Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 11, 2013

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is now an A- list was not shy about letting a random hot waiter know she was available for room service over the weekend. Even though she is married our actress hit on guy after guy during the event and made plans to hook up with the waiter and even passed him her phone number and room number and told him not to be late.

Julia Roberts


  1. Uh Julia most hotel chains have a policy about the help being caught in a room with customers. And some dont even let certain help use the elevators

    1. "Being caught" is thr operative phrase. There are ways around it, and I bet the managers would look the other way for her.

  2. Birthday sex. .birthday sex!!

  3. red hair horsey teeth bad attitude and smug smile.

  4. she looks like she probably doesnt shave either

  5. and she most likely stinks, plus her rank pussy most likely needs to be tightened!

  6. She's a pig. I think that new Vanity Fair cover may have pushed her sister over the edge.

  7. I worked at lots of hotels when I was younger, they all had that regulation regarding staff visiting rooms for fun times. Some of the people I worked with treated that more as a guideline than a rule, a baseball cap + parka can conceal just aboot anything from security cameras

  8. She's gotta hole lotta mouth to exercise.

  9. I never liked her, her movies or anything having to do with her.

  10. How can she look at herself knowing her sister took her life because of her...I feel really sad for their entire family. They make disfunctional families look normal. Karma is going to catch up with julia though.

  11. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Julia will always believe she's a hot 25 yr old starlet that every man wants....even when she's 85

  12. While I don't doubt that Julia is a real c*nt, and was probably a nightmare of an older sister, I think it was a pretty cruel parting gift leaving a 5 page note specifically blaming the suicide on Julia. That will haunt her for the rest of her life. (Which I'm sure was the intention behind it.)

    1. @Mama Ray, I agree. I think what people need to remember is that Nancy Moates was clearly mentally disturbed. The way she lashed at JLR on Twitter just wasn't something someone with grip on their sanity would do. JLR probably (heh, probably with a chance of almost definitely) was a bad sister, but she bears no direct responsibility for her sister's death. Indirect contribution via cruelty perhaps, but blame is blanket easily laid at the foot of the most handily available subject. In the end, Nancy's actions that took Nancy's life. Mental illness is a cruel mistress.

    2. Agree with seven and mama. Nancy was sick, julia had nothing to do with her taking her life.

  13. Julia should have just stuck a banana in her mouth Heidi Klum style.

    That's how it's done.

  14. So not into the ladies like it's usually presumed? She's like the female version of B. Cooper. Everyone guesses them for the same sex blinds but then it's revealed they're straight. Or at least versatile.

  15. LOL @ Seven! Julia "Lenscrafters" Roberts!! PERFECT

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Julia probably cut her off financially. I'm not saying she's a saint, but that whole family is dysfunctional. I'd still toss her menopausal salad.

  18. So Julia is scum and to blame for her sister being a drug addict? Easy to make the jump from bad wife and bad sister to responsible for someone else's tragic life circumstances. None of us are black and white good or bad people.

  19. I never like Julia aka Horse mouth. Always considered her a slut and it looks being married does not mean a thing to her.

  20. @Seven, +1 to everything you said.

  21. Not a Julia fan buts even is spot on.

  22. Julia's come down in the world if she's hitting on waiters these days, don't you think?

  23. She is not the reason for her sister's death.

  24. Ugh. I'm extremely tired of people hating on victims at their lowest point. Julia tragically lost her sister this week. Show some compassion, morons.

  25. I was reading up on what ever happened to Emily Lloyd - a rising star in the '90s who just completely vanished from the radar. Well, turns out she endured, among other things, getting fired from a series of major roles, a nearly-botched abortion, a bizarrely mistreated dog bite in India, suicide attempts, drug addiction, a diagnosis of mild schizophrenia, OCD, Tourette's... it's almost a laundry list of misfortune.

    Anyways, in reading her words on each of the three firings that happened early in her promising career, what is striking is that, as honest as she is about confronting her demons and challenges, she sees herself as the innocent victim in each instance. She gets into a row with Cher and is replaced on "Mermaids," and Cher is to blame. She has problems handling Woody Allen's direction on "Husbands and Wives" and loses that gig, and Woody is at fault. And I'm not sure if I buy that she was canned from "Tank Girl" over a misunderstanding involving a hairdresser (again, in her telling, not her fault, but a director out to get her for some reason).

    What I'm saying is, in relation to the Julia/Nancy story is that even for someone like Emily Lloyd, who received treatment and is in recovery, the instinct to blame others for the things that led to their misfortunes is very strong. Julia may not be the sunniest unicorn in the sky, but she is not to blame for her sister's lifelong battles with mental illness and addiction, and certainly is not responsible for her death. If JR and her family made the decision to disentangle from Nancy's messy life, there was a very good reason for it, just as there was for the producers of three different films who, almost one after another, found Emily Lloyd's behavior too problematic to continue working with.

    The vitriol against JR in this situation is just mind-boggling.

    Anyways, if anyone is interested, here is an excerpt from the book.

    Hopefully this is the last time I will ever have to defend Julia Roberts! :/

    1. Wow, @GPS, that was a fascinating read! I could see some of where circumstances came into play but other parts where she clearly wasn't taking responsibility. There's no way she was fired from Tank Girl for letting a hairdresser go to dinner, for example.

      I think some of the vitriol against JLR is because she's a nasty person, and sympathy for a nasty person, even in their hardest times, is hard to muster. I suppose there's also not a small bit of schadenfreude, as there is in much of Hollywood gossip, but it feels dirtier because she's lost a sister - at the same time, she was cruel to that sister, they were never close, they were half-sisters, etc., etc.

      And yeah, hopefully this is the last time I'll ever have to defend JLR, too!

    2. Half sisters are sisters.

  26. Oh so, what is she? Evil personified? I dont believe this for a minute.

  27. Isn't this a perk of being famous? You're hot I can help your career audition in my room in 5 minutes. Men do it all the time?

  28. It's not like the two things are incompatible: Julia Roberts can be (OK, is) a huge bitch, but Nancy Motes is responsible for her own suicide.

  29. @Talks, Damn that new pic makes you look even sexier. Love a woman in glasses.

  30. Enty must really hate Julia to post this today.

  31. When I figured out about 10 years ago that she's a poser and most likely a very unappealing person, it was sad. I kept hoping that it was not true, but it most clearly is.

  32. Horseface has a reputation for doing this, and there are tons of rumors of her hooking up with "the help." She doesn't use deodorant, so that should tell you something about what she smells like.

  33. Anonymous1:54 AM

    It's not fair to blame Julia for the death of her sister. Her sister chose to take her life; Julia did not kill her. You are responsible for YOUR own happiness; it's not up to anyone else to make you happy. It sounds like Nancy had a number of issues and demons and it was very sad that she couldn't seek help for those, but it's not fair to pin any of it on Julia. There are just as likely to be people who come out of the woodwork to say Julia is an amazing aunt / friend / confidante, after all.

    Anyway, can't say I'm surprised this is her for this Blind. She strikes me has having a bit of a mid-life crisis of late and has obviously become a bit bored with Danny Moder. I always wondered why she settled for him as he seemed a bit 'homely' compared to the guys she'd dated previously. Shame she can't do the decent thing and tell him it's over before fooling around, though.
