Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 31, 2013

Much to the chagrin of his female seat mate, this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee watched porn for his entire flight and would excuse himself every 15  minutes to go the bathroom. Since he was in the window seat he had to keep getting by the woman on the aisle. Meanwhile our actor would leave his laptop up and running while he was gone with the porn also up and running. In case you are curious, it was straight porn.

James Franco


  1. jodi benton nailed this one!

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      I hope not - he sounds kinky :-/

  2. He was working on that kink documentary and has become close with Princess Donna. Zero surprise here.

  3. Replies
    1. Lol. Why is this link blocked in mah countraaaaay?! I'm thinking Franco is evolving into a true pansexual. My sister's roommate is close with some girl from Chico who would meet Franco for quickies in LA hotels. He may be into guys, but he definitely fucks women too. If he were really gay as many claim, I doubt he'd go through that kind of trouble to have random sex that no one hears about....he'd turn the dates into PR campaigns to prove he's straight.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This one should work on mobile devices. Franco's files.

  4. That's a pretty lame pick up strategy.

  5. Do was he snorting or jerking?

    1. Franco the kinky fuck was probably snorting HIS jerking. I think Count is to blame for the fact that I know that is actually a thing now.

  6. I'll take wanking for $200, RB

  7. What a horrible invasion of privacy for that person to be peeking over his shoulder at his lap top. Disgusting.

    1. Blame the victim. . Typical. Smh.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      @true Count, you can t watch porn anymore not even on your phone with all this stalkers. let us watch our porn for fuck sake!

  8. I would so love to have been that seat mate. So, Franco wants to troll? Right back at ya, sweetheart.

    Option 1: change it to another type of adult film (think niche interests), feign ignorance if he says anything.

    Option 2: change to and filter for all the JF posts

    Option 3: The next time he gets up, hand him some tissues with a wink and a "just in case!"

    Option 4: when he comes back just look over, smile and say, "Thanks, I needed that."

    Option 5: a magnet, a big magnet

    Option 6: When he goes in to the bathroom, say out loud, "Hey, everybody, ACTOR JAMES FRANCO left his adult film running if anyone wants to see!"

    Option 7: While he's gone, hit pause, but also turn the volume up to the max.

    Game on, James. Game. On.

    1. Damn, you good! NOM NOM CHOMSKY in the house!!!

    2. Oh, and THIS!!! How could I possibly leave this out!!

    3. Yeah I would have embarrassed the shit out of him.

  9. So she couldn't complain to the air staff and ask for him to turn it off?
    I cant see 7s link on my mobile either isn't made available to them.

  10. Those options are hilarious @Nom!! lol

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @Bahahaha!! @Lady H. Good one!

  13. At least he went to the washroom unlike some of the wankers in these stories today!

  14. @Lady he can pan all over my body~ SO HOT!!!!

  15. @LadyHeisenberg: Thank you, those were perfect!

    1. You are welcome, you little genius. I better watch out if I get stuck on a plane with you ;)

      Hi Derek and Leeky! Did you crack that Slump Bust yet Derek?!

  16. Replies
    1. Yes. Totally your fault I know this exists. Does this glorious past time have a name yet?

      Sploorting? Spunkrailing? Jiffing...

  17. Count, I just had lunch. Ugh.

  18. whats a slump bust?

  19. @Lady H: Cum Snorting is all I've ever heard it called.

    @Derek: Slump Busting - 1) When an athlete bangs a big or nasty groupie to try and turn around his luck on the field of play, i.e. break out of a clump in performance. 2) When a regular dude who hasn't been laid in a long time picks up someone he wouldn't normally bang, to get back in the swing of things.

    @Sugarbread: Who is a victim here? Did the person tell him, "Hey dude, shut that shit off I'm right here and can't help but see it?" or did they ask the flight attendant to say anything? There is no crime and no victim.

    1. @Derek, those definitions work too, that was just my way of being nosy and hoping you finally got laid. I meant slump bust as in break the dry spell, I use slump bustER for the person you break said dry spell with. I didn't mean it harshly towards your new man at all


  20. snorting + jerking off=snerking?

    could you be twerking and snerking at the same time

    multi multi tasking yo

  21. I get laid @Lady. What is your obsession with my sex-life? You are kind of annoying me now...

    1. I'm obsessed with your sex life @Derek, currently I'm boffing someone I can't take home to Mother, so I live vicariously thru you, and THE COUNT of course!

