

  33. I'm guessing Gabriel would go ballistic because of their custody battle?

  34. And Enty would know this how?

    I've never seen a gossip outlet, web or otherwise, that has so much secret and private medical information about celebs that -no one- else has or ever gets. Paternity, cancer, plastic surgery, counseling; Enty must have a huge network of medical staff willing to risk their jobs (and freedom, if HIPAA is violated) to give him leads for his blinds.

  35. her eggs are past their 'use by' date, plain and simple. the diabetes is another good reason. as for her not wanting hers used, that's stupid. there's not much to egg retrieval so it's nothing to avoid. jesus, she's what? 47?? only thing wrong here is not telling the fathers.

  36. Yeah, I think everyone is off track with the Halle guess to. I don't think it is her.

  37. Certainly its none of our business, but the father should know.

  38. You cannot reveal this. Not good at all.

  39. Not Kidman. She & Tom were both adopted. She & Urban married before she had the other 2.

  40. I'm thinking about Jodie Foster.

  41. I believe here in the good ole USA if you are listed on the birth certificate you are the parent, regardless.

    It would take some pretty heavy shit to get that changed.

  42. It can't be Kidman b/c Jeith is the father to both children she carried. Unless that's part of the blind I missed. Who has kids with separate dads that fit the profile?

  43. Nicole only carried first daughter(maybe) who knows anymore?

    1. You're right I forgot a surrogate carried the 2nd.

  44. Well if Halle, it means that she used IVF, and isn't she claiming it was a natural conception?

    I would think Gabriel Autry would sue for custody. The other guy had to be in on it because he had to donate sperm, so I don't think he would care about the egg anyway.

  45. The only A list actresses who have been nominated/won an Oscar that I can think of with multiple baby daddies that could fit are Kate Winslet, Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry, and Kate Hudson. Reese's kids look just like her so I doubt it is her.

  46. Susan Sarandon, Melanie Griffinth, Sally Field and Mo'nique also could fit but I think it is someone younger.

  47. SO weird! I can NOT imagine any person in a relationship not talking to their partner about ALL of this. Like, wouldn't the dad be at the dr.'s appts and the works?

  48. Probably Halle Berry, and didn't want to use her own eggs due to mental illness. I have a friend who is also doing this.
    Her and Le Squintez used sex selection as well cause he wanted a boy.

  49. I can't see this as Kate Winslet. I remember when she said she gave birth to her daughter naturally and then admitted it was a C section. She felt mother's guilt from not having natural birth. So I think it's a big deal to her that her kids are totally from her and not from someone else's eggs.

    My guess is Halle Berry. The woman has deep issues. Didn't she try to commit suicide once? She's all over the place and maybe she didn't want to pass that down to her children. Her new husband won't care but her ex will. She treated her ex like crap during the custody battle and if he finds out she didn't even discuss IVF with him for the baby, it'll probably push him over the edge. It's another bombshell he'd have to deal with.

  50. After reading the Halle Berry guesses, another reason behind this could be plastic surgery. Maybe the girl who donated the eggs looks like the post-surgery version of the actress. Had they used her own eggs, the children would obviously look more like her pre-surgery.

    I just think that she would've discussed this with the daddies if it were for medical reasons.

  51. Why would she use someone elses eggs? Has to be a medical reason as to why. I have no clue who it could be.

  52. Nicole...rumours a long time ago she is a hermaphrodite...also heard from a friend who has worked on fancy yachts in Europe claims she no control over her bowels and her beds need complete makeovers in the morning...

  53. The verbiage (I know, I know, grain of salt) says "None of her children," which implies more than two; "dads" means more than one father (which means not Nicole Kidman). There's no way this is Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep or Sally Field and it's unlikely this is Susan Sarandon or Melanie Griffith.

    That leaves Kate Winslet, Monique and...



  54. And I'll say Kate Winslet

  55. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "None of her children used her eggs"?????

  56. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Aren't we all very judgey?

  57. Halle is the best fit and makes the most sense. I immediately thought this had to be the case when she announced her 2nd pregnancy..

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  59. All her children sounds like at least three.
