Saturday, January 18, 2014

Madonna The Racist- Doesn't Apologize For It

We already knew Madonna hated Hydrangeas which is strange because they are a pretty cool flower. Apparently she also has no respect for black people or is just a big fan of the N word because she used it to describe her lily white son in an Instagram photo yesterday. Who knew that Paula Deen and Madonna shared a love for something other than really bad blonde dye jobs. They both love the N word. Instead of an apology for using the N word, Madonna changed the Instagram caption and told people who were hating on her for using it that they could get off her d**k (above). I always knew she had one and that the whole Sex book was a big photoshop tribute.

Who doesn't say they are sorry even if they are not sorry? The fact she insulted the people who called her out shows that not only isn't she sorry for saying it but probably says it a lot. She probably thinks she is safe from criticism because she has sex with black people and adopted black kids. That is like saying you have friends of a certain color. I think if you use the N word like that you are a racist. You think that you can use it because you think you are better than that person. If you didn't think you were better you would respect the person or group of people and not say it. Does she call her youngest kids the N word or just the white ones?


  1. Meh. She wanted attention. She got it.

    Look how EDGY she is!

  2. Madonna is irrelevant, next!

  3. Okay, kids, let's get it right. If you have African heritage, you are allowed to use that word in a casual fashion as much as you like, but you are also allowed to dislike that word and refuse to use it at all. Your choice.

    If you don't have African heritage, you are never, never allowed to use that word in any context, and if you do, it shows you are a racist and should be excluded from all polite company. No points for having African friends, relatives or lovers, or appreciating any art form which originated with Africans or African-Americans. This is a zero-tolereance policy. Use the word once and you're out.

    Those are the rules, circa 2014. Check back in around 2030 and see if they've changed.

    1. Never seen it explained so well.

    2. Vivian, it is a disgusting word. No one should use it. I am Black, and because some rappers decide that THEY think it's cool to say & are influencing a generation, I have to deal with some White people who think it's OK to say around EVERY Black person, and that simply isn't the case. I was called a Bigger by teachers & kids alike in the 70's, and would prefer to never hear the word ever again, and the way it's spelled doesn't mean shit to me. Please people, don't use this word. Kanye, Nas, and all the rest of these rappers do not represent all Black people, and most of us do not like it. I wouldn't dream of using a gay, black, white, Asian or ANY type of slur period, on social media (or in everyday life). This madness needs to stop.

    3. Viv-I've lived many years and have NEVER once had a situation arise where that word would be just right to say. It just never comes up!!

    4. Totally agree!!! The degradation of a race, you cannot ask for respect if you don't give it to all. Cannot have it both ways

  4. @Vera L
    I totally agree
    She wanted attention,Enty gave it

  5. Come on!I am black and I understood that she has not used it in a discriminative way.She was just playing.She used it like any rappersor Ririh uses it.She has 2 African kids,so racist! lol

  6. @ ViciousVivian - nice summation!

    Madonna has always done controversial, and she's done it well. Remember the sex book, the dare movie? Well, Miley is selling the sex right now and Madonna is doing the "my nigga" to get attention she can no longer get from exposing her body. Celebs live in a bubble.

  7. Remember, she is from Detroit

    1. No, not from Detroit. Michigan, yes, but a smaller town in northern michigan.

  8. Does she think, she has a pass on the expression ni**a, because she has two black children, or hangs with a global crowd? Would she use the same expression with them? Disturbing. Peoples have got to stop using the various forms of the N word, especially wanna be "ratchet" whities, ahem, Miley, Ke$ha.....JB....on and on.
    (1st time ever using the expression, ratchet - maybe I'm too old to understand.....)
    Not cool ever.

  9. Madonna didn't use the word on a black person she didn't like. She used it a a term of endearment for her son.

    Weird, but not evil.

  10. It doesn't look like she meant it to be racist. It was incredibly stupid and offensive, but not deliberately racist or hateful.

    1. Anonymous11:01 PM

      This. I think the poor old dear was trying to use the terminology of the kids. Idiotic but not racist

  11. Vivian..Thanks for summing it up. That's about right. But of course Enty is hoping for a thread to blow up. Let's keep it mellow kids.

  12. Vivian..Thanks for summing it up. That's about right. But of course Enty is hoping for a thread to blow up. Let's keep it mellow kids.