  22. FINALLY get laid?!?! lmao
    DONT ever talk to me again loser.
    Go ride your surfboard with Gloria Steinham --simple minded bitch.

  23. @Ang---sweet~You can totally take me home to Mama just turn her gaydar off for the evening ; )

    1. @Derek, she has no gaydar! You can be my cover while I have fun with my side piece! She thinks the guys living down the street are just bachelors waiting for a hot piece like me!

  24. James Franco is beginning to remind me of a famous, but maybe apocryphical story about Lou Reed:
    Allegedly, one of Lou's roadies was asked by a reporter, circa 1972, "Is Lou really bi?"
    The roadie replied, "Bi? The fucker's QUAD!"

  25. @Ang---we could all be so lucky ; )

    1. @Derek, follow me on twitter, I'm a right wing libertarian who believes you should be able to marry your dog if it makes you happy: I'm @angelarwalker

  26. You were complaining how you needed to get laid. Just gossiping. Not obsessed with your sex life and won't ask again

  27. @Lady---sorry. I did not mean to say derogatory things to you. I am not getting laid by whom I want to get laid and it is a touchy subject. I truly am sorry.

    1. Didn't mean to offend you. I was kidding around and that was really fucked and offensive, but I appreciate that you at least say what you want under your user name.

  28. @Angela---if I was on Twitter I totally would!

    1. I'm totally in love with you in a non sexual way lol!

  29. @Lady---yeah not all of us have 90 other personalities.

    1. So THAT'S what that was all about then. Which makes sense if you think I'm the troll doing all of this. I am NOT. I can see how people might think that though, based on a couple posts earlier this week. Not that I'd expect you to believe me, as you've clearly made up your mind. But I'm sorry that you think I am the kind of person that would do something like this. I'm not the kind of person to put others down. Clearly, you are.

  30. @Lady

  31. maybe if you condensed your posts into a couple of sentences you would get your point-across. I actually am not sorry for what I said cause it is the truth. You just posted that I cant get laid---and the next thread you will be bitchin about stds etc. I can get laid. I date people who are real and dont live in Wales. When I go to Cuba next week I will not be posting here 24/7 like you when you were in "Vegas". You are very rude and condesending and I am done with whatever this is.

  32. There's a reason you're in the Burn Book, Derek. You prove it true at least 3 times a week.

    Take a Midol already.

  33. lollll
    I LOVE me some CATY Heron

  34. Whatever Derek. I never said shit about you not being able to get laid. You are a blatantly sexist jerk and a hypocrite on top of that because you claim to be a Kathleen Hanna fan. Take your sexual issues elsewhere buddy. Oh and there are these things called airplanes that move people around. My bf is from Wales but lives with me here, jackass. Funny of you to talk shit on anyone's love life. Oh yeah. HYPOCRITE on so many levels. Maybe you and homophobe @sandy should get together to keep coming up with crazy ass conspiracies about me being the troll. Sorry I couldn't condense my grievances any shorter for you to read, so here's the summary:
    @Derek Harvey is a hypocritical sexist, he is not sorry and he admittedly takes his shit out on others

  35. Oh and who the fuck are (or anyone) to judge how much time I spend on here? Oh yeah, see above: HYPOCRITE

  36. @Derek, I won't speak for LadyH but I think she was referencing something you said last week about dating (IIRC). I saw it as a friendly joke, not being rude or nosy. Like if a friend asks how your date went and you go off about how your date blew the paper from the straws out of their nose in a paper nose straw jet competition, and they ask you about Paper Nose Straw Date week later, and because you went home with Paper Nose Straw Date, your first blurt is, "Why are you all up in business? You got a problem with my dating Nose Straw? Tell me now so I can decide if we're gonna continue the besties for life pact!" And LH is all, "What the frick? I was just asking how it went, but in a joking format because you like jokes! And NO, I did not key your car, but now I just might!!"

    Come on, hug it out.

