Friday, April 18, 2014

Blind Item #1

This aging, but still stunning former A lister who was really a one hit movie wonder despite the best efforts of studios to make her a huge movie star has been trying to buy the two original porn films she starred in before she hit it big in Hollywood. She and her B list mostly television actor boyfriend have bought all her other films.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup, Daryn. Bo Derek in Bolero, John Corbett her long time boo

  2. Count where are you?

  3. Well, that makes sense.

  4. Bo Derek is s good guess (since I can't think of anyone myself) - current bf John Corbett, known as a sexy mamma, one primary movie despite a reasonable bio ... good guess, @Daryn Quinn.

  5. Is Sharon Stone dating an actor, or is she still paying for male models? (I am gay, and Ms Stone could have me for free! I swear I would work on my crunches!)

    As for Bo, it is well known she did at least 1 porn movie before she got with Derek. It was even released in video around the time 10 came out. So not such a shocker there. Besides, why would she care at this point? Let it come out and make some cash from it, and everyone can say how she STILL looks hot. We've already seen her unspeakables, so I can't see her paying whatever money she has trying to hush it up. Unless of course she was in it with Linda Evans! Now that would be something.

  6. Can't be Stone, because of Casino. Love the Bo Derek guess, and wouldn't be at all surprised if John shot the footage

  7. Hehe @Basil - Sharon Stone love ;)

    I looked up her infamous scene in Basic Instinct just yesterday, because I'd never seen it but had heard tell. She was a gorgeous lady - just beautiful. And maybe I watched at too low a res (not seeking higher), but I didn't see her lady zone.

    These days she seems still very beautiful but a little over the edge at times. I cringed and lolled at the naughty little Germans thing a few years ago (my German friends were slightly bemused).

  8. Funny but most of Bo's movies were soft core porn, other than 10 that was her bread and butter so a porn would not be career killing for her IMO.

  9. Cameron Diaz dating a television guy?

  10. Alita-stone had a brain tumor like within last 10 years or so. That may explain erratic unusual behavior on her part.

  11. Is Marisa Tomei still seeing Josh Radnor from HIMYM?

  12. @alita When I was still a wee gayby (in my teens, knew I was gay, not in denial, but no clue as to how to deal with it) I saw a picture of her in the entertainment section of the newspaper. This was pre Basic Instinct and pre Total Recall. It was only a headshot, and of course her hair and make-up were perfection, but I couldn't stop staring at that picture for DAYS! She was simply the most beautiful woman I had ever seen a picture of. I had no idea who she was or what movies she had done, but that picture was a work of art. I never got confused and thought I might be bi or something, I just knew I had seen a picture of the most beautiful woman in the world, and I was enchanted. THEN she did Basic Instinct, and I was smitten since then. So my point (and I do have one) is that despite me being a 10 on the Kinsey gay scale, if Miss Stone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to go to her place, I would gladly do it! lol

    1. I love you for this ^^^^!!! Too sweet and very well written. Put a huge smile on my face

  13. ETA alita, I saw BI in the theatre, and yes indeed you saw her taco. She later claimed she knew nothing at all about it and felt violated (her mental issues started waaaay before any tumor auntliddy), but she had to have known. The whole entire scene was based on that one action of hers.

  14. ETA again, don't know how to do the clicky thing or post a picture here, but at this link

    The photo I was referring to is the black and white one on the bottom row.

    And now I am done commenting for the day.

  15. Sounds like Sharon Stone. She rode one Michael Douglas hit (and all Michael Douglas movies were huge at that time) to years of pretending to be the new Joan Crawford. I don't think she gets points for Casino. That was a Scorsese more or less sequel to Goodfellas and would have done just as well with any actress in that minor role.

  16. Great story Basil. Thanks for sharing! I went to the link and didn't see no taco though.

  17. This has to be Bo Derek, and I would love to watch her in porn.

    As a 1980 high school graduate, God, would I love that. Please make it so.

  18. Too bad these 2 weren't younger. They'd make some beeautifful babies.

  19. I like the Bo guess, and it makes sense if you think about the boyfriend.

  20. @sherry Here is a link to the complete interrogation scene, complete with the leg cross at just the right moment to distract the men in the room.

    Have you ever fucked on cocaine Nick? leg cross "It's nice.