  13. While I was typing, Vivan gave an excellent summary, that's it, yup.

  14. I agree VV has summed it up nicely for most of society but I suspect the rules cited by VV are not nearly as stringent when uber celebs with progressive credentials are involved. Don't think Madonna, at height of her career or now, will be shunned by progressive society. When lesser celebs or progressives violate rule then they can go to re-education camp and eventually be forgiven after appropriate penance.

  15. Slightly off-topic but didn't she have sex with Tupac and get pregnant?

  16. According to my son, an afficionado of black culture although we are white, nigga with the A is different than nigger with the ER. It's okay, more or less, to refer to people as "my nigga," to the people who subscribe to that notion it is not a racial thing as much as an inclusion thing. It's a positive thing if your friend refers to you as, "my nigga."

    That said, I grew up with the belief that it is wrong, wrong, wrong and it makes me uncomfortable to hear or read it. It's a very gray area now but I do think it's changing. Youth drives pop culture, they always push the envelope, I think that's what's going on here in general, not with Madonna, although I do believe she just thinks she's part of the youth culture.

  17. Let's guess that NONE of you would be so forgiving or meh if this was someone like Sarah Palin. Either the word is okay to use or it isn't. I say it isn't. And yes, would condemn anyone, left or right, who would use it. All you ever do here is prove how hypocritical you are.

    1. I would give anything to see Sarah Palin refer to her besties as her ni**as. Cause she's so cool & with it.

    2. Sarah Palin has more class than that.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Of course if you are black its totally acceptable to call white people anything you want!

    1. The Black people I know don't use racial slurs to describe White people and we don't think it is acceptable to do so.

  19. I agree with nightowl here its wrong no matter who uses it.

    That being said I never liked Madonna and the reasons just continue

  20. No one is "forgiving" of Madonna, almost every comment here is saying it was stupid and she shouldn't have said it. I personally think it's a horrible word that should never be used, but then again, I'm not the arbiter of pop culture so my opinion is just that.

    But hey-ho, Sarah Palin's toddler grandson called his aunt a faggot when he didn't get his way, so - precedence. Toddlers don't learn the word faggot if they haven't heard it before. It's not a huge leap from homophobia to racism.

  21. I don't think using the word automatically makes a white person a "racist", maybe stupid, insensitive, ignorant, pathetic, etc.

    Madonna is just trying to be what ever is "IN" right now so she can get more attention and money. If you don't like her ignore her.

    If everyone should go watch 12 Years a Slave, then consider if they really want to use the N WORD...

    1. Thank you Stefani. I agree with you 100%.

      But as much as I'd like to ignore Madonna, hearing a White person saying Night reminds of the shifty teachers & kids I was in school with who called me that on a daily basis. They spit on me. Stole my coats. Just made my like difficult and I was only in Elementary School. It brings up a lot of pain for too many people. My 88 year old grandma who grew up in Alabama saw Black people swinging from trees. I doubt she would give a shit how the kids are spelling it these days, nor would she give Madonna a ducking pass.

    2. *Night = the N word. Even my cell phone is more sensible than a lot of people.

      *ducking = fucking

    3. Shay, its just an ugly word with awful connotations. I wish it wld just die out.

    4. Me, too, auntliddy.

      I hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekend. :)

  22. There doesn't seem to be a rule for a Caucasian calling another Caucasian that word...hmmm...maybe we need one. If this was her son David, and she said that--yikes! I too think she needed some attention. After all, chipmunk cheeks, dating her ex, dating a younger man, and putting out an edgy video all seem to have quit generating any buzz so let's blow up the Twitter feed seems the logical next step.

  23. My white daughter's best friend is black. When I saw them both use the term "nigga" on Twitter I freaked, and she informed me "everyone says it, it doesn't mean anything bad now". Anyway, there's that....... I still think it's not nice, but it is in the kids vocab these days, white or black. Not that it makes it right!

  24. love Madonna but she needs to act her age and not like "the cool" mom on Mean Girls. She has been around the block enough to know how inappropriate that was....

  25. Racism is not the same as desperately seeking attention.

    Watch Roots, and see if you feel comfortable using that word. It may change for kids, but anyone old enough or mature enough to see no matter how far we've come we still have far to go regarding race relations. That Madonna is now a part of an elite, privileged 1% of American, precludes her from using it appropriately. In my opinion. She is not from the streets, she is not a home girl. She is a chameleon who adapts to the spotlight and no one deserves the right to incoroporate/gentrify such a caustic element of our nation's history just to get reblogged and thumbs up.
    End rant.

