Friday, April 11, 2014

Brooke Mueller Has Full Custody Again

World record rehab holder Brooke Mueller now has full custody of her kids again. Radar says that a judge allowed Brooke to regain custody after completing the terms of what Child and Family Services wanted her to do. The great news for Brooke is that she won't be subject to random drug tests any longer so she can go right back to using. I want her to be sober. I hope she stays sober. It's obvious from what Denise Richards testified to previously that the twin boys are not going to turn out well. Brooke is not a good parent. Forget about the drugs and the fifty trips to rehab and doing drugs while pregnant and going to rehab multiple times while pregnant. Forget all that. How about her letting Charlie Sheen spend time with them alone? Think that is a good idea? A judge thinks it is a horrible idea for him to spend time alone with his kids with Denise. With Brooke though, it's just fine, as long as the big checks keep on coming. If you need Brooke to back stab Denise she will be happy to for money. This is the same Denise who watched your kids for you because you couldn't stay off the crack pipe. Charlie wasn't going to take care of them. Your parents didn't step up to take care of them. Denise did. So, you repay her by telling Charlie you will help him in his child support reduction case if he throws a little taste your way.


  1. That will not turn out well. U truly do wish she'd straighten out, but history speaks for itself.

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  3. Man, you always hope someone turns their life around for the sake of the children. As those before me have said, this is not going to end well. Those poor little boys.

  4. I am gonna stop reading posts about this thing. It only gets me riled up.
    We all know what's gonna happen, but I don't have to watch.
    There should not have been any terms and conditions set out. A manipulator will always find a way to complete them and get what they want without changing a damn thing.
    Her rights should have been permanently terminated.
    But what do I know, eh?

  5. Well said, Steamy!
    I can't stand this frickin piss-poor (spell-check says 'pisspoor' has a hyphen) excuse for a parent. These children have grown up so far being buffeted from one screwed-up home to another, with at least some semblance of normalcy at Denise's ranch. I don't even care if Denise is doing it partly for the money - at least she parents properly now.

  6. The judge should be removed from the bench for agreeing to this.

    1. The judge should be sentenced to in house Charlie & Brookes

  7. Thank god those kids dad has a lot of money- They will probably need it for counseling and treatment the rest of their lives or for lawyers and legal costs when they start acting out later in life..

  8. those poor boys have no chance :(

    1. The estevez-twins. Will be the Menendez brothers in 15 years. Watch

  9. I think she could get clean. She obviously wants to. But I think Charlie likes it when she is using and encourages it. Yeah I know it is ultimately her decision to use or not, but it has got to be a lot harder when you have Charlie probably couriering over mounds of coke to her.

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  11. only in america. where loser drug addicts get repeated chance to f*ck up their kids lives yet stable loving gay men/women are denied the opportunity to provide a stable home because our ignorant bigot fundies screams 'immoral!' f*ck this sh*t.

  12. Her parents are a mess too. Lohan, this is your future.

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  14. Well this is about as good of a situation as the Jacksons'

    another case of people who don't deserve to have children

    personal responsibility is in short supply in celebrity land

  15. It absolutely boggles the mind she has the kids. Maybe the judge figured kids are hopeless, no one else wants them, so addict mom may as well keep them. Harsh, but prob true. There is a special place in hell for people who have and keep children they cant or wont take care of.

  16. Well....sigh. I guess this is just one to turn over to God. We can't change a thing...only hope that somehow, some way, these kids turn out okay.

  17. /sigh. This isn't good at all. Children are not stupid nor are they blind. They aren't babies anymore. Little kids get into things out of curiosity. It's natural. I fear one of the boys will find mommy's stash (or daddy's) and unfortunately this will not end well.

  18. Good lord, those poor babies don't stand a chance.

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  20. Anonymous9:22 AM

    what do you have to do to lose custody of those kids? Kill them? I just hope whatever she does this time actually gets her put in prison so if the kids do survive they will be safe from her. I knew a girl with not even half the problem this girl had and she terminated her own parental rights.

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  22. God help those boys.

  23. I think you need to remember that it was C&FS that set the criteria for Brooke to regain custody. Once Brooke achieved those criteria the judge had no basis on which to deny custody. I suspect that the judge had some reservations but I suspect that would be true of hundreds of similar cases.

  24. I would soooooo marry Brooke.

  25. Yes, @ D Brown. While it's sad and horrible that those boys are back with the crack mom, once a parent has completed the regulations set in place by CPS, there's a legal obligation to return the children to the parent. You can call Brooke a crackhead and a loser all the day, but if she passes the drug tests, she gets the kids. It's a catch 22 in a flawed system.

  26. Okay I agree she shouldn't have the kids IF she is still using. Does anyone know for certain she is? Not defending her in any way. Just wishing for a glimmer of hope that she has dropped the pipe and is truly able to take care of them.

  27. There's no evidence she's currently using. As others have noted, the weight gain makes it likely she's clean. However I don't think hanging around Charlie is the path to staying sober.

  28. I think the apocalypse is nigh.

  29. Doesn't the state of California have one of the strongest pro-parent stances within their CPS laws? I know there are some states that are worse than others but Cali might be the worst. I don't know why they can't place ongoing testing on her. This will not end well.

    I'm not sure any state has a "best interest of the child" law and that in the US the rights of the parent rule. I just don't understand how some parents get rights terminated and some don't. I guess it all comes down to the almighty dollar and never the child.

  30. God help these kids.

  31. Wonder how long it will take her to O.D.? So sorry for those kids.

  32. DCFS is usually a joke! I know of a mom who has been reported three separate times for horrible offenses and she still has her kids. It's a situation where the father is the better parent, I'm pretty sure she has connections to beat the never sees his kids now. So sad. The kids are teens now and mom has them so screwed in the head they think dad is the unfit parent. I'm so glad my ex and I get along and I love his new wife!

  33. My sister is a social worker who did 5 years of front-line child protection in Calgary, and she always says that the goal of child-protection is to keep families together - which means what is best for the kids in society's eyes isn't always what child protection is working toward. This is why biological parents get chance after chance after chance - the system wants the kids to stay with the parents.

    I think this is complete and utter bullshit and have told her so, more than once. We don't talk about her work very much anymore. ;)

  34. Denise Richards is mother of the year in relation to these two jags. And she deserves to be thanked for her efforts to protect children that are not hers, but she considers family, not thrown under the bus. Brooke clearly doesn't have the boys' best interests at heart. Maybe now that she is sober she will. But that is doubtful since she is not subject to random testing and has no incentive to stay sober. Those poor children.

  35. Those poor boys. We all like to watch a train-wreck, but not when it involves kids. The best we can hope is that she self-destructs soon so that the kids get away from her sooner rather than later.

  36. Ohhh the "perks" of spreading your legs and leaving Charlie's money on the table. Poor kids.

  37. Heaven weeps to see Charlie Sheen used as a source, but he said in one of those videos he made for TMZ that he believed the boss have FAS (not a stretch to believe).

    If that is so, those kids - and their care givers, such as they are - have a whole other set of issues to face.

  38. I don't believe she really wants to stay clean, at all. I believe she wants Sheen's money/the good life, on her terms. Sheen has allowed his new whore to cut Denise out of the picture and she's cozied up to this human atrocity. Is she prepared to raise the boys after Mueller croaks? Doubt it.