    1. It's ok @7. He wants to believe I'm attacking him, that's fine but it does make me sad. When we were talking as a group after his first date, we were talking about the bases he got to but said he didn't have sex. Was making light talk but he thinks I'm the troll so there's no talking him out of this one

  37. @Seven---cool thanks

    @ lADY annoying, I "claim" to be a Kathleen Hannah fan...............

    fuck you

  38. Talking as a group? There was no talking as a group. Just you be annoying.

  39. My sexual issues lmao----you are insane.

  40. and Sandy is not a homophobe

  41. NomNom: Option 5: a magnet, a big magnet LMFAO!

    Oh what happened here? I loves me some Derek and Lady H and if anyone should get along it should be the two of you.

    Seems like both parties attempted to hug it out and then Derek reached around and Lady H's hair got stuck in his watch and she was like, "Hey you did that on purpose." And he was like, you're just looking for an excuse and then..well you clearly see where we are!

  42. I can't with Franco....

  43. I Googled Kathleen Hannah. Hairy pits. Would not bone.

  44. @Becky--as if!
    @Sherry I am just looking for the truth in people these days and I DONT HAVE TIME FOR DAT

  45. @Count definitely not your type. She did marry a Beastie Boy...

  46. @Derek: UGH. After License to Ill (6th/7th grade), I stopped paying attention to the Beastie Boys. When they got preachy, indifference turned to hate (same w/ U2). Still love that one album though.

  47. Anonymous3:31 PM

    - Continued -

    7) Is a homophobe [Do NOT read that as "@Seven is a homophobe"!]

    @Sherry and @Count, ahahahahahahahahahahaaaa

    As you were.

  48. Derek and Lady H need to get a (love you, mean it!)

  49. and then she wolk-up

  50. I think I will listen to BAD and clean the place-up.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Yeah what the fuck? LadyH I have never been anything but nice to you. YOU went after me in the pics #5 and now I get here and see this. FUCK YOU!

  53. LadyH is another name canopener uses how about that you fucking bitch?
    Derek is my boy here and hes gay and you accuse me you fat cow?

  54. And to make it perfectly clear you pig I said in response to Kristin asking where you were that someone accused you of being a troll and you stopped posting. Obviously I was wrong defending you and the girl ( who was guilty enough to apologize) was right.

    1. Thanks for proving my point that you are in fact an asshole.

    2. No sandy. Your instinct was right. You are getting played like a fiddle and I would know BECAUSE ITS NOT ME. You will only make progress once you accept that

  55. Fuck you too troll.

  56. I admitting that very point to you male impersonator

  57. You wish you were canopener you said right? Canopener is a middle aged mentally ill female who trolls this site constantly why would you want to me like her?

  58. And this for csnopener who will know exactly. What it means:
    Sc dhpa rbdel

  59. Lol I love it when sandybrook turns into a babblingbrook

  60. And I <3 too canopener and all your personas.

  61. Oh Ray too bad you were stalked. If you really were and arent trolling us.

  62. Sandra, cool your shit. Smoke a bowl, have a cup of tea and relax. That's what I'm doing. I'm in a great mood and the anger you are displaying is cracking me up. Please continue angrily commenting so I have something fun to read.

  63. Hi canopener hows Virginia tonight hows Stacey?

  64. Who the hell are Virginia and Stacey???


  65. LOL he has lost his damn mind! This is awesome. Gotta make popcorn!


  66. Extra butter, Ray!!


  67. Have a nice night canopener/ray/trollpatrol/ktrashtrolls/MassiveG/fakecount/meangirlstrolls/hmmmm.

  68. #babblingbrookflouncesoff

  69. Forgot LadyH and others too numerous to mention because I unlike you cant sit here posting all night. Have a good one loser!

  70. Anonymous6:11 PM

    This is awesome! Sandybrook thinks he's got the goods on canopener! Chill the fuck out dude. In the same sentence you're saying "I'm sorry you were stalked Ray" you are trying to out someone else's personal info! LMFAO what a douche!


