Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 22, 2013

This former A list mostly movie actor has seen his career stall after being in some very big movies. He will tell you it is because there are no good roles for him. The fact is, he has dropped to B- because he is a pain to work with, not a very good actor and his graduation from only booze to booze and coke is making him a big liability. He does not shower much either.

Shia LaBeouf


  1. No surprise here.

  2. Well if nymphomaniac doesn't kill his career him saying he quit the business should fo sho.

  3. Who knew that cute kid from Holes would turn out be a greasy nympho douche who could ruin an Indy movie? :/ Put a bag on it!

  4. Well color me surprised

  5. Anonymous11:26 AM

    There's a reason why he's called LaDouche

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. He is good in 'Lawless.'

  8. Its hard to hide the douche....the douche always shows through

  9. Nymphomaniac was actually a good movie.

  10. Can't argue with anything you said except one thing. With all due respect, Shia is a good actor. I think a very good actor. I've thought so before, but after watching Lawless, I am sure. He was really good, and real in the movie, despite what I think was poor direction. Tom Hardy, who I love, was very self consciously "acty", and Jessica Chastain not as good as she has been. I blame it on the director. But Shia is a good actor. That's why I think they will keep giving him a chance. Hope he pulls himself out of the muck.

    1. Agreed. He has the talent, but I think he is bipolar and an alcoholic. At the very least. If we could kidnap him and put him in therapy for a year, he could get an Oscar one day. But not while he is sliding down his current slimey slide.

  11. Might print up all the Shia blind/reveals and put them by my bed for my next bout of insomnia.

  12. Shia is a decent actor, but not irreplaceable, nor dynamic. He has been given the opportunities that so many would love beyond measure and be responsible about, and instead of seeing that and being grateful, he is a whiny little bitch about everything. He even whine about Frankie Munoz for chrissake. Who could be jealous and bitter about that lil troll? It's just weird. And unlikable. Shia had a silver platter chance to have an excellent career, and instead, he got mad at the world for not appreciating his greatness. Which, by the way, he plagiarized. Asshat.

    1. *slow clap for PS* Excellent post.

  13. He's pretty good in Nymphomaniac.

  14. I agree about Lawless, he surprised me. So he may just have potential if he can get over himself. Far more talented actors have screwed up their careers because no one wanted to work with them.

  15. So between the time that blind item was posted in March of 2013 and now, Shia LaBoeuf has gone from B- to A according to Enty's A to D list:

    "A list mostly movie actor who loves his booze as much as his mom."

    What did he do in the past year that got him back to A, Enty?

  16. He has a really good presence and he draws the eye onscreen, but I don't know if I wanna watch him get his swerve on. Especially since I now see him with scent lines coming off his skin

  17. I liked him in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

  18. Rod Stewart wrote in his autobiography that he and The Faces used to stop showering on purpose so they would smell cooler! It's hard to believe a woman would ever tell a man this. I mean there's manly sweaty smell, but I think this went quite a bit further.

  19. Anonymous11:33 PM

    He is too rude - people do not want to work with him

  20. G, I wanted to post the exact same thing.

  21. Shia is a good actor, typical H'wood asshole, and is a member of the stank club w many members. Including Depp, Leo, Pitt. I've heard some of the grossest tales from people who work in costuming on sets. I couldn't do that job and keep it. I would be forced to sew tags into the clothes that say, "Wash your ass, nasty!"
