Thursday, November 28, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 24, 2009

This young Golden Globe winner/nominee actress who is probably C list, but with B list name recognition sticks primarily to movies and has won multiple awards. What doesn't stick to her apparently is food. Last night at dinner, she ate dinner, excused herself and promptly rid herself of it in the bathroom. She came out after and ordered dessert. Another trip to the bathroom and she was ready to go home. To be fair, my spy saw her go into the bathroom after dessert, but didn't follow our actress to find out if she threw up dessert as well. Her male companion paid the bill, but I'm wondering why even bother to go out or buy our actress a meal if that is what she is going to do.

Emmy Rossum


  1. I was bulimic for 8 years. It is a sad state of mind. You love the taste of food, but the power to ditch it is too strong. It is a control issue for most, not a weight issue. Most bulimics are not stick thin, unless they are starving themselves too.

  2. Thank you @parissucks. Bulimia is no joke. Even "kicking" it after maaaany years, I still can't eat any amount without feeling sick.

  3. I hate when I read these ….so sad

    Wish you all well

  4. How much would you pay m to be your spy, enty?

    Dead serious

  5. @parissucks & @Dixie, I hope you are both doing well in your recovery.

    Pretty big reveals lately - makes you wonder what's going on.

  6. A family member struggled with bulimia for a long time, very much was not stick thin. It's no joke. I find the tone of the blind strange, I was always so sad and disappointed when I found out she was at it again.

  7. Hope she beats this Bulimia thing. Here's her tits.

  8. Hugs and love to those who struggle with this. I really hope no one is triggered by this reveal...a lot of us are likely struggling with this issue on this day of gluttony. I know I am and it's been well over 10 years since I've recovered.

  9. my sympathies to all who struggle with bulimia. As Meanie said I hope this day isn't a trigger for those who have worked so hard to overcome.

  10. oh boy, here we go....
    Meanie Rhysie laying claim to yet another disorder/traumatic experience. Don't forget hypochondria and pathological lying Rhysie. You go, girl!

    1. Lay off, fake Count. It's Thanksgiving for god sakes!

  11. You are such a kind hearted pervon, Harry.

    Wonder if she noticed the 'spy'? She may have been in the bathroom calling the cops about a stalker.

  12. Oh look, it's the vicious, soulless cunt back again!

    Guess the cat released your forked tongue?

  13. Thank's Bacon. To quote Popeye, "I yam what I yam and that"s all that I yam" And not to be a grammer nazi or anything but you mispelled "person".

  14. @Harry, not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but it's "thanks" and "that's" with apostrophes, and you misspelled grammar.

    1. The misspelling Of grammar in a post about another's poor grammar skills is EVERYTHING. Now Harry, I think you need to have several seats. :-)

    2. Ok, here it is, though at this late hour I doubt anyone is going to see it. My original "grammEr Nazi" comment was made in jest. Bacon purposely misspelled "person" so as to take a little shot at me. She was calling me a "perv". I got it, andI responded in what I intended as a humorous way by pretending that she had made a spelling mistake. I made all sorts of grammatical errors myself in that comment. And you mean nasty cows have been tormenting me ever since.

  15. And, pervon was definitely spelled correctly. :)

  16. Seven, guilty on all counts. Did a poor job with that post.

    Meanie, here's a little "Bella Thorne fucking a dog" for ya.

  17. Thank you for the support. :)
    I have not thrown up in 15 years, of which I am very proud. But the mindset never completely leaves.
    Love and strength to my sisters and brothers affected by this disorder.

  18. Hugs to @Paris and @Dixie. I admire your courage in beating bulimia.

  19. Wow @Count
    Usually I find your schtick (somewhat) funny, but that was just mean and catty!

    1. @Melly Bell, that is not the real Count. Some cunt thinks she can make Count Jerkula persona non grata around here by pretending to be him and picking on people. The real Count is crass, but he doesn't go after people like that.

  20. That's not the actual Count, Melly.
    It's a poor soul who has nothing better to do than pretend to be him because she thinks he should be kicked off the site.
    You can tell by the profile (and the avi)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Well look at you cool cool cool :)
    Or should I call you fast fast fast?
    JINX (by a minute)
    I owe you a coke.

  22. Fake Count is deffo an overeater, so don't even poke fun at eating disorders. Fatten a cat up enough, it's animal abuse.

  23. Fake Count gave us all a Thanksgiving gift, she reminded us all why she is bitter garbage.

  24. You're right Harry, it was a joke.
    I think everyone was playing along ;)
    C'mon, misspelling grammar while even pretending to correct someone else has to be called out.
    It's a rule of the internet.

    Count, imitation = flattery, eh?
    At least they could try a little harder, though.

  25. Ok, Bacon, I didn't get that everyone was playing along You ladies are a sly bunch. I need to pick up my game.