  71. Hold on. Canopener/kympossible/Miss Mess is not Fake Count.

  72. SUGAR!!! Where are you?
    You're missing everything!

    1. jajajajajajaayeayeayeAoooogaaaa!!!
      What the fudgesickels is going on round here!?!? Lady H is coolio in Sugar's book. Just on case anyone is keeping notes. I like sandy and derek too but nit when they are freaking out and wrong. Peace and love peeps! #xoxo
      #Double rainbows

  73. @sandy: Check your time stamps. I didn't say shit about you until you called ME a WeHo wannabe and made a derogatory slur about me starfucking Jackman. That's when I stopped feeling sorry for you. I've never said shit about you, or any other user, until they attacked ME FIRST. I don't know if that WeHo shit was specifically an attack on me because I'm queer or because you think I'm a slut but either way, no, FUCK YOU sir.

    Oh and I called you a homophobe not just for that, but because you wrote "first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes no baby in a baby carriage" in regards to a picture of a lesbian couple. That was within the past few weeks, don't remember which couple.

    And while I'm still bothering, I'm stunned you haven't figured out who is trolling you yet. At least one other person on here has and I'm kind of disappointed because that means she knows it's not me, along with the REAL person doing it, who is by the way, LAUGHING HER FUCKING ASS OFF AT ALL THIS. So yeah, you don't know who it is but you are more than happy to blame an innocent party because it is convenient to. So yeah, you deserve this shit then. And Ray Nicolet is right, you proved yourself an asshole yet again, you know why? BECAUSE IT IS SINCERELY NOT ME.

    Like I said, I don't expect anyone to believe me and that is FINE. But I will now be laughing my ass off as I watch you live out your real life CDaN Gossip Girl. The fact that you still think I am involved speaks volumes to how far from the pulse you are on figuring out who it is. Like I said, good luck to you.

    1. Maybe not a picture. Don't remember what post. Either way, that's why I called you a homophobe. Which mind you, I'm using under Lady H (NOT a troll name despite what you may think) and citing examples, unlike your real trolls

    2. I've been trolling Sandy for awhile now, he just took the bait yesterday tho. Well I kinda troll Anna Belle too but I'd never swear at her.

      The rest of the time I post, totally genuine. I just despise Sandy and feel like he needs to be trolled.


    3. I know Ray. You are one smart motherfucker, I gotta admit. Even though you have really fucked shit up for me here, I respect the game. I bet you must be having a blast with this shit, huh, girl?!

    4. Honestly I'm kind of stoned right now so I feel like I'm reading too much into your comment but I appreciate the compliment!

    5. You shouldn't. Can't a girl simply admire your trolling is truly top notch? *bong cheers*

  74. Katy yesterday ray said he was a woman who changes her name on this board a lot because of a stalker who went after her. Isn't afraid of that person and posts because she wouldn't let that person stop her from posting here. She also admitted to being a troll. She also admitted she was an asshole and so did I (me an asshole). She accused me also of being a racist which I am not.
    I said I was sorry she was stalked, what else can I do? I dont know anything about that and am not even sure how ppl get stalked online and what causes it

    1. Okay Sandy, I feel the need to clarify some things. Like I posted above, I troll YOU and have for some time. I am downright mean to you. You annoy me so you get trolled. Just you tho. And sometimes Anna Belle. Sorry AB.

      I am a woman, I was stalked, I am over it. I go by a variety of names on this site but never more than one at a time.

      Umm, I think that's it. I've got homework (full time college student, I've mentioned being in class before in comments) and then I'm gonna smoke another bowl. Byeee!

  75. You're too busy to post anymore tonight sandybrook? That's a shame. You certainly don't seem too busy to make a mental note of any perceived slight and come in to dogpile someone.
    Book club not happening this evening? I'm sure you would take time for that sandy'boo'.

    You should have stayed out of this. If what you say is true anyone who cares would know it, you didn't need to run in here.
    Then again aren't you the one who told someone to kill themself once?
    And something about dating only black guys racist something something or am I mixing up my martyrs?

    Derek, it's spelled Cady. Pronounced like Katie.

    1. And what the fuck is that about bookclub, Cady? If that is your name?

  76. @LadyH, I have never thought you a troll and I have no idea why others have.

    @Derek, I try to get along with you, really I do, but you aren't making it easy. Again. I'm sure you don't care, either.

    @Sandy, Wow. Just wow.

