Saturday, January 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 5, 2013

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor is very well known and has close to A list name recognition. Great actor, but not that great of a person. His wife leaving him has really put him on a downward spiral. At what was supposed to be a meeting that could make him A++ list after such a long career, our actor blew off the first two appointments because he could not talk himself into leaving his coke. He finally showed up at a third appointment and was such a mess that there was no way anyone was going to offer him the part. The part requires someone to be in good health and looking good and that is not our actor.

Josh Brolin


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Loser. Diane could've, should've, left years earlier.

  2. Hard to believe anyone would've considered Brolin for a superhero role.

  3. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Not.
    It's true what they say, a drunk ain't sh*t.

  4. You should have added that he went to rehab as a result.

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I wonder what the role is / was ... something that will be released in about one-two year's time, presumably ...

  6. Yet if you look at his filmography he was working steadily the past 2 years and has Sin City coming out this year. But he did go for some rehab too

  7. Dude needs therapy, not more film roles.

  8. The other sad thing about Brolin is that he is a very good actor, but it appears his issues have likely been holding him back and will continue to hold him back - the movie insurers and therefore the producers of movies are not going to risk huge movie budgets on unreliable actors.

    You can't even make it to a casting appointment you are not getting a role in a big budget movie, if the insurers say we're not covering this guy or not without the insurers charging a lot of extra $$$$$$$$ or getting a co-signer on the liability and you have to be very special for the production company to go out on a limb for you.

    He needs rehab and anger management therapy ASAP. Not sure is his anger only manifested when he is under the influence of a substance, if that is the case is there hope for him if he got help and wanted to change even if it is too late to save his marriage?

  9. I could see him as a villain, easily.

  10. Maybe it was the Batman role that Ben got?

  11. Josh Brolin is an abusive asshole who is also a hopeless addict. If not for his family, he would have been flushed down the Hollywood toilet long ago. Same goes for his asshole friends like Sean Penn and Charlie Sheen. All of them survive and continue their history of abuse courtesy of their famous families.

  12. And so we get Batfleck. (I'm not complaining. I have no reason to believe Ben Affleck won't nail it. He's a much better actor than people like to acknowledge.)

    1. JAS-i just think affleck so very wrong for part. I smell a bomb a la Lone Ranger.

  13. I read somewhere he was considered for Batman. I don't see him in that role much more than Affleck.

  14. Yeah @JAS he'll nail Batman the same he did Green Lantern right into a coffin in the cinema cemetary.

  15. Sandy I think you mean daredevil, both are equally shitty.

  16. JSierra you are correct my bad.

  17. haha, GOOD, I can't stand this piece of shit.

  18. I agree, Affleck's a better actor than most people think. See "Hollywoodland" for a demonstration.

    Brolin's a good actor but not Sean Penn-level good. It's too bad Diane Lane didn't have him charged years ago.

  19. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Diane Lane was my cousin's girlfriend for three years. I also went to high school with her. I think I know her a *lot* better than all of you put togegther. She was practically a member of my extended family. I even shared a holiday meal with her.

    With that said, I'm sick of people portarying her as this hapless angel so they can throw her men under the bus. She is her own wmoan, quite strong, was brilliant enough to get into Hunter High School (my mom also went there), and likes her party boys (not sure how much she likes to party herself; I think she's relatively tame, and I'd have known otherwise).

    She's pretty, very civilized, and kind of interesting, but she's not this hall-of-fame woman everyone makes her out to be. She wasn't even one of the five sexiest girls in my high school, and I will forever be in her debt for keeping my cousin out of the way of *my* girlfriends at the time. My ccousin went on to live with a pair of Playboy Centerfolds after they were done, including one who was on the cover at the time.

    I'm beginning to think I know who is leaking this stuff about him and/or her, and I'm surprised if I'm right. It's someone in the industry or someone taking advantage of someone in the industry. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

    Diane can give as good as she gets, and doesn't go into anything with blinders on. Had she not been with my cousin, I might even have gotten to know her better, but I didn't like girls who liked him, and the reverse also seemed to be true.

    My cousin was far from wealthy or famous when they were together,. Our family was loaded but not with cash, and we weren't the kind to drop money foolishly (that's why we had so much of it).

    Obviously I don't know the specifics of what's going on with her now, but I know damn well what she's like with her men, becuase I saw that firsthand. I've seen blnid items before here that make me wonder if the "source" has ever even met her.

    If Brolin has issues, I doubt they relate to her or to losing her. What outsiders think is such a big deal might be an inconvenience at most and part of a much larger equation.

    Just wanted to check in as someone who actually knows someone who is part of this drama, however distant in the past that may have been.

    1. Bettor-i never bought into her as a victim. She raved over and over and cover about how wonderful he was, how much he always knew what was right for her and anyone lucky enough to married to him-as she was-is so so lucky. It always irratated me as I knew relationship was abusive, but she seemed to like it for some reason.

