Friday, March 21, 2014

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly television actress who at one point was headed for A list everything is on a hit cable show and a new boyfriend but never sees her kid(s). The reason? The new boyfriend thinks they get in the way and he doesn't like interacting with the ex because the ex is a guy who scares the boyfriend. Probably because the ex actually has a real job.


  1. Replies
    1. Fits, but I hope Rhys isn't like that.

    2. I agree with you Violet. Real job would be ex husband is a carpenter.

  2. boyfriend is her co-star or else I would have said her too.

  3. Ladies! Stay away from dudes that don't like your kiddos! That means THEY wanna be the baby!

  4. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Wow, sad...


  6. TalksTooMuch +1. That should throw up a red flag.

  7. I will never understand a mom that would pick a boyfriend over her children. WTF. Your time to be selfish ended when you became a mom. It's not only about you anymore. You'll get your chance again in 18 more years. Think of the message that sends to those kids.

    1. Mama, u right. As soon as that sperm meets that egg, your life is over and now its all about your child. I used to tell this yo my teenagers and any teen that will listen. I know many examples where mother threw kids out-usually boys-to make peace with new hubby. I dont get it at all, not at all!!!!'

  8. He's still denying they're a couple. Plus he has a real job.

  9. Not saying you can't still do you as a parent, but your kids should always be a part of the equation.

  10. Doesn't sound like Keri and her costar. He has a job. Maybe Keri has some other boyfriend that is a hanger on.

  11. Keri was never headed towards A list anything. She's a solid B to C. (In my mind. Don't go dragging out the list on me.) I don't think this is her.

  12. not keri. the part about the BF doesn't fit at all.

  13. @ ItsCourtneyD

    Keri was headed to A list and then she cut her hair.

    1. @flora godorth ah yes. I forgot about the hair debacle...that was quite the stink and I can agree with you on the fact that she mucked that up. But, in my mind, she's nothing spectacular. She's cute and I loved her in "waitress" but still...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I don't think anyone would say that Matthew Rhys, Keri's co-star/rumored (probable) boyfriend, doesn't have a real job. Keri & Matthew wouldn't be an obviously unbalanced couple, which is what the blind implies. Also, the Daily Mail just ran photos of Matthew and Keri playing with her daughter at the park and on set, so that part doesn't seem to work either.

  16. Keri Russell wasn't headed for A list everything (movie, music, etc.), and Matthew Rhys can look scary in his show, which, by the way, is a real job.

  17. Obviously said a few times now, but Matthew Rhys clearly has a real job, given that he has the SAME job as Keri.

    I suppose you could say that Courtney Cox's bf doesn't have a real job... if you disregard being a member of a hugely successful band, not to mention an increadily successful songwriter and music producer for some of the biggest European acts around, and having your music featured in countless movies and TV shows. Man I would kill for that kind of "not a real job".

    Also, Courtney Cox has custody of her kid, she doesn't never see her. She wasn't "on her way to A list" she was full-fledged A list if not A+ list for TV at the time Friends was on, and Cougar Town is not a hit cable show, it is a barely surviving cable show.

  18. And don't forget the pictures of Courtney's kid holding her boyfriends hand. Looks like they have a sweet relationship.

    It is ALWAYS a red flag if a guy doesn't want the kids around. Dump him as quickly as you can. They can't take kids they shouldn't date mothers.

  19. A new bf/gf shouldn't be around your kids. If it lasts then introduce them. Kids don't need strangers coming in and out of their lives.

  20. Russell.

    If you aren't spending time w your kid, for whatever reason, don't be an asshole, and let the parent who wants to, or is able to, spend that time w them. Its ok to admit you don't want to be a fulltime parent, as opposed to pretending you do, and then ditching your kid off on nannies, sitters, or extended family. Give them the stability and care they deserve.
