Friday, November 15, 2013

Four For Friday - The Battle

It is Friday today and the weather has gone from hotter than August to LA parka weather in a matter of about 24 hours. yesterday when it was in the mid 90's it was tough to believe there were less than six weeks until Christmas. Today? Well it isn't snow and it probably will stay real close to 70, but yeah, well, it is cold at night. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will be here blogging away with reveals and blinds and counting down the days until I can open my Star Wars Lego advent calendar. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I would love to see you. I am @entylawyer and you can watch me discuss fascinating topics like hotel toilet paper with Sir-Mix-A-Lot

There have been dings in the armor before. A nick or two here and there but things have been controlled the way they always are. This family might change all of that. They have the potential and capability to bring down an entire empire unlike anything seen before. It would be catastrophic because they know everything and are never shy about truth telling. Well, as long as it benefits them.

It starts with this former B list television/movie actress who has an A++ list name and does not really act any longer. Go ahead and ask her a question about her family but she won't answer. Oh she might give you some type of vague platitude but she can't and won't talk about them. None. Behind the scenes there is an epic battle which will cause all kinds of destruction to the thing she holds most sacred and has the potential to bring down a very powerful organization.

There are literally generations in this family taking sides and there is plenty of money that is being offered or threatened for each person willing to commit to a side. Meanwhile the organization is doing everything they can to prepare themselves in advance if the most well known B list celebrity in the family starts naming names and secrets she knows.


  1. Xenu's playhouse, but which family is it?

  2. Kirstie Alley/Leah Remini/Scientology

  3. How 'bout Priscilla Presley, Co$, and Lisa Marie leaving Co$?

    1. Ooh, I like this. Lisa Marie has been getting more vocal in interviews lately.

    2. I like the LMP guess. I swear to Xenu, if this bitch cracks and crumbles, destroying that cult, I'm just going to spend like 3 hours in the bed just masturbating and thinking of e-meters and flying ashtrays.

  4. the spelling family?

  5. CO$, for sure,but who is brave enough to talk?

  6. Totally the Presley's

  7. Scientology, Priscilla Presley and Lisa Marie Presley

  8. Yep Priscilla, Lisa Marie and Riley vs Xenu and their levitating army of closeted actors.

  9. Priscilla and the Presley's came to mind. Go Lisa Marie!!!!!

  10. I read this too fast, thinking the family was the broad Scientology organization. Definitely the Presleys.

  11. Would Leah Rimini be considered b list?

  12. Lisa Marie and CO$ for sure.

  13. Quite a battle brewing. Good for Lisa and Riley for getting out.

    1. @V!!! Where have you been?

    2. Kristin!! People in town, an injured toe, a hair catastrophe, blah, blah, blah...I had to "go dark" for a bit.

      I'm on a long ferry/car ride so I figured I'd check in. Missed everyone!

    3. Sorry about the toe @V, but what's the hairtastrophe? I heart your hair in your avatar and am sending anti split end prayers out.

      Good to see you, lovely ;)

    4. Thanks Alita :) I had to hack some hair off, but all is okay...well I think it is. I've had my hair in two French braids since the "incident". Toe is getting there, I'm just sad I lost a freshly pedicured nail. Be sure to remember - big toes and riggers don't mix.

  14. Who's the former actress. Not Lisa, Riley or Priscilla - especially not for movies.

    Otherwise I hope it is them, I want to witness the destruction of the CO$.

  15. Priscilla was definitely an actor back in the day. Some of us are old enough to remember her on "Dallas" and especially "The Naked Gun" movies. One of PP's lines is legendary. Leslie Nielsen: "Nice beaver." Priscilla (holding a stuffed beaver): "Thanks, I just had it stuffed."

  16. Are the Presley's fighting each other? This BI seems to imply there's tension within the family. Like one side would be for Scientology vs. the part of the fam's who's defected.

  17. Definitely the Presleys. Priscilla appears to still be in, whereas Lisa Marie appears to be O-U-T mothafuckas!

    How awesome would it be if Lisa Marie, Leah Remini and Katie Holmes were all recruited -- Nick Fury style -- to coordinate a public take-down of Co$ with tell-all interviews? I don't know what shadowy gov't org could make this happen but it would be so righteous. Actually, I take that back. I'm gonna go with the IRS. They would definitely stand to benefit the most from it.

  18. Hey! People that live on the East coast and up North don't wanna hear about ppl in CA whining that it's only 70!!! Warm weather here right now is 51!

  19. Also, this story from Tony Ortega's blog has some more details on Lisa Marie's current state of mind re: Scientology. The Underground Bunker is a daily must-read for anyone interested in scientology, and there's frequently a lot of juicy stuff posted about the celebrities in and out of the cult.

  20. if I remember correctly thats why Lisa Marie moved to England….to get away from Priscilla's influence.
    She's back now but this should get interesting

  21. I remember Dallas but forgot about the Naked Gun movies. Sounds like the Presleys alright.

  22. Who is Tony Ortega?

  23. I think this has to be Priscilla Presley. She was a B list actress, certainly has the name recognition. Lisa Marie left the church and has been talking more openly about that lately. This could be a battle royal, all happening while Tommy Girl is in the midst of that very ill-advised lawsuit.

  24. Tony ortega left cos and writes a lot of exposes on same. Could be presleys , cld be leah and kristal ally, sounds juicy, can't wait.

    1. Tony was never in. He's a reporter, former editor of The Village Voice, who's been reporting on Scientology since the mid-80s.

      Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder are (among many) the ex-Scios that blog about it.

  25. This sounds epic!

    And Fahrenheit temps just frustrate me. It makes no sense

  26. Yes V you were very missed grrl!

    So on the Pressley family guesses. I cannot wait until that org is finally classified as a cult. Loooooog overdue.

    Anyone remember the days when someone would pop on the site and "defend" the church or someone within it? (Typically GMD) They've stopped doing that so no need to even ask, "Where's Shelly?". I believe that must be one helluva sore spot now with Leah asking it very publicly.

  27. Thanks Sherry!

    I would love to see the implosion of Xenu. I got stuck in a Scientology private school in OR for a few months as a child (thanks Sunset Magazine). I can't lie, I had a great time, but even as a 10 year old I could see how fucked up the church was.

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    well if anyone could do it it could be Lisa Marie. Elvis left everything to her. her mom just manages it so shes super rich and famous and powerful enough. go Lisa!

  29. Tony Ortega has a web site called The Underground Bunker. He interviews all kinds of ex-COS people and gives away all their wacko secrets.

  30. So wait, I thought Priscilla, the B lister, At name, was out, living in France, and LMP was also out, now in the UK with hubby3 and newest kids.. That leaves Riley, frequent RPatz date. Is she the one in? I'll bet Xenu sent her to collect him as nee blood...
