Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tabloids Realize Justin Bieber Uses Drugs - Still Protecting Him

For at least two years I have been talking about Justin Bieber using drugs. He used to have parties in Atlanta a few years ago before he made people sign agreements and he would smoke pot and pop pills and take teens of a similar age off to one of his bedrooms and watch them like a Girls Gone Wild video. It's like the mainstream tabloids woke up en masse this week and decided that Justin does drugs or all had a secret meeting and said it was ok to transition from fawning over the guy and stepping it up from the once he was in a room with pot to now he needs rehab. I love how a couple of the tabloids are assured he has never taken coke in his life. Really? And is the same person who told them he never did drugs? You have got to be kidding me? They probably got their information from the same person who has the tabloids convinced that people go to rehab for months and months just for stress. The whole industry is so concerned with making sure they have access to celebrities for their covers and cover stories and getting to go to premieres for the free food and booze and gift bags that they lose sight of what they are supposed to do and that is report. News. Gossip. Whatever it is. If you are always looking to kiss celebrity butt it is really difficult to also report anything negative about them. Somewhere this week someone or a group of someones decided they didn't need to kiss his butt any longer so they can all jump on Bieber doing drugs and Bieber needs rehab but they all decided to make sure the drugs sounded like soft drugs. Pot, prescription pills, Sizzurp that he mixes with Sprite like he has some type of upset stomach and can't handle the hard stuff.

Yeah, like Za was crushing up Molly and Xanax because he was bored one day. You know all of them are snorting it right up their nose and if they are doing that there is coke and a whole lot of other things but if they say something then Selena might not want to be on their covers or her publicist might keep other celebrities from giving interviews or inviting them to their homes. It makes me all sick.


  1. Blimey. That's a rant.

    Who or what is Za?

    1. One of the only z words I ever seem to be able to use in Words With Friends? Lol ;)

  2. I, for one, am glad it makes you all sick instead of partially sick.

    To be fair, the tabloids were shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - when Lilo went into rehab.

    1. @Seven-See, I thought it meant it makes all the Enterns sick, they're all in agreement

  3. Should get another Cut For Beiber campaign going to let him know his fans disapprove. Oh wait, ticket salesnhave already done that.

  4. Wow, talk about judgmental Enty. We all have known he's been a little shit. Haven't you been reading the comments?

  5. I look forward to the day when he's no longer in the public eye in any form.

  6. Can't wait until the little snot is just another Leif Garrett punchline on the whatever happened to E!shows.

  7. What would you have to write about if all his bad behavior was out in the open? The Kardashians?

  8. Never liked him. Still don't. His mother should put him over her knee. He needs a good old-fashioned ass-whooping.

  9. A young celebrity doing drugs? What is this world coming to? Seems to me that Enty wants us to believe that it is only JB who is doing them, when it is clear that 95% of the entertainment industry has done so. Mind you not all celebs are out there being little pukes when they are high, but look who this kid is hanging with--a bunch of wannabes and is trying to impress them with his 'street cred'.

  10. A musician that uses drugs? Impossible!

    Bieber has become rotten, but in a way I don't blame him. Ever since he became famous, people began using horrible gay slurs on him when he was only 15 or 16. Full-grown adults with jobs, houses, kids of their own, calling a 15yo boy a f**, Justine, Beaver, etc.

    That said, he really needs to give up the shit attitude and cut back on the Roman orgies that have become his life.

  11. So, does that mean Justin was lying on SNL, when he said sorry and he'd never do it again? No wonder there are rumors Drowns needs rehab too.

  12. He was just trying out Lohans approach of "blame the black kid" and seeing how well it will work out for future endeavors ...

  13. While I agree with this rant, the drugs do not excuse his behaviour. He's an assh*le first, AND a drug abuser second. (I used abuser, as not all drug users are abusing)

  14. I wonder how often he will have to bottom for Za as payback for taking the rap.

  15. He's an entitled, self-absorbed ass, and he deserves all the karma coming his way.

  16. I'll likely get s••t for this but I feel somewhat sorry for him. Kid came from nothing & made more $s than any 1 human should be allowed to make. Got a ton of sh++ when he was what 15? Now all the a++ kissers around him don't give a rip & you expect what? He's a friggin kid. B/c we all know you'd be doin the same but I guess it must feel good to sh++ on him huh. Yeah he acts like a tool. He might even be 1. Bigger pic is a lot worse than him doing drugs w/ ndas. Getaclue

  17. Anonymous10:44 AM

    He's an absolute moron and needs a good kick up the pants (after he's pulled them up). It's no coincidence that he's seen out and about with stupid Khloe Kartrashian on a regular basis - hell, I'd go so far as to suggest she's probably his dealer.

