Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Katy Perry and her most recent date.
Lady GaGa should decide whether she wants to be known for her music or her outfits. She doesn't do either well at this point.
Alanis Morisette out shopping.
Miley Cyrus and a big tongue. What is disturbing about that?
Matthew M and his mom.
Mark Wahlberg and his two sons at the Lakers game last night.
Nicole Kidman had a funeral, a talk show appearance and a red carpet for a movie premiere all in one day.
Nick Offerman heading into Letterman.


  1. With little exception that is one unattractive group of people.

    1. Mark's cute boys aside of course.

  2. Is Nick married to Karen Walker?

  3. Is your google broken? Yes he is.

    1. @discoflux. *SNORT* I need to remember that one.

    2. #ifyoucanlocateyourgoogleyoushouldgoogleburncentersinyourarea

  4. Wtf is that Katy?
    Matty's mom and the kids are the only worthwhile pics in this motley group.

  5. I hope Karen Walker is a role Megan Mullany (sp) plays because that is who he has been married to for years.

  6. I think Katy is with that ridiculous shock white rapper "Riff-Raff" which is interesting considering he is a known very big druggie. Seems like she likes the druggie guys.

    1. Dear lord, I'm afraid. Her taste in men is so appalling bad, I would not be surprised if her next boyfriend is from fucking ICP or some shit

  7. Holy, Gaga and Alanis look like shit.

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Ron Swanson & Karen Walker have been married for years, back when she was on Will & Grace I believe. They are both great & so funny together.

  9. Don't hate me.. I love ArtPop!

    And Nik was really funny on Kimmel last night.

    When I read that Kristin Davis is in Fatal Attraction.. I can totally picture her doing her lines in "Charlott's voice"

  10. Oh and everything Miliey does, she looks like she is having the time of her life!

  11. That's the fella that is the inspiration for the creepy guy in Spring Breakers, right? Damnit, if only my Google wasn't broken I would know for sure! Anyone have a spare?

  12. The dirtbaggier you are, the better your chances are to date Katy Perry.

  13. Miley looks like Rue McClanahan. Her tour costumes are hideous.

  14. Anonymous1:21 PM

    At my school they would call those guys "wigers". My midwestern hometown is 99.999% white working class christian.

    1. Ooh great insider info, I totes believe it

  15. Alanis looks like Sean Penn in drag.

  16. @TTM--yup about Spring Breakers guy. Katy needs a new shtick beyond dating the biggest assholes on the planet.

    1. She def has a type, right?? And an exceedingly defunct sense of smell.

      Anna Belle, I cannot stand that word, for real. HATE it

  17. Katie Perry has shitastic taste in men

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @Ana Belle: According to Artie Lange, the PC term is "weegros".

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    @TTM-I know. As an adult I seriously have to bite my lip to stop myself from LMFAO when I meet adult men like that though, I laughed at them in HS.

  21. Katy is all herped up from Mayer. She can't be choosy any more ... not that she ever was.

    Wonder if Wahlberg is teaching his kids to hate blacks and asians.

    Nicole gets ragged on a lot for all the botoxing and whatever else she does to her face, but she's still a very good looking woman Here she is getting out of my pool.

  22. and Katys date was also on some really trashy reality shows like from G's to Gents. He is basically the male equivalent of Buckwild from Flavor of Love...

    1. Awww good 'ol Buckwild! I swear I saw Toastee the other day

  23. Now that I know mark's past I'm full of fury seeing him. He should be paying out for life for support for the blinded Asian.

    1. msgirl, he's a piece of work, isn't he? Has never shown the slightest remorse for the harm he has inflicted on others. And the 2 asian chaps he beat and the black kids he stoned and the neighbor he beat might only be the tip of the iceberg. He has over 20 arrests under his belt, but it's a certainty that there's a lot more that he'll never have to answer for.

  24. Anonymous2:16 PM

    OMG-I miss all those trailor trash crazies from those VH1 "reality" shows

    1. You should check out MTV UK's "The Valleys." It's the biggest shitshow of a reality series I have ever seen. Think all of those VH1shows without any censorship. It's a bunch of Welsh drunks basically humping everyone's faces for several seasons. I enjoy it thoroughly.

  25. Not to defend Katy's horrible taste but my daughters a fan and I think we saw a snippet where she mentioned she used to date that guy back in the day.. I don't think they are currently together..

    Marky mark, I know people who associate and do business with you- despite seeing you in church dozens of times here when you visit I'm inclined to think you're an uncouth dirtbag

  26. I absolutely hate everything about Miley's look.

  27. Whaaaaaat Katy is hanging out with Riff Raff?? Way to bring the rice out!! That and the Lil B shirt from the Miley concert - this girl's on some swag shit. Props.

  28. @Harry If he were genuinely sorry, he would have made sure the family was comfortable and he would have made a public apology. His kids will pick up, even subliminally, his values, in the way he interacts with people. They notice everything.

  29. Mark Wahlberg had tickets on one of the flights that was hijacked on 9/11 but he and his friends decided to charter a plane and go to Canada that day instead. The life of a movie star worth $200 million who has never even apologized, never mind made reparations, to the Vietnamese "slant eyed gook" that he blinded in one eye.

    But wait, there's more! Wahlberg actually said in a magazine interview that if HE had been on board the plane would have landed safely because he would have attacked the hijackers.

    Never mind that the actual passengers bravely did just that. Never mind that the hijackers were locked in the cockpit and when they realized the heroic passengers were seconds away from breaking into the cockpit, they deliberately rolled and then crashed the plane.

    Still, Mark Fucking Wahlberg would have saved the day. According to Mark Fucking Wahlberg's huge ego which is apparently even bigger than his huge whatever else.

    Piece of shit.

  30. Marky Mark looks like he's waiting for a flying peen to land in his mouth.

  31. @LowKey hahaha!!Maybe he is ...

  32. You oughta know that is some bitch face Alanis is rocking there!
