Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is Making Music Again - Ali Lohan Returns To "Modeling"

Ali Lohan is not a horrible singer. I remember watching her on that show Dina made her two youngest kids do so she could stop having to rely on Lindsay Lohan for all her money and Ali wasn't bad. She was just really young and pressed into something she wasn't ready for. Yeah, pretty similar to when Dina and Michael made Lindsay go to LA and be a star even though she wasn't ready or told Lindsay she was ready for escorting.

Anyway, Ali was set to make her return as a recording star and helpful big sister Lindsay even Tweeted out part of a recording of Ali. Then Lindsay decided that Lindsay wanted to record and that she should be first so Lindsay started recording songs in the studio this weekend and told Ali she would have to go back to "modeling," but just as soon as Lindsay was done playing recording artists and burning every bridge Ali could hope to ever use Ali was welcome to come back and try her hand at recording.


  1. Really wish she'd just disappear to some no name place and get her head on straight. That will never happen though bc her biggest addiction is fame.

  2. That looks like Dina in a Lindsay wig.

  3. Ugh, barf, ewwww, gross, disgusting, vomit, sickening-these are a few of my favorite words to describe these sub humans.

  4. Paris did EDM so Linds thinks she's got a shot and probably hopes to show the bitch up. Ironically, I saw her "Confessions of a Broken Heart" yesterday and can't believe it was successful. Poor Ali, if I was her, I'd find a rich man to marry and ditch the family.

  5. Is it necessary for the run-on sentence to mention their names three and four times?

    1. Paid by the word. Example: X has died
      Normal people language: X died
      See what I mean?


  6. Run on sentence much? I know you are a paid blogger, but since you make your living this way, can you edit for clarity?

  7. Jennabean..My exact thought. She looks like Dina in a wig.

    Not sure how good a singer she's going to be as a 3 pack a day smoker.

    Can't these kids go to college and learn something besides fame whoring? Oh right, mom can't be a manager getting 20% if your job is software sales.

  8. she is recording with Jamie Hince (Kate Moss's husband) from the band The Kills--who are really good...

  9. some of her pop songs were pretty catchy but its not 2005 anymore

  10. Lindsay keep your day job, whatever that is...

  11. @clark lolllllllll
    that was really really bad....
    I loved when she ran up to the "background" singers and the chick looked at her like "gurl you best back-off now" lol

  12. That Cody kid looks just like LiLo's old face. I'm guessing he graduates next year or so, how has he escaped the pimp hand of Gin Cleaver?

  13. I kinda liked Lilo's last song..

    *runs and hides*

  14. Okay guys, I have to admit that I liked that Bossy song of Hohan's...
    I'm just a little bossy. I like it how I like it and that's how it is. Hehehe

  15. I think I need to go watch the video of Ali's Christmas Magic. It's that time. Watching it makes me want to go shop at Sears or JC Penny's

  16. lindsay lohan and jamie hince?!?! NOOOOOOO!!!! maybe kate's looking to get hooked up to lilo's coke dealer?? although you'd think she have the best by now!! massive thumbs down..