    1. I've known for awhile I was going to be set up for this shit. I was totally expecting it, but thank you @LowKey. It's nice to know someone isn't drinking the Koolaid here.

    2. Lady H, i have never thought you a troll.
      These guys fliiip the fuck out and pour vitriol on some poor soul too often for my taste.
      Isn't it amazing that these blameless guys get trolled?
      Keep your head high and roll on. I got your back in the After Hours ;-)

  77. LadyH I didn't say anything about you. When I said in the original blind Franco and any West Hollywood wannabe it wasn't about you. IN the pic I was just replying to you when you said Jackman's dick looked puffy and I said that was because the West Hollywood wannabe turned him down. Had nothing to do with you. You had no reason to think I was referring to you and if you did I am extremely sorry (you're a woman the WestHo person is clearly a guy.). Jesus the last 2 days here. :( Again if thats it I'm sorry but you misread it. And I was surprised you went after me there and then here for what I thought was no reason.

    1. I went and re-read the Hugh Jackman comment, Sandy... I think a simple comma could have saved you a good bit of grief ;)
      I can see what you meant to say, and I can also see how LadyH took it as an insult towards her.

    2. If that is the case, I apologize. But I did not appreciate that (in how I interpreted it), nor being accused as this troll. Or the baby carriage shit. Sorry you got dragged into this drama. You clearly have enough to deal with here in the CDaNverse

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      YES!! @LowKey!!!! I saw the misunderstanding too. Put a comma after "wannabe", and it makes more sense! Random Photos #4

  78. Well, that escalated swiftly....


    @Cady Book Club is on the 16th

  79. Hahahaha Sandy thought I was the only one who disliked her. Poor thing is coming to terms tonight that she's the biggest joke on this site.

  80. Ok I just finished posting and re reading the new stuff. Ray LadyH and lowkey I dont come here to cause trouble I'm not a troll and I'm here to have fun. I dont want enemies here, canopener is clearly one. I dont want this ok, if you dont like me just dont respond.

    1. Sandy, I've always had your back.
      But when you accused LadyH of being a troll, I thought you'd lost it.
      Cuckoo. Wacko. Bonkers.
      I'm glad you're OK now.

  81. You keep posting Sandy! Those insightful posts aren't going to write themselves!

  82. Wait a minute. Lady H is a gay dude, not a chick?

  83. That is the big reveal. I am soooo glad Lady H figured out the hyperlinks a while back so I didn't get any buttcheek selfies. I got dodged bullet shakes right now.

    1. LOL, I'm pretty sure the Lady is a lady.

      But this is the Internet, where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents...

    2. Her bf's from Wales, but she's queer. Dude looks like a lady or something.

    3. I guess it's probably because I've got a big *lesbian* crush on you, Janis!!!!
      Count saves the day again! Lol.
      I've said many times I am a woman with a boyfriend but I have made a couple exceptions. I am mostly hetero in terms of my relationships, but I have identified as queer since I was 15. That is why I wanted to address sandy, but I'm cool with him so long as he lays off the troll accusations

      For the record, I have ONLY posted under LadyH. The only time I will ever consider doing otherwise is if I want to share some serious ass shit that I cannot post under LadyH. Those celebs have not come up yet. I've only been posting for 2 months

    4. Using queer to mean non-hetero

    5. Thanks for the clarification Lady H.


  84. Oh God LadyH when I first commented I meant the blind and when I answered you hours later after going out drinking I meant the guy and yes there should be a comma there, I was being funny. I FUCKED UP 110% and I dont know what else to say except I shouldn't drunk post? Im so sorry you took it that way but I was replying to your post only. I'm sorry you thought that and I would defend you to the ends of the earth. I like having you here. Canopener not so much.

  85. Really I am pissed at myself right now!
    and Count no canopener is the fake count. And MassiveG and others.

  86. Miss Mess wouldn't do that to me. We have a mutual respect that was born out of my love for the Amber Tamblyn signed book troll.

    Plus, I am 90+% sure who Fugazi Count is, thanks to some info in an email and some flunked tests on here.

  87. Holy Fuck this is like The 6 Stages of Sandra's Drunkenness.

  88. @LadyH as far as the troll goes I know more than I let on I'm not an idiot.