  26. Pahkthecah, why do you think that black people are sitting around trying to find names to call white people? Believe me, that's not the case. If that was the case, than a blanket statement of all white people love to use and have used the N-word would apply. People, please understand that not ALL black people use the N-word. Jeez, it's not about being PC, it's about being respectful of another human being. Is humanity really this dead?

  27. Nightowl - No, I'd look at the context if Palin were to say it. Madonna used it to mean "that's my boy!", to show she's proud of him. Again, it was incredibly stupid.

    If Madonna had said "N*****s are terrible people" or something to that effect, I'd find myself hating her very quickly.

    Also it's pretty obvious Madonna doesn't hate black people. She's dated black dudes, and adopted two African children. Palin doesn't have that same track record. Even so, if Palin used that same quote, my reaction would be the same: "What a dumbass!" instead of "OMG Racist!"

    Fun fact about Palin, though: She never said "I can see Russia from my house." It was from an SNL skit with Tina Fey as Palin. Palin's actual quote was: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska"

  28. I do admire her unbending perception that she is always right and "I dare anyone on my payroll to say I'm wrong" attitude of inborn fascist royalty. She is both glorious and horrible. I think, in the face of that kind of self-assured person, an n-word argument over social media is a trivial amusement and she could give a fuck. But unlike Paula Deen, Madonna doesn't have a boss to fire her ass and cut her off from the products that make her money. And unlike Paula, Madonna doesn't bear such a close resemblance to the racist southern belle who so recently gave the n-word it's hateful power for most of American history. She is a mega-bitch, the Heather Chandler, and someone who would rather be hung in the town square than apologize to the stupid common people "who don't get it" and actually think she's racist. Instead of hanging her though, a lot of people gave her a shit-ton of money last year to see her old ass lipsync and peel off her clothes and show some old white ladyflesh on stage. Obama won the night I was there and, surprisingly in Pittsburgh, the crowd was violently booing her applause and excitement for him saying things like " I knew my baby would do it" and to some loud anti-Obama woman " I can tell just by looking at you who you voted for, you don't have to shout".

  29. Thank you Nightowl. It is pure ignorance anyway you slice it. I grew up hearing stories from my parents about the use of that word in their lives and it surely wasn't a term of endearment. I don't care what the media tries to say, words have power. It's the same as women calling each other bitch. If you are referring to me as "bitch", then we are not friends. There are enough words in the English dictionary to not have to "reclaim" a word. It's just sheer laziness and frankly, I'm sick of it.

  30. She's going through menopause people, obviously without meds.

  31. Madonna is from Metro Detroit, a wealthy suburb called Rochester Hills, about 20 miles north of the city.

    She is not from Detroit like Diana Ross is from Detroit. Different worlds.

  32. I hate to defend madonna, but I want to remind you Hermione's words: "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself".

    Remember this, goddamned hypocrites.

  33. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I've never cared for her. Like a few songs? Sure. But, she just strikes me as someone who tries so hard to be eccentric and edgy. It's not organic. Like Gaga.

    Bjork, Grace Jones... Artists like that- you can just tell their energy and passion... Well they just live on another planet.

    Madonna keeps up with these shenanigans at 50+ years old because she thinks she's at the pulse of what is hot. Problem is when you copy 20 year olds, it's not. Not to mention the horrid racial aspect! Following up with the suck my comment, well, see above. I cannot with her.

    I know a lot a lot a lot of people like her, I'm just speaking my 2 cents, no disrespect to the lovely people on CDAN!

  34. Well then it is unfortunate that the Paula Deen haters did not take your advice and you better speak to the whole black community about this issue. Really hate the double standard that because Madonna is cool, she has slept with men of all races well any man she can subjugate except Guy Ritchie and Sean Penn, she can use the n word even though she is an adopted mother of African children and act like it our problem not hers but Paula Deen can't. I guess Paula should have never apologized.

  35. Sorry when this subject has come up the white people are told over and over again they can't use the word even it is in non negative context.

    Though the reality is that there is no consensus amongst black people on this issue. You got Bill Cosby vs Rapperdom.

    I think the only white person who can use the word is Eminem and I am not sure he uses it much because he has a more expansive vocabulary than some of his peers.

