Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blind Item #1

This A list reality star thinks she is going to get a huge deal signed and make a lot of money. Not so fast. The woman behind the throne of the decision making still hasn't forgiven our reality star for treating her like crap when the reality star thought the decision maker was a regular person. She even made the decision maker cry.


  1. This was Kim Kardashian and some billionaire's daughter from England who was a "fan".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Details Cecilia00 please.

  4. Kimmy & Chloe Green for sure

  5. Cecilia nailed it. This makes me laugh. Kim is such an idiot.

  6. See what happens when you treat the "little people" with disdain? Good manners cost nothing. Somewhere, my kids are saying "Yes dad, we know"

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  8. Speaking of which, whatever happened to Kim's big incident a couple of days ago? You know, Kanye and the beat-down? I've seen no images, no video, no charges, no interviews, nothing. Publicity stunt gone wrong?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      @ViciciousVivian - Ellen asked her about it on the show the other day; she said "I can't twak abowt it faw legil weasons" ... but don't you think it's odd that Kanye's allowed to fly out of the States if there is 'something' under investigation? I hope the cops charge them for wasting their time.

    2. Stepford - the only time the police ever say don't leave town during an investigation would be for a serious crime like murder.

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  10. I remember that. Serves her right.

  11. @Texas, if the guy was really hit 30 times, as per TMZ, that sounds a lot like attempted murder to me.

    And no pap photos? No interviews with the guy who got hit? Very fishy.

    If it took place at all, which I am beginning to doubt, they paid the guy off double-quick.

  12. Agree with Nutty. Whenever Harvey gets the inside scoop from a reliable source close to the incident, I suspect that TMZ is either stoopid and naive or in cahoots with PMK. This incident sounds like another publicity stunt.

  13. What's really gross about that attack was, according to TMZ, Kanye was nearby but wasn't there. She called him, he came over and the fight began.

  14. Kim is in London now......
