Saturday, April 26, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 15, 2013

This A list folksy style singer broke up with his girlfriend not that long ago because she would never smoke pot with him and he felt they should do everything together as a couple.

Jason Mraz


  1. How romantic. I've seen shows on Investigative Discovery that share the same sentiment.

  2. Seriously, if you think you won't be smoking the pot with Jason Mraz, you must be on the pot.

    1. I would smoke pot with him, hell that is a fantasy of mine :-)

  3. Bullshit. Jason had many more issues with Tristan than that. At least he has his hats and avocados.

  4. Didn't Reese break up with Jake cuz he smoked too much pot...Must be "on the pot" sounds like something completely different.

  5. @Lady H - isn't Tristan a male name?
    And it's better to split up because of a lack of common interests than because you're shagging someone else. Well done Jason!

    1. His long time partner Enty is referring to is the lovely singer song writer Tristan Prettyman. She was a pro surfer turned Roxy model that is now a singer as well. Love her. Most of Jason's songs were dedicated to her. They've known each other for a long time.

  6. Nothing wrong with that. That is a pretty big lifestyle trait that needs to be shared fro a successful relationship. How did he even start dating her?? Just like smoking cigarettes imho.

  7. Tristan IS a male name, but after Brad Pitt was Tristan in Legends of The Fall, everyone decided to name their girl babies Tristan and it

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. They were actually engaged. Enty wants us to believe that they ended an engagement over the pot. I'll never listen to THIS song written by Tristan about the split the same way again now!

    Hear that ladies? Smoke the reefer or you will die aloooooone!!!

    1. Lady H- Ladies better smoke the reefer if they want to be with a heavy smoking pothead:)

    2. Lol rose! I know, I'm just kidding. Reefer madness!!!

  10. He's too sweet and try hard for my liking.

  11. Ah, Lady H, you have a soft spot for the inappropriately named Tristan. A lifetime of people asking her what on earth were her parents were thinking.

  12. Yes, Jason and Tristan used to play at a lot of coffee shops in SD like Lestats back in the day. I love both of them and wish they worked out

  13. TTM I love it when you get stabby.

    Your little Guido.

    1. (((((Guido))))) how is your Saturday??

  14. Im at the office... third cup o joe and taking a teeny break. Hope you're having a great day.

    Stay stabby. There's usually a standard you're trying to uph.

    1. That's no bueno, Guido...working on a Saturday. I am puttering and pretending to dust

      now I feel like I've been addressing you wrongly this whole time! So you prefer Queen or Guido? Or QAG?

  15. Im good with whatever. Queen Anne is a location. I thought putting them together was funny.

    Dotingly answer when called. QAG sounds like an Asian MERS!

    1. Yay!! QuAG it is! I thought I'd better check after the whole texas-rose-is-a-dude revelation. You just cain't never tell about peeps.

      Nice to seeya!

  16. Whaaaaaaa? Really. How'd I miss that!

    Ten reported cases of QuAG... No fatalities. Deal!

    1. It TOTALLy got me too! Changed my mind, Guido it is. Although that sounds slur-ry...hmmm......lemme work on it...

  17. QuAG makes me think of Quagmire. Giggity.
    QueenAnne , you're a dude right?
    I know you've said (or made revealing comments) but your name throws me off and I can never remember.

  18. For the record, I thought texas rose was a chick and that bacon ranch was a dude for the longest time so it's safe to say I'm not very good at figuring this stuff out.

    1. The IMPORTANT thing, though, LowKey, is that Loki stay in Toronto for 13 more days and one more hour. Ohmohmohmohmohmsetdelayssetdelayssetdelays

  19. He contacted a friend of mine on Facebook wanting to hook up with her after a local show. Maybe not as sweet as he seems.

  20. I love Jason. I melted when he gave me a wink when I was just about 10 feet away during a show. Practically pushed my husband over to climb onto him…but I didn't.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. TTM I hope your Toronto dream comes true.

    1. Guido, if it does, you best believe I will be posting inappropriate selfies all over the place

  23. If you don't get your way get "stabby"!

  24. Hey, @TTM, listen, if there are set delays - call OK? I'll hop on the plane and help you out. You know, out of the kindness of my tender heart and all. :D

    This reminds me of a BI from another site (Lainey maybe?) about the celeb who got with a straight-up girl so he'd always have a designated driver, and broke up with her when she drank some wine at a dinner party. Insecure dudes don't seem to make for secure boyfriends.

    Oh, and Mraz is going American Ido.

  25. Guido, I don't know if stabby is gonna move me in the right direction here...

    You know it, Seven! It is always good to have an extra set of hands for holding the sticky tape, chloroform-laced bar napkin, you get the picture. Have a small bag packed and by the door!

  26. @TTM, I don't think we'll need those accessories. Jax and Loki will be blinded by our charm and wit, and will follow us like needful pups begging for our treats.

    And just because. :D

    1. OHMYGOD SEVEN!!!!!!!

      That triggers ALLS the bad things!!!!! I'm gonna, um, need a few minutes. Brb

  27. I had no idea Texas Rose was a dude either!

  28. Wait Guido AND Texas are men? Color me surprised.

    Anyone remember Texshun? Miss her contributions.

  29. I know, Sherry! But I think it's understandable that we thought texas rose and QueenAnne Guido were of the femme!

    I remember Texshan (shun/shan?). I think there might have been a 'farewell' notice based on irritation about bigotry toward Southern USers - I think that was Texshan

  30. I have to say I never thought Guido was anything other than a dude; texas TOTALLY threw me for a loop

  31. *And* texas said that he's not even in Texas! It's all lies ;)

    I think unless it's thrust in my face really blatantly, that I presume most commenters are chicks - you know what they say about assumption! Well, mainly people just cut to the chase and call me an ass, but I figure that's what is meant ;)

  32. Jason can get it. Smoke a lil pot to listen to that sweet voice everyday? If you have seen him in gawd. That boy is a panty dropper, for lack of better words. Love him.