  36. My 2 cents is that Madonna did this for attention but also to get people thinking/talking about the issue. It's what she does best.

  37. I don't think she's racist. There's nothing more pathetic than a middle-aged woman desperately trying to be "hip" and failing. When you reach a certain age, people start looking to you for wisdom, not street slang.

  38. She's a narcissist, though, and to be fair, you can spell, "racist" with that.

  39. But here's the thing. Madonna's son Rocco was photographed with Sean Penn, and that started some stories that Rocco was Sean's son, as well as speculations that Sean and Madonna might get back together. Really soon afterwards, Madonna starts posting shocking pictures or sayings, such as the three underage boys with bottles of booze, this racist posting, which she knows is going to blow up a dust storm, and Sean is being seen in the company of Charlize Theron - very interesting in itself and news going in a whole other direction. So I haven't heard another word about Rocco being Sean's son. Not one story. I really wonder if they both, Madonna and Sean, jumped on this to redirect the public attention. I don't know if the boy is Sean's or not: I really don't think so. But I really think Madonna is trying to direct traffic, as well as Sean.

  40. @Bessie - it is kind of weird how she's been posting a lot of "edgy" pictures of Rocco lately. Hmmm.

  41. All her worst behavior seems to be manifested in and on her son. Hope Guy is keeping eye on her with the kid.
    And if 2 of your children are black, why would you use such a heinous word?? I must say I am baffled.

  42. Stupid people are so focused on what people say and completely ignore their intent. Not everyone who uses a racial slur is a racist. Do stupid people even know what racist means? If everyone who used the word n*gger was a racist then that means that all or most black people are racist. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

    1. All or most Black people don't use the word n*igger, unless there was a poll taken that I wasn't asked to participate in. This is the misconception. We don't like it either.

  43. Speaking of her "black" children, where are they? I haven't seen a photo op of David or Mercy in a very LONG time. I see tons of Rocky and Lola though.

  44. Vicious Vivian covered it perfectly. All the rest is just a lot of blah blah blah-ing.

    Thank you, Viv.

    Given how horrendous she's been to everyone for decades, watching Madge self-destruct is very satisfying.

  45. LOL! This convo is interesting because my friends and I never use the N-word to each other or to refer to each other. Outside of music, I rarely hear it except from white racists. Even at church or other functions. We talk about our lives and what is going on but we don't spend that much time talking about white people or any other group, in general (unless there is a specific reason). That being said, I would never begin to approach a group of Asian people (or other group) and tell them how to speak, how to dress, how to refer to one another, etc. I'm not Asian and really don't care enough, honestly, to get in their business. I have my own culture and I'm good. I don't feel moved to dabble in someone else's. Why white people are so concerned about how black people call each other is amazing to me.

  46. I think it should be all or nothing. No one should use it! Eminem cant, but Dre can call Em his N@@@@? Stupid! Its all about intent. Do u mean to be hateful or just saying ' my homie' i doubt deen mean it that way. That said madonna needs to grow the fuck up. You have african kids u div!

  47. ViciousVivian said...
    Okay, kids, let's get it right. If you have African heritage, you are allowed to use that word in a casual fashion as much as you like, but you are also allowed to dislike that word and refuse to use it at all. Your choice.

    If you don't have African heritage, you are never, never allowed to use that word in any context, and if you do, it shows you are a racist and should be excluded from all polite company.

    This is some of the stupidest drivel I've ever read.

    You're not capable of "excluding" anyone from anything, let alone 'polite company' since you're not that bright and easily misled.

  48. As a black person I didn't find it racist, I found it to be ignorant (ghetto ignorant). Also, as the mom of a teenager & considers themselves to be a "hip mom" (lol)I understand the slang used & I will give her kudos for using it in the correct context :-). Madonna is a fool for this one!

  49. "Nigga" "Nigger" "my ninja" "my nig" are words that white/asians/nonblacks people should never use. Period point blank. I don't care how many black people give you the "black card" or the "pass" to say it. Just because your black best friend is ok with you using it they do not represent the rest of us black people. As long a there is someone in the world who is offended by it on a deep level it is not ok. Please if you have not, to all the people who have posted that their kids say it and their kids are giving these weak ass explanations as to why it is ok for them to do it, sit you kids down and explain to them that the moment they use those words around a black person who is not tolerant their safety is in jeopardy. That the person they say that word around may have experienced racism and may take their anger out on them.
