Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 20, 2010

Lots of movie premieres last night. At one of them, this female B list reality star lit up her meth pipe as she frequently does. While she was taking a hit on it at the party, someone bumped into the door of the bathroom stall she was using. This caused our reality star to burn her almost bare breast leaving a nasty mark and necessitating a very hasty exit.

Jael Strauss


  1. I don't even know who that is, but is this normal? Just swinging a meth pipe around at a party? Do you just pass it off as a smoking smokeless cigarette? But extra meth-y? We're gonna need a protocol check from the count

    1. Oh man! That's Jael from ANTM! I kinda liked her! But you knew she wasn't gonna be buying curtains in normal land, either

    2. Watching her on ANTM made me ponder how they smuggle and/ or obtain drugs while on set. Everytime she broke down, I swore she was going through withdrawals. She always looked so cracked out to me. How does her skin stay so nice? One day of Adderral and my skin looks like a red blotchy dry patchy mess. I guess I'm just not genetically blessed enough to maintain a meth problem. :(

  2. ...and whoever this person is, her name recognition was left well and truly back in 2010.

  3. She was on America's Next Top Model. Google her for a before and after. She went from a model to looking like an Intervention-Sister Wives mash up. Drugs are bad.

  4. Dear God, the after pictures. I'd do better as a model than her now. Now that's an advert for saying no if ever I saw one.

  5. All right! Now we are cooking! Old Hollywood Reveals!

  6. Wow that is so sad! The before and after are horrific. Don't do math kids (typo, but I stand by that as well :)

  7. Good news! Jael was on Dr. Phil last year, and he talked her into going to a long-term rehab. It was a really painful episode to watch. That poor girl.

  8. OHhhhhh The half black girl from ANTM. I think she said she had drug problems on the show. How horrible for her.

  9. Sad. Honestly, I'm a little surprised she was getting invited to premieres in 2010. Wasn't she on an ANTM Cycle from early 2000's?

  10. She's lucky in that she has a very supportive family, at least.

  11. Meth is a helluva drug

  12. Had no idea who this is, so I googled her. Holy shit! Those before and after photos are horrendous! Don't do drugs, kids!!!

  13. I had to look her up. Just say no to drugs. Meth Face is not a good look!

  14. I have faithfully watch ANTM for years...and I couldn't remember this girl at all. And yes, she should be the poster child for an anti drug campaign. Holy crap!

  15. Never heard of the dumb methhead.

  16. Wow! Had to google her. Count, do you see differences in your appearance with your recreational meth use? Meth mouth?

  17. hahahaha that's funny countess hahaha Man, meth is not the best drug ever. Every now and then I see people that are sober now, but due to years of meth use have meth mouth. It is definitely no bueno

  18. Meth does a number on your insides too. Ever see those ads for catheters? That stock is only going up!

  19. Jael was a great contestant on a great season. She was on the show shortly before it got completely ridiculous. Natasha, Dionne and Renee were funny that year too. I miss old ANTM!

  20. That is only her in the pic on the left in the link. The girl w/ Tyrant is the one who won, I think.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Jael was the one that got pushed into the pool by 50 Cent for being so obnoxious. She said she was half Black & half Jewish & called herself "Blewish"....

    She was a trainwreck even back then. She was great fodder on the ANTM boards on TWoP back in the day.

  23. Exactly. A mess even than, which always made me wonder how she stayed on the show as long as she did.

  24. Just googled her. O.M.G. !!!!!!