  89. LGBT = Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Tranny

    Please stick to them to identify non-hetero sexuality, so we can keep confusion at bay.

    OK, I'm back on board with some buttcheeks, whenever you feel like sending them, Lady H.

    1. Duly noted, count. Sorry to shake things up for you so dramatically there ROFL. I always forget the 20-something letters that are supposed to go after "LGBT" these days, so rather than get nagged about asexual or in-questioning exclusion, I've deferred to just going under the Queer umbrella-ella

      I bet you must LOVE it when people refer to their SO as their partner, huh?! Lol

  90. LadyH its her personas that confuse me there are so many and she suspects so the personas attack, so you attacked with something I had no clue about. So I jumped to a confusion (no typo). In any case I shouldn't speak anymore about this. I'm sorry you are involved.

  91. I hate everything PC.

    If someone says "partner" I just assume they are referring to someone of the same sex as they are.

    1. I know. I was clearly being sarcastic. I've seen a lot of students backfire lately trying to be all let's break down all anti-heteronormativity all the time by always using partner. Sends the men scurrying because it kind of also suggests that it's more serious. Thought that'd make you laugh.

  92. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Someone accused me yesterday of making out with a hot dog. Not true.

    Anyone else tired as fuck?

  93. Me and its east coast bedtime 11:30pm.

  94. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Goodnight Mr Sandybrook.

  95. Tomorrow is a new day. Let's be kind to each other, ok mother fuckers?

    I am ALL the trolls. Goodnight!

  96. Anonymous8:50 PM

    You're my fave troll, Sugar! Goodnight.

  97. Good night sugar, cocoa, count & LowKey. Hopefully poor sandy is sleeping this shitshow off. Many hearts from Heisenberg <3

    1. HEISENBERG!!!!!!
      Cocoa, I never believed you made out with a hotdog.

      I am can opener. (Not really)

  98. Oh! SMH! And OF COURSE, good night Ray! Enjoy that sticky ickaaaay for us! #teampuffinpurp

  99. I am Massive G.

  100. You all need some motherfucking hobbies. Jesus Christ.

  101. And now go ahead & pile on me as if I were the bad guy. It's ok. I can take it. (Simply because I have one login name AND ONE LOGIN NAME ONLY. I ain't got time for multiple user names/personalities and shit. But crap on me like I'm the wacko. MMmkay.)

    1. Jeeze chop, Paranoid a little? :-)
      Let's see...piling..,on
      who's that?
      ( I kinda feel left out too:'(

    2. You're a wacko, mmmkay?
      And your grandmother sucks eggs.

      Feel better now? ;)

    3. Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

  102. What the hell you guys?? THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

  103. Steamy! Do you know what's going on? Good thing I just picked up a buttload of wine

  104. Sugar: You are Massive? How's yer ball snot doin?

  105. @TTM, you issued the call of the wine. It's not cool to lure me in like a redshirt extra in a scene from Walking Dead. Not cool.

    1. Seven, pull up a box and 'splain! Or hell, just cheers with me

    2. @TTM, a redshirt in Star Trek is a goner. I want to someday go to a con wearing my favorite red tee and jeans, and count how many costumed attendees do a pew-pew-pew at the red shirt. :D

      But cheers with you sounds like a much better time, boxed wine bestie!

  106. Hey! What time is it in Canada right now?

    Count, you name the troll I'll tell you who it is. Hint: they're all me!

    1. It's bedtime (almost), Sugar!

      And I know you are shazbot amazing! But there is no way this is just one person. I'm gonna go with at least half a dozen. Over / under whatever, I don't know. Not a gambler

  107. Nooo don't go to bed! No one is EVER up at this time to talk to me.... :) only 4pm here....oh well, guess I'll just read back through that Thread of Fuckery to amuse myself. Sweet dreams CDAN'ers! xoxo

  108. @TTM Canada fucked Heisenberg's whole DAY up yo! From that stupid mistress all the way to this clusterfuck. Is it because I posted "Blame Canada?" April Fools was YESTERDAY!!! I'm glad you're here I need a TTM hug.

  109. I blame Stepforded. Whenever stepforded is around, the trolls come out.
