Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Your Turn

History Channel is remaking the 1977 mini-series Roots. Should they be doing so? They also said they are reducing its length from twelve hours to eight hours. This is one of the few times where I think the remake will be better than the original.


  1. How could it be better? It was outstanding the first time around.

  2. Sometimes I think Enty is a person of color and there are times like today that I don't.

  3. Proof Hollywood can't come up with anything original. Maybe it'll be in 3D this time.

  4. I watched all 12 hours last Christmas! Don't think it needs a remake but I will watch

  5. Exactly Pogue..Cannot think of anything original. And you can bet your ass it won't be better than the first. NOW if HBO was doing it, I could see a better production value but doubt History Channel will make it better. 'Sides Alex Haley has passed away and he was heavily involved in the filming so he kept the quality high.

  6. Of course it needs a remake. Puffy and Kanye need the Emmys in EGO(T).

  7. Should they? No.
    Will they? Oh yes.
    Personally I don't see how they can manage to cut 4 hours out and still tell the same story, but that's just me.
    I imagine they're doing the cut because they think the American public won't sit through 12 hours of television...(however for some reason they throw shows like the Kartrashians at us for hours on end without a second thought?)
    And @kissmyglassboston:
    Please God, no.

  8. Oops ..I meant my reply to Tru Leigh

  9. Ugh, there has to be people out there writing original, entertaining screenplays. I'm tired of all of the remakes of old shows and movies. The comic book craze is getting old too.

  10. and Hollywood wonders why viewship is in the toilet....i'm sure it has some political implications behind it...

  11. Kunta Kintae played by Halle Berry

  12. I was in a fight once with a lil fella. Like 120lbs soaking wet with boots on. He sucker punched me at a party months before and I saw him at anther party. If I lost my shit and started pounding him, I would have wound up locked up and him in the hospital, so what did I do?

    I threw him around like a rag doll, pinned him to the ground and made him tell me what his name was. "Asshole?" NO! 2 more shots to the ribs. Your name is Toby, cause I fucking own you. 2 shots to the head. Say it! "Toby, my name is Toby." Remember that, and this is to remember me. And as I was 1/2 way up I dropped down and drove a knee into his ribs as hard as I could. Took him about 5 minutes to get up off the ground. 1/2 the crowd was standing around with their jaws dropped, the other 1/2 laughing hysterically. Mission accomplished.

    P.S. Dude was white. It wasn't a hate crime or nuthin.

  13. I remember as a kid watching it when it ran the first time. It was epic. Shouldn't be re-done just as you shouldn't re-do a masterpiece of a movie like Casablanca or Citizen Kane. If anyone was too young to see it the first time around, you should put it on your list. And since it wasn't set in the 70s it's not like it seems dated when you watch. They should just digitally restore it or something like that and call it a day.

  14. Even Alex Haley had his issues with the original. He felt is wasn't quite as graphic or realistic as it should have been. Quite a bit was cut out because of 70's standards for television. If that's why they want to redo it (tell the whole story) then I agree it's a good thing.

    That being said this is the History channel - one can only hope they tell it right.

  15. Roots was brilliant. I thought it was quite graphic, but I was young. Everyone I knew watched it, it allowed for dialogue about race relations. We could do with something like that about Australia.

  16. I don't think it should be remade at all. With all the PC crap it will go thru, it won't be realistic.

  17. As long as they don't remake the wire or the Sopranos, I don't care.
    It will be great to see the PC version as made by the Flanders of this.

  18. It should not be remade, but if they must ... by ALL MEANS keep Tyler Perry away from this!!!!

  19. Yawn.. its been done before. So why bother remaking it. I think doing remakes just for the sakr of doing remakes is super lame.

  20. I was 15 when I watched the series and I was horrified that someone could do that to another human being.

  21. As long as they keep out the aliens and the Nazis, it could be OK. But seriously, why remake it? I bet they're hoping to cash in on 12 Years a Slave.

  22. I don't see why it needs to be remade, but ok. I like Angela Bassett for belle. Stick halle berry in there, I think she's good actress. Who for young Kinta? Het, this is fun!

  23. Sorry not going to be better, Enty!
    Don't front on Levar Burton... the man is amazing.

  24. @snapdragon you are on it!

  25. Blah. I'm sick of these movies. Same goes for Holocaust movies as well. I wish these writers and funders would come up with new subject matter. I'm sure there are plenty of factual stories out there that have nothing to do with someone being denigrated. Someone who overcame adversity and triumphed.

  26. @flirtychick you must be crazy! original ideas??!!! don't you want to see roots 2: the legend continues?

    hollywood is the home of paranormal activity 3 and the upcoming beetljuice 2.

  27. Being cable, they'll probably tell us this is a 100% true story, then have the slave ship attacked by giant, laser-firing sharktopi.

  28. @Orivilla:
    Say it ain't so!
    Not Beetlejuice 2!

  29. I loved Roots and read the book too. However didn't it come out that Alex Haley made a lot of it up? I remember reading about it somewhere.
