Saturday, March 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 9, 2013

This A+list celebrity with A+ list name recognition also thinks of himself as an actor. He isn't very good. He also isn't very nice to people. He went to Hawaii not that long ago and took some of his employees with him. Instead of a vacation he said they were working and they should treat it just like they were back home. He spent the days on the beach and having fun and he kept them working almost 24 hours a day back in a hotel conference room and only let them sleep and have meal breaks. He treats his fans worse.

Justin Timberlake


  1. Already revealed. Update your spreadsheets, Enterns.

  2. I thought this was already revealed....or maybe its just that obvious

    I still secretly obsess about him and Britney getting back together...weird I know...admit I am lame....

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

    ^^ this. And didn't we all agree it was better to work in Hawaii than working in LA??

  4. I don't know if the world could take that much denim all in one place again, raja

  5. We know. Already revealed.

  6. It is not better to work long hours in Hawaii than your home city. It really sucks. You do get good food though.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      +1 .Robert
      I'd work non stop in Hawaii anyday

  7. ahhh yes the lovely matching denim.....remember it well

    a girl can dream though........

  8. Already revealed so we deserve an extra new reveal if not today tomorrow ha ha.

  9. He wants us to say JT is a motherfucker for taking his entire crew to Hawaii and making them work. And he will continue to reveal this blind until we do it the way he wants it done :(.

    1. @sandybrook, it's like my dad repeating his jokes until I laugh.

  10. he is a pretty sucky actor

    but I think I might not mind working in Hawaii just for the food........

  11. @bflo, yep, and we all griped about how either JT's employees should expect it or JT was a crappy boss.

  12. I think the scandal part is that he was out having a good time while his employees were working. Scandalous to the Enty who wrote this blind...but not so much for the rest of us.

    1. And it depends on these working conditions. Was there windows so you could enjoy the beauty? Go outside for fresh air? Was the food crap? That might really burn to know your boss is living it up

  13. @ fancyscreenname

    I loooove your avi! Dorothy looks so beautiful and shady at the same time! It's perfect. LOL

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      she is breathtaking in that pic. I love it. She DOES look quite shady there. Lol

  14. Always wondered with this reveal (ie. the last time I read it) How many employees does he have and what kind of "work" do they have to do all day? Write tweets for him?

  15. Those of us who work our asses off for long hours in a dreary environment for crappy money are never going to feel sorry for JT's staff, no matter how many times this is revealed.

  16. Don't worry Enty. I still don't like him. So keep up the good work.

  17. I still say he wasn't terrible in the time movie and I love him on SNL. I wouldn't put him on my laminated list, but JT doesn't bug me.

  18. As much I dislike Justin Timberlake, I don't see the controversy with this. He is paying his employees it doesn't matter where they are or if HE is on vacation it's still work..So what's the problem? They are paid consenting

  19. Sounds like these people don't understand the meaning of a "business trip."

  20. Maybe it was like a work conference and he was nice enough to pay for them to go there?

  21. I don't think this was revealed. Everyone guessed him at once and then immediately launched into the douchey move vs totally acceptable debate.

    I think if they physically needed to be in Hawaii to get this work done then it's fine. If they could have stayed put for the same results and he dragged them there, to watch him enjoy himself, then he's an asshole. Or a serious control freak.

  22. Little wee-wee syndrome much?

  23. you revealed this already

  24. Revealed before and too bad. I like Timberlake and especially enjoy his shenanigans on SNL and with Fallon. Fuck it, though. I liked Sinatra too and he was a colossal asshole.

  25. Fans? He has fans? That's u fortunate. He's a tool one shade from Robin Thicke. Ick. NAST.

  26. Not sure it was revealed. It's just that everyone was like who else could it be?

  27. Never been a fan of JT. Never got his appeal.

  28. He's a terrible movie actor. Hilarious on SNL. So surprise there based on the MMC upbringing.

    Also as I am someone that works in the music business the "working trip to Hawaii" is actually pretty common and having been on more than one myself it sure beats the fuck outta being at home!

    Hater Enty Gonna Hate

  29. This is 100% not true. I know someone who works for JT & have met the guy.

  30. This is 100% not true. I know someone who works for JT & have met the guy.
