Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 24, 2009

#1 - "He's just faking. Don't give him anything." Words from the mouth of this A-list tweener to her friends as they passed a homeless man sitting on the ground. Oh, she then spent about $1000 on food for dinner. Nice.

Miley Cyrus


  1. What goes around, comes around. Karma, Miley, Karma.

  2. I certainly hope Miley used some of her money to buy less chatty friends!

    Morning all!

  3. That's terrible, let's hope she's grown more aware of others needs in the last 4 years. I met her before she was famous. She has a sweet extended family. Maybe she will take these 27 days and realize that she needs to quit with the stupid outfits, circus show and just sing. She CAN sing. She doesn't need to distract from that to be "cool"

  4. Morning TTM. We're egg hunted out over here and waiting for Easter Sunday dinner. Best news of the day is that Liverpool won again and are on course for their first Premier League title in 25 years. So a good day all round.

  5. This is from 5 years ago. I just see this is her being a bratty teenager.

  6. Morning Countess and Violet! Happy Ham Day! High five Liverpool!

  7. I keep reading/hearing about how Miley is such a nice girl. Really? Where? Nice girls don't fondle married men. Nice girls don't spread their legs and show their crotch every single day of the year. Nice girls don't stick out their tongue as if they are waiting for the next dick to lick. Nice girls don't say ignore the homeless (most nice people will give even if they have a feeling the person really isn't needy because they are nice and want to give on the off-chance, that person really does indeed need it). Nice girls don't go around asking rappers "if you show me yours, I'll show you mine." Nice girls are NOT Miley Cyrus.

    1. Guess she "evolved" to what she is now. The way she's upping the ante she will be a porn star has been in five years or so. Wonder how much her handlers are encouraging her present behavior. They sure aren't thinking long term. Maybe they are thinking she's the next Madonna. I think not. She's a cheap rip off

  8. Happy Easter and morning TTM...Although it's probably noon or so for you by now. And hello to Violet, Eden, Stassy, Nora and Rangers Girl as well.

    Let's hope she has gained some maturity from her travels and understands how the homeless don't "fake it."

  9. Well, if anyone knows about faking it, it's Miley!!!! (Seriously though, what an asshole)

  10. Happy Easter @Sherry! Sorry for my easter potty mouth. [=

  11. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Nice friends she has to spill her beans. Miley wake up hun, assholes don t last forever in the industry.

  12. Nora, you certainly didn't have a potty mouth to me (or should I say compared to me-Ha!)

  13. Are used to work at a Safeway, and sometimes we would count how much the guy in the parking lot exit made. It worked out to about $300 per day, and every hundred dollars they would take a break, come inside, buy some alcohol and lottery tickets, and then go back outside.

    1. There's been stories in toronto newspapers about fakers making big $ panhandling

  14. Ironic considering she's faking a "sinus infection and antibiotic reaction" now.

  15. Our local news station did a report a while back about panhandlers. They (undercover) filmed these people meeting in a parking lot and then climbing into a van and being dropped off at various exit ramps with their cardboard signs, being picked up after their shifts were over, and then counting their "earnings" and giving a portion to the person who was apparently running the show. They interviewed some of the people, who talked about how they would work their way up to the "choice" spots as their earnings increased. One guy admitted he beat up another guy who moved in on his territory.

    I give my charity to shelters and groups that help homeless people directly, not someone standing on the side of the road with a sad puppy and a giant cardboard sign with their two line autobiography.

    That said - this BI was based on a British tabloid report. Take from it what you will when the last line reads: "For a couple of quid you coulda looked like Mother Teresa to the entire world."

    Miley Cyrus Snubs Homeless Guy in London – Fans Outraged

  16. Oh yeah, people do definitely game the public for sympathy and then ruin it for all homeless people. There are people who truly need but they aren't always the ones who beg. (Case in point the homeless woman I let sleep on my porch for a few months. She only wanted a safe place and some food, never accepted $.)

  17. There was a "homeless" woman in Toronto who parked her Cadillac around the corner from where she would panhandle pulling in a few thousand dollars a week, tax free.

  18. The other issue is the clearly drunk or stone panhandlers are just going to get more drugs/booze.

  19. I generally don't give directly to the homeless because I want them to have access to resources & get help to get off the street, so I would rather give to a charity instead. Having written that, I did give one time when I was in Sydney & the guy didn't even look up he was so beaten down by life. Broke my heart. (He did say thank you).

  20. In NYC, at 23rd and Broadway, there used to be a group of well-groomed teenage kids who would hang out by the subway station, telling anybody who would listen that they lost their Metrocard and didn't have any money to get home. They used to make a killing off of people giving them a few bucks for a Metrocard.

  21. There really are a lot of fakers out there though.

  22. Miley's friends sound like wussies. I will give money to a homeless person if I want to whether some twit like Miley says to or not.

  23. Yeah, because it is so lucrative to fake being homeless and penniless in this world full of self centered assholes.

  24. If the homeless dont have an act or a talent they are displaying, I dont give them shit. Wait, if I see them regularly at work, i'll give em a cigarette and tell em to spit on anyone who fucks with my van. Homeless spit is almost as toxic as Lilo pussy juice.

  25. I try to give something to every homeless person I meet. Even if it's a granola bar. It's not on my back as to what that person does with $5 -20 .

  26. @Countess Eden:
    +1000 :-)

  27. while it may not be nice......

    its not a good practice to give money to people on the street

    better to give to local organizations that feed and house the poor

    it keeps the money from being used for drugs and alcohol addictions.......