    2. That was a bunch of gibberish. Wth is your point?

    3. I'll tell you what the point was... Mr. BetterOffSingle is a sorry sort who envied his cousin and hasn't gotten over it. He's over fifty, probably single, as his name suggests, and thinks that the person he met in high school is the same person she is today.
      Because he never had a chance in hell at Diane (nor the playboy bunnies he spoke of needlessly), he's a bitter, middle-aged misogynist who thinks that whatever abuse Ms. Lane encountered was of her own doing. Pathetic doesn't begin to describe this a-hole.

  20. I'm not sure I get what how well you know Diane has to do with a blind about her coke fiend ex not getting a part. No claims are being made here about her.

  21. I'm not sure I get what how well you know Diane has to do with a blind about her coke fiend ex not getting a part. No claims are being made here about her.

  22. @BetteroffSingle...?? Are you the same Ray Gordon in this video? Is this for real?

    Are these really your websites and your profession?

    Does your business and "coaching" men on how to pick up "elite" women do really well for you? Is this a big money-maker for you?

    Just comparing all of this with your illuminating comment posted just

    So you and Diane were really close? Did you two ever date? I'm just so...amazed. Just trying to process this. I cannot help but wonder - purely out of curiosity - is this for real? Or are you like a satirist (like Chris Farley as Matt Foley)? I don't really care one way or another (it's a free country right?), just trying to figure out the basis for your comment above.

  23. I also have to agree with @sbalb. I assumed the BI was about Brolin.
    @BetterOff: You said: "I know damn well what she's like with her men, becuase I saw that firsthand."

    I'm quite curious about this. Can you please share your "first-hand" experiences? I'd REALLY like to know "how" Diane really is? (if you'd take a sec to share this).
    I'm more than intrigued.

  24. Himmmm, wondering if you'd be around this weekend, anything interesting to share? Good detective work!

  25. What I'd like to know is how many years it's been since BetterOffSingle has seen or spoken to Diane Lane. He keeps going on and on and ON about how he knew her in high school, but she's ... wait for it ... 49 years old.

  26. So let me get this straight...

    Wendy Davis is complaining about someone contributing nothing but 'gibberish'


    himmmm calling someone out for (maybe) pretending to be someone they are not on the internet. Someone sharing information about famous people from a firsthand perspective that may or may not be true.

    I suppose today is officially opposite day.

    1. Lol, I'm just dying here

    2. Excellent observation, Bacon. Spot on.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @Himmmm, you made a depressed woman laugh her ass off. Thank you.

  28. @Bacon, LOL, so true! Don't forget that himym chastised by linking to an article with the headline "Getting Laid at Work Without Getting Fired".

    I tremble at the hubris.

  29. Diane Lane was dating Timothy Hutton in 1981.
    She had to have been under 15 to have had a three year relationship before that. I don't know if I would base a person on what they did and who they dated at that young of an age.

  30. *pulls up comfy chair* I made popcorn, anybody want some?

  31. I got the wine Low! No offense meant Himmmm, but he hasn't posted for awhile, and the fact that he choose to post on this reveal- with such a scathing comment, makes me notice. We are getting ready for Snowmagedden here, so catching up and enjoying the comments.

  32. @Low Key, if you could sprinkle on some parmesan, I'm over here on the chaise.

  33. Hey guys, I'll be over in a sec! The xfiles reveal is getting pretty interesting too, some people get really worked up about secret marriages.

  34. I saw JSierra- such interesting conversations or a Saturday.

  35. As I sit safely and warmly ensconced in my Midwestern den of iniquity, I revel at those links posted by Himmmm. Had I known getting laid at work was so easy, I could have turned my frown upside down long ago. Damn my laziness and unwillingness to use wildcard searches in Google.

    Now, if this Ray Gordon character would only be willing to impart some sage advise as to making time with some fine-assed ladies on a gossip site, well... he'd have my undying gratitude.

  36. I am very good friends with Josh's stepbrother Jason.

  37. My ex-boyfriend's sister once read a review "The Outsiders" so I feel I'm eminently qualified to answer any question about Diane Lane's current favorite recipes. Go on, ask me.

    1. HA! How does she feel about spinach quiche? I do one that is heavy on the roasted garlic. I don't want to fix her breakfast and then have that awkward moment when it turns out she despises both spinach AND garlic.

  38. Has anyone ever suggested that he grew up with "daddy issues"? Same syndrome as La Jolie and lots of other offspring from rich, famous, successful, womanizer, deadbeat and/or absent fathers? Hollywood has turned out so many dysfunctional second and third generation "stars". Not an excuse, just musing on this. Check out the Willis offspring, the Griffith/Johnson kids, the Smith/Pinkett kids, etc.

  39. Dysfunction is everywhere, @Gypsytrill. Everywhere. All classes, all races, everywhere.
