Friday, March 21, 2014

Blind Item #7

While this foreign born A list mostly movie actress has been all over the world promoting her new movie, her new husband has been seeing not only his ex but also the couple's nanny. This should be an interesting discussion when our actress returns home.


  1. Jack Dawson needs to come kick some ass.

  2. That's two for Cammie

  3. Damn, these nannies are gettin it! Why are these families hiring these ( I'm guessing) attractive women? Gargoyles ( male or female) aren't just for buildings, ya know...

  4. Aren't nannies supposed to be pinch hitters?

    1. @ Count, only for the gents with mommy issues...;-)

  5. I really want to grab Kate by the shoulders and yell, "HE HAD HIS LAST NAME LEGALLY CHANGED TO *ROCKNROLL*! ROCK! N! ROLL!"

    Didn't Enty's ranking say that Kate is really unpleasant when she's pissed?

  6. Golden rules: Always, always hire a nanny who is older/uglier/more boring than you. And don't marry a man who thinks it's amusing to change his name to Ned Rocknroll..

  7. @Steampunk: I don't see how boppin a 20something while yer wife is out of town equates to mommy issues.

    1. @Count
      1. I'm hoping its a matronly type cause the broad has too much sense to hire a twentysomething au pair from Sweden " so the tyke can be bilingual " too porn for words...
      And 2. Sometimes a guy wants that firm hand..;-)

  8. Ugh, his name alone would be a deal breaker IMO & shows a likelihood for douchey behaviour generally.

  9. oh kate! find leo and get revenge. leo still would

  10. She married a rocker what did she expect fidelity bwahahaha!

  11. @Steam: a couple should pick a nanny who can pinch hit for both. I would go for one from a more depressed economic area, like Prague or Greece, or a Ukie fleeing from potential civil war. With the right contacts you should be able to get a nice sum for the work visa. I know someone who was offered $20k to take a wife and $ 10k for a house keeper, and this was years before the current turmoil.

  12. Ned better spend some quality time with his son now because once she kicks him out he's never going to see that kid again. She has full custody of her two other children and seems to make the exes bend to her will to visit them.

  13. poor girl cant seem to get it right

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Rocknroll is Branson's nephew, he has a title with Branson's company, but doesn't do anything...he left his wife, a brit socialite for Kate.

  15. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Anna Belle - It sounds like Ned and his ex were separated when he met Kate. The ex even states that she was the one who left him:

    Also, she was pregnant at the same time Kate was:

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Didn't Kate snap "because I'm a fucking grownup that's why" when asked why her son's last name is Winslet and not Rocknroll? I thought that was interesting.

    1. Haha! That's a good one Kate!

  18. Kate has been all over the world? She just went to LA and back.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. His name was Abel Smith........I would change it too....maybe not to Ned RocknRoll but something else. And btw he looks like an asshat......maybe because his name was Abel Smith most of his life.

  21. Kate W is a judgmental C*NT. I have zero sympathy.

  22. Do you think Branson will send his nephew into orbit without the needed flightcraft? Branson adores Kate. He should, she saved his dear old mum.
    Oh, and I just laughed when I read that Kate had made that comment about her son's name. Kate is a firecracker!

    My spouse and I have a Swedish nanny...well, she came to this country for that purpose and ended up marrying a friend of ours, a young hot single guy with no kids. Now she's just an excellent mother and still a beautiful and fun dear friend.

  23. Elin Nordegren (sp) was a nanny. She married a friend of the the family she worked for.
