Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 11, 2013

This A list designer was asked if this former A list tween actress and now a C+ list actress with A list name recognition trying to make it in acting again could have a front row seat to the show. The designer said no because the actress is not in much any longer and he only has time for people who are popular. Later that day the designer got a call from his nominal boss/financial backer and yelled at for 15 minutes. The actress is their number one customer and spent several hundred thousand of her own dollars on the designer's fashions last year and called the boss and said she would never do business with the company again. The designer tried to call the actress but she wouldn't take his call. He forgot she is rich without acting.

Hilary Duff


  1. Can't blame her if she's a top buyer. What a bunch of assholes the rich are.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Right? Fashion is a business, lots of people forget that.

  2. the company was Rag & Bone I believe

  3. Dumbshit didn't even know their number one customer? Serves them right.

  4. but 100 grand or so? "Can I have 1000 pairs of black skinny jeans and they better damn well be faded!"

  5. Guess she won't be this rich after the divorce, it sounds like Comrie had a good pre-nup.

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    What an arse the Designer is ... how many of those 'popular people' he does have time for actually part with their own money to buy his/her clothes? I bet very few ...

    I have a lot of newfound respect for Duff - and Hayden Panetierre too for buying her own dress for the GGs - for buying her own stuff and not expecting it to be given to her.

    My make-up artist friend is constantly being asked by celebs for freebies. They come to expect it - especially the bigger they get.

    1. I have some friends in the hair/makeup/costuming areas, and they've always said they get begged to death, but a lot of them just steal their stuff. 😒 That's crap.

  7. Oopsie! I guess this is revealing Hilary as a betch to continue from last week. Maybe Erin Comrie or TexasMom will/can show up again? ?

  8. These designers are truly stupid, this is why I would never spend my hard earned money on their hyped up crap

  9. Miss Duff, if it is a seat you require, I have a front row spot on my face you may enjoy.

  10. Good for her! I hope they fire that ass and find another designer, may they all rot in hell...
    Fucking designer assholes. They perpetuate this insane ideal of women and treat the ones who can wear their crap as if they were hangars that need to ruin their health , both mentally and physically, to maintain that ideal. Let them eat cake....

  11. Anonymous11:19 AM

    PS: Off Topic here - but talking of Designers - the gorgeous Gwen Stefani has announced she's having another boy!

    1. How does she keep getting more gorgeous? Wow

  12. There was a great book about the designer industry - wish I could remember the name - about how tons of stuff is destroyed after every season. Bleach being poured on $10,000 dresses, so they're ruined and can't be sold at a discount, wrecking the designer's 'brand'. High-priced leather goods being hacked apart with scissors. It makes you realize it's all just stuff, highly hyped pieces of cloth and skin.

    1. That is very disturbing

    2. Remembered it. "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster," by Dana Thomas. Available on Amazon.

    3. Wait a minute, wasn't that Loehmann's reason for being?Explains why they're not around anymore. Or at least to my knowledge. Seriously stupid of designers. Still can recoup your costs, keeps your name out there but be a season or two behind so as to not mess up the current line. Via Spiga did that with their shoes. It was the only way I could get amazing shoes on a paupers existence.

    4. Thanks @nutty_flavor I will definitely check that out

  13. Also @Stepforded I can't believe that Laura Linney just had a baby! She didn't announce a pregnancy.

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Someone's ass is gonna get handed to them. Sometimes designers are not on top of everything , that's why they surround themselves with hip, young and people who know people.

  15. Duh. Good for Hilary. Hope they fire him. And what's up w/ giving goodies to the top 5%? I get it's advertising but really...these ethics aren't bottom of barrel they're pond scum that feeds off the amoeba that...

  16. Haha, this one made me laugh. Good for Hil. I wonder who they put in the front row instead?

  17. has anyone confirmed that Yes it is in fact Rag & Bone?

    1. Sonic, I believe there was a reveal about the first incident although I can't point you to it. Someone smarter than me will be able to.

  18. Alright!!!!!!! Score one for Hilary and all woman everywhere who have been judged by appearances only!!!! Who"s the loser now????!!!!!

  19. @Mitchellaneous: You're welcome.

    I just want to express to Miss Duff that she would be the focus of our time together.

    I should start a sex therapy clinic for young divorced women, so they can get back on track in time for their sexual prime. Anyone know of a cheap on line diploma mill?

  20. Yes, the designer should have known his own celeb customer base so this serves him right but let's not pretend like HilDuff isn't a raging bitch.

  21. @Stepforded Wow! I really thought Gwen was having a girl this time. Mazel!

  22. Just because you are the best customer doesn't mean you need to sit in the front row. Don't all those spots go to the Housewife hos?

  23. HIlary Duff is a self made millionaire (not with Mike Comrie's money). Her books sell like hotcakes! She made millions with movies, $15000 per episode of Lizzie Mcguire and made millions with her music (theme song of Laguna Beach was her song) etc. Not fair to put a woman down and just judge her upon who she married.

  24. Good for her! GOOD FOR HER!

  25. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Flat do not care to look the dbag up, bu how does a crappy hockey player like Comrie have more money than Hannah Montana or whater she was in? She is right on here too, screw any company that takes your generous business for granted in any way. Putting up with bs like this too be nice is why our service industries are crap and can then be sent to some third world, since no one will notice how bad it is.

  26. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Flat do not care to look the dbag up, bu how does a crappy hockey player like Comrie have more money than Hannah Montana or whater she was in? She is right on here too, screw any company that takes your generous business for granted in any way. Putting up with bs like this too be nice is why our service industries are crap and can then be sent to some third world, since no one will notice how bad it is.

  27. I like Hillary, good for her. I hope she sells everything she has for squat on ebay and never wears any of their stuff again. That was rude, since when is someone not good enough sit at Rag & Bone? Designers are usually way smarter about who their best customers are and treat them accordingly.
    Sorry she's getting divorced, but she was way better than him, not a nice guy.
