Friday, January 31, 2014

Sharknado 2 Starts Filming Next Month

Even though Sharknado starts filming in the middle of next month it will be all shot and edited and ready for air in July. You can do that when you have the masterful acting talent of Tara Reid returning to reprise her role from the original. They don't call her one take Tara for nothing. Of course one take is usually all they can muster out of her so that is another reason. Various reports say that Tara and Ian Ziering have both signed on to do the sequel for SyFy. No other casting announcements were made but look for a bunch of other out of work older actors and some up and comers they can convince to get in bikinis and be eaten. The sequel will take place in NYC and producers promise the second installment will be even worse than the first but that people like me will still tune in because we all love a good train wreck. The budget for the tv movie is just $36.18 so during certain scenes Tara will be replaced by a toilet paper roll with Sharpie makeup. See if you can spot what scenes those are. It will be tough.


  1. Hey guys! I just remembered: 24 hours from now starts Kartrashian Free February!!! Can I get a *hell yeah!!!!*?!?!

  2. Looks like @AppleThief4Elliott nailed that blind from yesterday.

    You get those roles, Whorenado Reid!

  3. hell yeah!

    SyFy Original Pictures can be a joy to behold. Really.

  4. "Tara will be replaced by a toilet paper roll with Sharpie makeup"

    Enty, you are nothing if not vicious. In a class by yourself.

  5. Looking forward to future Sharknado marathons!

  6. Didn't know there was a Sharknado 1.

  7. Never seen the first one :(

  8. Didn't even know there was a Sharknado 1.

  9. Gung Hay Fat Choi betches! Line up for Entybot's Red Envelopes! See ya later. :)

  10. Crila, Lotta, here's the only thing you really need to know about Sharknado.

    1. @Kristen, you're alive! Yay! I wasn't sure you'd survive yesterday's devastating smackdown.


    2. @7 of 11 Well there was a rerun of the "My Strange Addiction" episode with the dude who thinks he's a mer-man, so I had to keep on living. Thanks for checking, boo! (And for your help)

    3. @Kristin- LOL, that made my morning!

    4. @Kristin, is it like Hoarders? I was so addicted to that show. I'm on a 6 Feet Under binge watch now after finishing Girls (thanks, Lucas).

      I'm sorry I keep misspelling your name. My BFF in high school was named Kristen and I sometimes revert to that on autopilot. KRISTIN is alive and well, and not pooping on homeless people!

    5. @seven - I hope their spy isn't reading this and frantically emailing them to check of CDAN:)

    6. @texas, oh man, we may have triggered C's google alert! We're in trouble now! :b

    7. @7, @texas, that was the most insane shit I've heard in a while.

  11. See this would have been a perfect vehicle for Blohan.

  12. Bet this one has the sharks exposed to top secret "radiation":-D ...

  13. wtf? Where is that at?

    1. @Uncle Sandybrook I think Sharknado 2 will be on SyFy again. Check your local listings in July :)

    2. If you are talking about the unprovoked attack upon the wonderfullest drunky Tina, check out the Your Turn from yesterday. Towards the end

  14. Someone fill me in; do you have to watch the first one to appreciate the artistry of the first? Sharknado viewing party!

  15. not that Kristin :) Ill look for it later :(
    And I suspect if you want to see its artistry you can just watch "Pln 9 From Outer Space" instead.

    1. Plan 9 is pure art. My boss and I once unknowingly gave each other the DVDs for Christmas as gag gifts, and we ended up answering each other's phone calls with "Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives."

  16. thx TTM have a Tsing Tao! :)

  17. ok no harm no foul, anyhow Nino never has much good to say when I see her posts. More Tsing Tao, waiting for red envelopes.

  18. I guess it is ok as long as they don't expect to make any $$$. I doubt that sequels to a movie whose only claim to fame is that it was sooo terrible that it garnered some attention/morbid curiosity are successful$$.

  19. Since Count is MIA on this one I will cover for him:

    It's much better eating if they get out of the bikini first.
