Friday, January 31, 2014

George Zimmerman Is Now A Celebrity Boxer

General all around a-hole and killer George Zimmerman is set to enter the D list world of celebrity boxing. Zimmerman has agreed to a match against anyone according to celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman who throws celebrities desperate to hang on to their last ten seconds of fame into a boxing ring where they fight for money and then go off to do nothing afterwards. For his part, Zimmerman said they he will fight anyone and thinks he can beat anyone. What I would like to see is Mike Tyson come out of retirement and spend a couple of minutes kicking George Zimmerman around the ring. Mike doesn't need to be in great shape. I figure that if Mike spends a couple of hours getting ready he can probably destroy the guy and then we can all change our screensavers and wallpapers to photos of George Zimmerman laid out on the floor of the ring or curled in a fetal position begging for his mom.

What I don't want to see happen is something like the return of Screech to the ring or something like that. I want this to be a beatdown of epic proportions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am ready. Where do I sign up?

  3. Entern, I give you crap all the time but today I give you a mimosa. Two mimosas for including Screech. I'm taking half of that second one away because you know Screech vs Zimmerman would be a Pepsi showdown.

    1. @ 7/11- comments such as these make me wish there were a "like" button on this site.

  4. This is what happens when notorious people can't get jobs. Like Punkin from Flavour of Love who couldn't substitute teach after spitting all over New York. And like everyone clamouring for Casey Anthony porn. Gross, exploitative bs, will probably make a lot of dough. Yay capitalism!

    tl;dl: somebody to please beat up George?

  5. I want to see the Enties step into the ring with him. And instead of boxing, make it mud wrestling. Or even better, banana pudding wrestling.

  6. Put him against Mike Tyson or that Sugar Ray guy. Even Floyd Mayweather. Anybody.

  7. I'm okay with this. Surprisingly, but yeah, I'm pretty damn okay with this.

  8. Anyone who agrees to fight him had better make sure that George understands this isn't a Trayvon Martin situation - he can't pull out a gun and kill you if he's losing the fight that he started. *snap*

  9. Why do promoters think the general public want every idiot that makes the news turned into an instant celebrity? Maybe this guy and Tan Mom can get a reality show where they share a house with other equally as annoying news blurb names and kill each other off all in the name of a challenge to win the title of Extend your 15 Minutes Survivor

  10. Well, Enty, your wish has been granted. According to TMZ The Game has volunteered to happily whoop his ass on all of our behalf :)

  11. Fuck Mike, let's get Uriah or GSP to do it. No wait, Rhonda Rousey!

  12. Aw cmon, Zimmerman is such a small thinker.
    Pay per View!!! Do I need to go into detail?
    15 seconds on the clock . For an at ringside fee, you get to climb into the ring with Zimmerman. You get to choose how you want to spend those seconds. Shake his hand, punch him out, knee him in the nut sac...
    No knives,guns,knuckledusters etc. Just fists and feet and all the rest..
    Makes me wonder who would choose what...;-)

  13. I see the temptation to beat tge crap outta him-indeed it shld be a death match- but this is not how civilized people resolve problems. Dont help him make money.

  14. They better frisk him before he enters the ring. He may be packing.

  15. Shit, I'd join the Bloods myself if they would let Game get in the ring with that smug narrowclopse.

  16. He's not a fucking 'celebrity'! He's a child murderer. Maybe if people stop reporting every asinine move he makes, he'll actually go away.

  17. I bet the requirement is that his opponent must be female, since that is his preference and where he has had his practice.

  18. The ONLY reason this guy is still famous is because of all the assholes who want to see a "beat down of epic proportions." Actually, the only reason this guy got famous in the first place is because of all the assholes who wanted to see a "beat down of epic proportions" and were DENIED.

  19. If someone feels threatened by him while watching him in the ring, can they shoot him?

  20. We live in hope, Jennifer.
