Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Off Topic

I still have a Super Nintendo that I use.


  1. I still have VCR. does it count?

  2. Vintage! I prefer new toys.

    Also Kourtney has this philosophy that I need to be more physical so I'll be doing Karate moves every time she walks in a room.

  3. I still occasionally bitch at my mom for giving mine away.

  4. I'd rather be out with my boys catching some waves

  5. Zx spectrum 81 - that keyboard still sits in my mum's loft. Such sophistication. My kids don't even know what a CD player is.

  6. Yep! Me too! Super Mario World rocks.

  7. Yoshi's island is my favorite game

  8. Do you use it as cutlery? Because otherwise this would be the first OT not related to food.

    Anyway, I still play with a spectrum.

  9. We kept them all: Atari 2600, NES, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy DS, 3DS, Sega Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One. The ones that get the most use are Xbox One and SNES.

  10. Ok, off topic: It's I should HAVE, not I should OF. IT's I couldnt BREATHE, not I couldnt BREATH, if one is referring to act of breathing or the ability to do so. (Gets off soapbox, puts away til next time).

  11. Donkey Kong game ever:)

  12. Making cookies yesterday and realized my hand mixer is at least 30 years old. Some things were built to last.
    We've kept cassette players, old radios, VCR's, and record players.

  13. Atari 2600, original Nintendo, Gameboy, Sega Genesis, PlayStation 2, Xbox (only used for streaming)... My mp3 player is an Archos that is close to 10yrs old and still going strong (excellent brand-highly recommend!)

    The media center is a whole 'nother story tho.

  14. I love my FC3. I still have my NES, SNES and Genesis but with the FC3, I can just have the one console hooked up and play all the games from those systems. I also have a 360, PS3, Wii U, PS2 and Gamecube hooked up. In just the last week I picked up Rambo 3 (GEN), UN Squadron, Earthbound and Gradius III (all SNES). I found Earthbound for $1 at a garage sale.

  15. VCR. Why is it that you can't stop a DVD and come back to the same place without starting from the beginning. Is this really the best that can be done with DVD? Really?? Stupid, lame, basic bitch technology!!!!

  16. We kept everything that didn't break down. I have my stereo from Crazy Eddie's in the corner of my dining room. I can tape an album and play it on my boom box or my walkman. That is if I could find cassette tapes. I knew I should have stocked up on them.

  17. @Lute: HA! I had a stereo I got at Crazy Eddie's. I still have all the stereo components I bought at Silo.

    The Crazy Eddies wiki page is a good read on the fraud he perpetrated. I was always surprised he lived to see jail.

    @WareCat: I only ever had 2 games for my Sega: John Madden Football and Pit Fighter. Never needed another.

  18. Fuck yes! Super Mario Bros 2 is my all time favorite.

  19. @Count, the only change to my stereo was a turntable upgrade from my husband senior year in college.
    We have hundreds and hundreds of albums and cassette tapes. I will never get rid of them.

  20. I hear ya, Lute. My mom still has a big box of 8 tracks in her attic.
