Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 12, 2013

This B- list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner and multiple nominee. Sometimes you kind of forget that about this guy. Anyway he was at lunch the other day with a woman in her teens or barely out of them which would make her almost a quarter of his age. A producer walked up to the actor and the actor introduced the woman as his niece. The producer then asked the actor how many nieces he had and also mentioned that he had also hired the "niece" a few weeks earlier.

Jon Voight


  1. Get it John! 75 and having a helluva year!

  2. Did Hector Elizondo walk in and let her know where she can get a nice dress and teach her table manners?

  3. Over 18? Not an issue for me, not my daughter. I may not love it, but you can't save every young woman, and some choose to make it off of old rich dude, with their cootch. Just a fact of life.

  4. What a dumbass. Just say she's a friend, period.

  5. I sat next to him at Veselka in the East Village a few years ago he was at a table filled with his students from a class he was giving…it was interesting.

  6. @Misch pls do spill!

  7. but can she drive a lotus esprit??

  8. and does it corner like it's on rails??

  9. Yeah Misch..spill!

    Truly though, if the young girl wants to use him for her career then more power to her. Just because they were dining doesn't mean they were screwing. She could have also been a "professional" and that producer had "hired" her for something different.

  10. It's actually no wonder now how St. Angie ended up a sex crazed druggie. Not that there's anything wrong with that but good to know where it came from!

  11. Just more flirting than teaching….3 girls 1 boy..

  12. LOL! I love the "I hired your niece a couple weeks ago" line.

  13. LOL @ disco, nice one!

    He's such a skeeve. I bet he used to hit on AJ's teenage friends like dirty old Uncle Frank after a couple of boilermakers.


    He's single and can do what he wants as long as it is two consenting adults..

    Reminds me of Ray Donovan line from his character..."I can't have sex with you, you're too old for me. How about a blow job?"

  15. You go John!!! As long as they're legal...enjoy their company all you want.

  16. He creeps me out now and I used to be in so love with him. He was soo handsome in Coming Home. My friend was his plumber when he lived in NY and me and my girlfriend has huge crushes on him and begged him to take him with him to JV's house as his "assistants". He was like no way I'm taking Lucy and Ethel to John Voight's house!

  17. I went to college in the '80's with an actual niece of Jon Voight. She was, drop dead, the sexiest woman I have ever known personally. If she's still alive, she's 53 now.

  18. I wonder if he dons his get up from Heat with these young ladies
