Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran attended a party for their hair stylist's new book.
Meanwhile Niall Horan met the Queen.
Angelina Jolie and two of her kids as they land back in LA.
Jennifer Garner always looks so damn happy.
Joe Jonas looks happy too, but not on a regular basis.
Joe Manganiello and Ahnold promote their new movie.
Jessica Pare living out her final days as an actress in a hit.
Kristin Davis got some work in the London stage production of Fatal Attraction. She plays the Anne Archer role.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers made an appearance at the show.


  1. Hate on Pare but not on Arnold? Interesting.

  2. Arnold and Joe beat up the Miz
    on Monday Night RAW the other night.
    Kristin looks botoxed
    Joe Jonas doesn't look happy he looks gay.
    Jen should be happy she has a wonderful life and a husband who provides for her and she can work if she wants to. Plus she prolly knows he cheats on her.

  3. Oh how I loved you back in the day JRM. Not so much now.

  4. Me too Violet. Me too.

  5. Are you fucking serious?

    "Jen should be happy she has a wonderful life and a husband who provides for her and
    she can work if she wants to. Plus she prolly knows he cheats on her."

    I mean..did the time machine stop in 1950 or what?

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I do still have a bit of a crush on JRM too, so cute & that accent, sigh....but the alcohol.

  7. I passed everything by but the Mangiello. I've been practicing putting my coat on and throwing a bottle of water in my purse in under 30 seconds for weeks. Call me!

  8. Did the queen give prince Phillip a shiner?

  9. Why does Jessica Pare look pregnant? Bad photo editing?

  10. What did you do with the pretty, JRM?

  11. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Jen knew what she signed up for when she got Ben, she will do all she has to, to keep him. Without him she would be doing Lifetime Movies for Women.

  12. The Queen can get seriously bitchy. Saw something a while back, sort of a day in the life thing about the Royals, and she was getting dressed for some sort of appearance but her gown wasn't ready, and she just let the gown guy have it. Right there in front of the cameras. Couldn't stop laughing.

    "Jennifer Garner always looks so damn happy." .... Well, let's see if we can figure it out Enty..... She and Affhole have a combined networth of $100 Million and she's got you on speed dial. What more does a girl need?

    If Joe Jonas is straight then I'm the reigning Heavy Weight Champion of the World.

    Enty doesn't like Jessica Pare. Maybe Enty is a lady. A jealous one.

    Apparently Kristin Davis made a sex video. Not with me though. That's not my dick.

  13. so is Angie out of rehab or not the rehabbing A lister??

  14. Nice pants Joe.

  15. I am a fan of JRM and he looks better there than he has in while, hoping he has maybe got his shite together now?

  16. Did Kristin Davis get a bedazzler for Xmas?

  17. I think JRM is looking goooooood...but I'll take healthy JRM over this guy.

  18. JRM is looking a little pasty, but not too bad, I would do him!

  19. Harry, you want to watch with the "Enty doesn't like" - your comments may be deleted at will. And for heaven's sake, avoid the gifs if you do make the blacklist.

    It is my special hope that Megan's Mad Men character is being killed off, or sent away, so that we may enjoy life sans Zou Bisou Bisou.

  20. wtf is charlotte wearing?!

  21. Am I the only one that sees mangellos PENIS? Also is that a joke or are those three goobers really promoting a book on hairstyles?

    1. @ Peter: I noticed Joe Mamma’s shiny package IMMEDIATELY. What I can’t believe is that no one snarked about there being 2 commandos in that photo.

  22. Jennifer Garner needs a stylist( her pants could be banned)

  23. Anonymous3:19 PM

    @Peter-Now that I've seen the peen I can not unsee it.

  24. Peter -- I am LITERALLY crying from laughing so hard.

  25. I don't understand the hate for Pare, either. Hell, she's perfect for her "Mad Men" role. She resembles 60's icon Jane Birkin. There was a time when it was okay for people to have natural, unbleached, non-Chiclet-like teeth.

  26. Is Pare still banging Matthew Weiner, or is that over?

    Jen Garner is a bowl of instant oatmeal.

  27. @BaconRanch why wouldn't I be serious?
    She still gets pregnant by him and stays with him

  28. JRM looks way better here than he has for awhile. He has always been very fair-skinned; hence why he makes a very believable Dracula.

    On that note, I wish that show would be given a second season...his scenes with Minna kind of make me feel a bit breathless.

    AND he is the only male celeb i've seen that can pull off the 'skinny pant' look (which i really wish would DIAF, much like the baggy-ass-pants look).

  29. @Seven What doesn't Enty like, Seven? You mentioned Skeletor?

  30. Glad to see Rhys Meyers looking clean and sober.

  31. So Angie Jo is already flying about promoting her film & done interviews for it etc but isn't it like seriously 9 months away?! And how is she also managing to do all the post-production? The film only finished filming at beginning of the year, no way it's edited & finished already.

    I already feel disinclined to go see the film simply coz I feel like it's already being set up as blatant Oscar bait & she's started campaigning already.

  32. I've always been shocked by the fact that Harry Styles actually has someone on payroll to make his hair look that way, but the fact that Ed Sheeran does to is almost too much to bear! Seriously?! What hairdressing school did Lou Teasdale attend???

    1. I adore Harry's tresses and I never thought I would say that. His hair makes me happy. It is Happy Hair.
