Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blind Item #5 - Kindness

This A+ list entertainer(singer) has been on a kindness roll this week. Apparently she baked well over 1,000 cookies completely on her own with no professional help. None. She did them all in one night and even threw out batches she didn't think were right. She then presented them in tins with 20 each to 50 different crew members with a note thanking them.


  1. Probably not Beyonce to thank her crew at the end of her tour.

  2. So cute @7!! It's A Thug Story So Baby Just Say Yes.. :p

  3. Lol@7. She so gangsta!

  4. I mean it's lovely and all, but to throw out that she did it WITHOUT professional help like it's the most difficult thing in the world to mix together a bit of flour, butter, sugar and chocolate chips is a little bit ingenuous to (presumably) Swifty.

  5. Another must-see video from any mildly interested country fans (or just fans of hating airlines..)

    PS can somebody please leave the link instructions again.. they seemed too elaborate to bother with last time, but since I'm leaving URLs I might as well be respectful...

    1. @aemish: HERE you go. Happy to be a clicky enabler :)

  6. Imuh let you finish @7, but THIS will always be my favorite Swifty parody. I love how Aaron Paul was sad they didn't invite him for a cameo!

  7. Seven too funny. For a zec I thought it was an Andy Samberg INCREDIBAB song...

  8. Reno after hoovrting up several lines of blow Strawberry Snort Em has the energy of ten Oompa Loompas!

  9. danka shane, Lady H! IOU a solid :D

    1. Prosím ;)
      Just copy/paste that code, put the URL link you want to insert within those quotation marks, and then add the description you want to pop up as the clicky within the >< brackets! Good luck @aemish and I expect nothing in return but some sweet ass GIFs dahlin'

  10. Definitely Taylor. She is always posting pics of cookies she bakes.

  11. @Violet ... Have you ever tried to bake 1000 + cookies on your own? It would be easy for her to get professional help to do so, but didn't. I say kudos to her.

  12. wait a cotton pickin'... this one is more elaborate than the last one!

    Do oVeR!

    Honestly I was on a site for ten years and ours was so easy, just wrap some <> around the url, write a blurb tag sentence, then wrap another <> around the url

    Bim bam done. What the hail

    1. To @aemish and others troubleshooting clickies. First of all, yay and I commend you. But maybe go into some old ass post and try a couple times there, so no one will hate on you for messing up. Plus, if @count busts you for messing up too many clickies, he demands butt cheek selfies to be emailed to him

  13. @aemish, I loved the "United Hates Guitars" video! Funny!

    URL instructions: copy this and replace the URL with your URL, and replace the { and } with < and >

    {a href=""}Wicked Witch of the West{/a}

  14. 1k cookies in one night. Im sayin good methor lots of adderall. Besides baking binges, that os probably what helps her maintain a lack of a figure.

  15. Good job tellin them the penalties Lady H. You got my vote for Sherriff in the next election. I hope No Land Rape is part of your platform.

    1. Thank you for the links, but there was no bad involved. I am always happy to see someone promote the idea of sending me buttcheek selfies.

      No Land Rape was part of Hunter Thompson's Sheriff campaign for those that didnt know.

    2. Amazing as always. But I can't believe I forgot to shareTHIS epic Murrment in celeb history yesterday. RIP Hunter!

      That gave me the sadsies, so here is
      S&M Daddario

      I know you wouldn't hate on one of your biggest fans @count, just thought we could all use some top notch T&A on this Reed-diculous snoozefest from hell of a Saturday (see what I did there?).

      My Other Favorite Funbags just for Funsies

      OT- Britney sells her booty shorts at her Vegas show store for THIRTY bucks. Even my drunk ass passed. Too bad, they were cutie!

  16. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Good for her, it's a great gesture and I'm sure much appreciated. That's at least 20-21 batches of cookies, probably more. I would definitely need a caffeine boost to stay up all night baking that many.

  17. Good for her, but if she has a few kitchen aids this is possible without being hopped up on anything. Hopefully gf has a double oven too

  18. LOL i do love falling in love with you lovely peeples...

    trial and error will be forthcoming..

  19. Taylor Swift just moved into Peter Jackson Tribeca penthouse yesterday. $20 million. For the movers most likely. Say what you want. She is never a betch to hired help .

  20. 1k cookies in one night. Im sayin good methor lots of adderall. Besides baking binges, that os probably what helps her maintain a lack of a figure.

  21. @7.. spread it around, that video is the only thing us coach travelers have! :p

  22. @7 of 11
    I'm disappointed that Taylor didn't use the I am T Pain app at any point of that rap

  23. weee! *mmmmwah! @7

  24. g'dangit. I got the link, but it didn't work!

