Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blind Item #10 - Kindness

This A list mostly television actor who has been on television or on the movies forever and is still great looking is on a hit network show. While filming his show he ran into a homeless man that he actually knew. After giving the man a meal at the craft services table our actor hired the man as an extra for five days of shooting.


  1. My dream guy, Mark Harmon?

  2. Would Patrick Dempsey be considered A list?

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I heard a similar story recently about Carlos Santana - a guy who was in his band originally (I think - something like that) was found to be living on the street; when Carlos heard, he got in contact with the guy and ensured he was looked after. Hang on - I'll go and find the article and post it.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Here it is:

      There are lots of articles online, but this one ties up any loose ends as to 'where now' for the man.

    2. It was such an awesome story! Totally heart warming and more than just thinking money or a warm meal would make a difference in this guys life. I hope that he is able to stay on the right track and make an amazing comeback!

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM


    It was him & his wife that go buy out & store to donate it all to a shelter

  5. Speaking of kindness Morrissey is going to bless the US this Summer with a concert tour!:(

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I could imagine Ted Danson doing this ... and he's on CSI now.

  7. Thomas Gibson?

  8. I'll go with Mark Harmon too. I still remember watching Flamingo Rd all those years ago and him bring my original teenage crush. Ah, happy memories. And too right , he's still gorgeous even as an older man.

  9. Ooooh, I loved Flamingo Road!!

  10. I love these blinds so much more than the unreported pedo blinds I loathe. ..

  11. James Spader, just cause I love him.

    1. @kamikaze ooh no. Last time I saw James Spader had most definitely not retained his good looks.

    2. Retained? I don't recall him having it to lose :-)

  12. Jimmy Smits? He's on Sons of Anarchy…not quite network, but a hit.

  13. Tom Selleck. He's forever gorge.

  14. Kevin Bacon? Would he be considered mostly tv now?

  15. Geez, there's a few of them.

    Tom, Mark, Kevin...

  16. Nathan Fillion - he's a very nice guy.

  17. Mark Harmon. Read an article about it. The guy played football against him in college, had lost his house and was living in a shelter.

  18. Mark Harmon. Read an article about it. The guy played football against him in college, had lost his house and was living in a shelter.

    1. Good God the man's a saint. This story, plus that revealed blind from the other week and I've just been reading another story of him matching donations of $9k for a make up lady off his TV set who had cancer.
      My teenage self chose well.

  19. Joining in the love for Mark Harmon. Adored him for a hell long time. Sigh. Pam makes me green with envy.

  20. @sandybrooks i bought morrisseys autobiography a couple weeks ago. i made it about half a chapter deep and threw in the towel, but i still love him. you gotta respect the guy as an artist and his conviction regardless of your own beliefs.

  21. That sounds like something Russell Brand would do.

  22. Read an article yesterday about Mark Harmon running into an old friend while filming. Mark fed the guy and then gave him a job on the set while they were there filming.

  23. @rikki its just hes an awful individual whose music is extremely depressing and he could be good if he wanted to be.

  24. I haven't seen Sugar today, but if this is Mark Harmon...who is married to Pam Dawber....who starred with Robin Williams on Mork & Mindy...this gets the biggest SHAZBOT ever!

  25. Mark Harmon came to mind immediately.

  26. Mark Harmon is awesome and sexy. Good combination.

  27. My own (similar) Kindness:
    True story. Back in the heydey of my using, when I was a young (very early 20-something), homeless addict living on the streets of Greenpoint, Brooklyn in 2000, the movie 'Made' was being filmed in the neighborhood. A bunch of fans were outside all excited and waiting to meet Vince Vaughn. But I heard that my all-time favorite actor, David O'Hara was also filming, so I was the ONLY person there to meet him. The security guy found out who I was waiting for and was like, "Wait, you're here for that Irish dude? Hold on, I'll get him - he's the only actor here who is actually nice!" Then, David comes out and is so down-to-earth and so, so, SO nice! He tells me to come with him so he can actually hear me talk (there were a lot of people around), and I follow him around the block to his trailer. We talked for almost an hour - he was very easy to talk to and very 'human' - I'm sitting there like a fool quoting Braveheart, and he's joining right in! But, he kept stressing that being an actor is a job like anything else and he's no better than a farmer or grocery worker! Then he says, "Did you want an autograph?" But, I didn't have anything to write with or on, so he says, "Wait right here" and goes into his trailer, comes out with the script for the movie, tears off the bottom half of the last page and signs it for me! He heard I was homeless and was NOT happy about it - he offered to let me stay with him (I turned him down) and his autograph said, "(My Name), Please find a home soon!" with his signature. Then I thanked him and I'm walking away and he calls me back, opens his wallet, and takes out all his money (which was only $15 bucks), he says he was going to give me some money, and to please come with him to the bank so he can go to an atm, but I refused. Then he BEGGED me to please at least take the $15 so I could get something to eat. I told him I'd take $5 but he insisted that I take the $10 and said he'd keep the $5 to buy himself a metrocard (they had finished filming and were going to Manhattan for drinks and he liked to ride the subway). I took the money, but told him that I would pay him back one day. I was MORTIFIED that he gave me money, but he was very kind about it and told me I had nothing to be embarrassed about.

    David O'Hara is STILL my favorite actor and is an awesome guy! I've tried to actually pay him back now that I am a normal working human again, but every address I find doesn't seem to work!

  28. @Kat Awesome story! So glad you are clean now! Hugs to you.

  29. Yeah..I think Harmon, as well. He's still great looking.