    It will be a great day when the cops swoop the Katrashian house, Biebers house again - mid-party, and Will Smith's house. Combined, I imagine they'll find quite a lot of stuff to press charges.

  18. I'll likely get s••t for this but I feel somewhat sorry for him. Kid came from nothing & made more $s than any 1 human should be allowed to make. Got a ton of sh++ when he was what 15? Now all the a++ kissers around him don't give a rip & you expect what? He's a friggin kid. B/c we all know you'd be doin the same but I guess it must feel good to sh++ on him huh. Yeah he acts like a tool. He might even be 1. Bigger pic is a lot worse than him doing drugs w/ ndas. Getaclue

  19. Preach it, Enty! I'm so sick of tabloids kissing celebrity ass. We don't go to their websites to see stars being praised, we go there to read the dirty on them.

  20. Sorry but Enty brings out a good point. The celebrities finally figured out how to get in bed with the tabloids. They do not call People Kneepads for nothing.

    Because maybe if Beiber's drug use was made public sooner like before he was of legal age, then maybe his mother would have been forced to deal with it then, before he became further into it.

  21. Whoever doesnt realize Babypants is using drugs is either on drugs themselves, or incredibly stupid.

  22. It is the same situation with Obama - the media protects Obama and overlooks all of his poor decisions and scandals.

    1. I agree @tennis peach - it's totally the same thing. You know everyone else was thinking it, like on every damned post we all used to write the same thing, "uff yeah Kimye, but it's the same as Obama!"or "yeah like Charlie Sheen does that, but then so does Obama! " After a bit it became a bit redundant to continually point it out. Same as Betty White and her shenanigans. But we're all thinking it, all the time.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. No Enty. Most realize that relationships are a give and take situation, and even most tabloids realize that everyone is entitled to a degree of privacy in their personal lives.

    The fact that you are a 'journalist' of the bottom feeder variety who couldn't care less about privacy or respect is a character disorder and strictly YOUR problem.

    Add the fact that you also make awful things up about those you report on all the time, and you are more abhorrent than 99% of those you drag through the mud.

  25. Just saying, the news doesn't give a shit about beiber et al. The tabloids, the entertainment "news" etc does. Most people live their lives without giving two shits about these idiots. I wouldn't if I didn't play here...:-D

  26. +1 Steampunk. I'm sick of the recycled Bieber hate. We get it already. You can stand him. Now find something else to write about, lol

  27. LOL at the Obama remark! Comparing Beiber to Obama bawhahaha

  28. Right, teresa crane? It's people like tennis peach that worry me, they confuse people in real news with people in tabloid news, as if they interact beyond mutual acknowledgement. Scary....

  29. Exactly, Steampunk, and well stated.

    What Enty's ranting about is true but not quite that simple. Bieber's mother, his manager, his PR team, his record label, the people who are constantly with him and around him have known all about his drug use and behavior for years. They have carried (and failed) a much greater responsibility to deal with it than tabs and paps.

    For tabs/paps to make money they have to play ball with the celebs. Now that the Biebs is tanking his own career, they'll make more money on anti-Biebs stories than they will on pro-Biebs stories (although they'll do both for a while yet).

    The rise and fall of the Biebs is an old Hollywood story. It's a classic morality play for housewives to tsk tsk tsk over before they move on to the next one.

  30. @not so fast, have to agree with the last part.

    Enty has been busted telling whoppers and twisting the truth so often that this entire whiny essay is just the pot calling the kettle black.

    @tennis peach, lmao.. you leave me speechless.

  31. I feel sorry for him. Show me a child star who is normal bar Jodie Foster? Being given everything from the age of 13 or whatever equals u r fuct up.

  32. Truer words Char.. truer words.

    Alita, at your facetious best today ;)

  33. Too bad his mother doesn't believe (belieb?) in abortion - he's a prime candidate for extra-late term.