    I replaced the { things with the < things.. wth?

  25. @aemish, almost there. Here's what your link looks like:

    {a href=""}

    Here's what it should look like:

    {a href=""}

  26. {a href=""}United Breaks Guitars{/a}

  27. Replace { with < and } with > and you're there! :) Yay for linkies!

  28. Lady H, you're invited! :p

    1. Merrier the more, triple fun that way....

  29. Have we added a FF day to the calendar?! Yowza!

  30. A bonus check would have been better

  31. LOL@aemish, that was so wrong and yet so right. Dogs are funny!

    @Misch - WORD. If you plop down $20 million for a house next to your newest boyfriend, baking cookies all night isn't that impressive. Sweet, but not impressive.

  32. @Count **biting my fingertip

    @7.. Hi*5! :D

  33. I don't know if a cookie made by Swifty herself in a 1k lot is exactly a kindness BI or a poison-hate one.

  34. CONGRATS @aemish!!
    Aw, I'm so proud & honored. I'm a proud owner of the world's greatest 85-lb Boxer doggy and I'm hoping to get a Boston Terrier or a French Bulldog soon to be his mini-me! Fun fact about my dog: he was actually first sold to LT, but his wifey talked him out of it at the last minute. She has several teacupish dogs named after couture designers and did not like the idea of an oversized droolie boxer. I ran into them later at a game night party in 2006-2007ish, and was happy to hear that his wifey eventually allowed him to get a boxer. We shared photos of our boxers. WTF was I saying...fucking Enty's Reedfuckfest drove my to day drink. Oh yes, @aemish, I love doggies, and that was much a very appropriate, G-rated and witty rebuttal to my ass munch clicky.

    And don't worry about @count, I just posted some more dirty clickies to keep him occupied for a couple seconds at least!

  35. **courtesy bow to my beloved Lady H**

    You're the best :p

  36. Love you like woah, betch! ;)

  37. $30? Porn whores get $50-100, more for period panties or 2 day work out ones.

      Oh, there's nothing wrong with splurging on lingerie! I'm just not spending $30 on some shit I can silk screen on a pair of American Apparel hipster shorts in two minutes. I'll find other ways to support the Cheeto-lings

  38. I wove you too, Lady! I weally, weally do! :p

  39. i'm with G. baking 1000 cookies is a pain in the ass. try it sometime if you don't think so. and doing it without help is totally worthy of mention, IMO.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. 1,000 cookies in a night?! Alone?!

  42. Having done my share of baked-goods catering about a year ago, I can tell you that baking 1K of cookies would be a major pain in the ass, and majorly exhausting--granted, I'm an old lady, but a double batch of my chocolate-chip oatmeal cookies (about 100 cookies total) wore me out. I assume whoever did this has a nice big oven, several cookie sheets so she could bake at least 2 at a time, and lots of cooling racks, plus she probably had the tins all lined up, ready to go, and filled them as she went.

    If this is Taylor, I'm thinking the 50-strong crew would be crew members on her tour, not movers, because unless she's moving Versailles into her new place, there's no way she'd need 50 movers; for starters, where the hell would they put all the trucks in the neighborhood? At any rate, whoever did this, it was very sweet of them, pun totally intended. :-)

  43. I have made more than that in a night back when I only had one oven to work with. Pfft. Good for her though.

    That just makes me think of the one episode of Hulk Hogan's reality show where his wife baked cookies and took them around their new neighbourhood and no one would eat them because they weren't kosher, bwahaha

    1. Is that where you have been a all day @TTM? Baking us all cookies?!??!!

    2. Seriously, Lady H, I don't know WHERE this day went?? There was a gym trip and a bday party and there it was! Gawn!

      Had I known there were clicky tutorials I might have made it sooner, though

    3. That sounds like a blast @TTM. I've been drafting up a syllabus and blowing up CDaN, all while drinking my way through emails from 400 students inquiring about their final grades! Can we trade places for a bit please? I might even get the man to cook tonight lol. Follow the tutorials and you will succeed! @7 is a phenomenal instructor! We can help you out whenever!!!

  44. Wow, how thoughtful!(cookies)

    @TTM Then an evening of sugared-up babies ...

  45. Very fuuny @TTM.. verrry funny

  46. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Carnie Wilson likes to bake cookies

  47. Beyonce made them with her tears.

  48. Even w plenty of Adderall, how do you do this? It took me a couple of hours yesterday to bake 200 doggy many ovens does this betch have?

  49. That is a fuckton of cookies to make in a single night. A LITERAL FUCKTON.
