Friday, April 04, 2014

James Franco Admits 17 Year Old Pickup

Without any prompting this morning James Franco told Kelly & Michael that he did try and hook up with the 17 year old female he met after one of the performances of his play. Lucy Clode was in New York as an 18th birthday present and shared her conversations with the actor with the world. In the conversations Franco asks how old Lucy is and where she is staying and from and who she is with and if he should get them a hotel room.

"I used bad judgment and learned my lesson," he said.

He also seemed more concerned with the fact that he was caught and the conversation made public rather than the fact he was hitting on a 17 year old.

He went on to say, "I'm embarrassed and I guess I'm just a model of how social media is tricky." Yeah, social media is the problem here.


  1. I think we discussed this yesterday and decided this actually wasn't a problem no?

    1. Right? I mean, she was there for her EIGHTEENTH birthday. Don't get me wrong, I'm the first to defend a child or even teen being taken advantage of or abused by an adult, but that was clearly not the case here. No harm, no foul because the girl had the wherewithal not to bite. Had she accepted his offer I would likely be feeling more than a little differently about things. Smart girl!

  2. I know it's disgusting that a man his age was hitting on a young girl, but he didn't do anything illegal. He did something skeevy.

  3. @Violet...was thinking the same thing.

  4. And she'll get interviews in 3 2 1....

  5. He got caught…

  6. Big deal. He did it, as many men do, and got caught. Next!

  7. "Yeah, this social media is tricky...Did you know you have to pay some of the money when the whore misrepresents herself online? I learned that the hard way," said Franco with an impish grin as he fingered the greasepaint induced zit on his cheek....:-\

  8. You guys think about it. He has a movie (well, short film) coming out about a coach with feelings for an underage girl. This guy is well known for thinking he's more intelligent than everyone.
    This is a PR stunt.

  9. Nice way to announce your team Franco.

  10. This is a big deal, even if it was legal doesn't make it moral. The legal age laws are there so 17 year olds don't go to jail for having sex with their peers. When a 30-something hits on a 17 year old, there's a big dose of "exploitation" to it. He is much worldlier, experienced and allegedly mature than she is -- he should morally take care to not take advantage of the naivete that comes from being a *teenager*. I wouldn't put him in jail for this (because the laws are on his side), but I *do* and *will* judge him extremely poorly for his actions. He's scum, skeevy, and fortunately on the downhill side of his career. Just because it's not illegal doesn't make it disgusting and morally reprehensible.

    1. Anonymous1:13 AM

      Morals are individual and you can't put your own in others. Law is on his side. All you can do is give young girls the information so that they hopefully tell them to F off.
      Thinking of when I was 17 you occasionally got 30 odd year old guys trying it on. Most 17 year olds unless vulnerable deal with giving them the cold shoulder and aren't in the slightest interested. What happened here is he is James Franco so she told everyone and cos she is 17 put if in the net. She is laughing and loving it. He's a cringe. Time old story.

  11. I think this is another PR stunt to. What reason would the girl have to release this information? It's not overly scandalous, she's not likely to become the next Jessica Hahn or Monica Lewinsky. So it seems like a stunt.

  12. All the cool high school girls want to date college guys😳

  13. They met and exchanged just a few words, in that short time it's hard to tell a girl is 17 years old, many people get confused with some girls looking much older. Remember young girls/women want to bite more than they can handle simply because during the teenage years we think we are invincible and as hot as a 20 some year old woman. Yes, it is the responsibility if an adult man to use caution, no doubt about that, and be alert to the flags that will alert when is a minor. But it is easy to see how, at first glance or a few words exchanged, a man can get the wrong impression.

    1. Anonymous1:16 AM

      He asked her how old she was and he messaged her from her Instagram which had photos of her in her school uniform. Don't tell me he didn't check out her photos before messaging her

  14. He asked her age in the exchange, Runs.
    This is a way for him to get PR for his shitty movie.

    1. Thanks bacon. Have not red the twitter thread.
      So, did he keep flirting with her even after she told him her age?
      When I was a young woman, my parents kept telling me over and over again to give my age off the bat and distance myself from guys who were older than me, too dangerous. Did I follow the advice? No. Fortunately no one was interested in me :-(.
      Anyhow, agree with everyone else, could be PR stunt.

  15. Yep, total PR stunt. Another douchecanoe mark for the Franco!

  16. PR stunt or not, Its not a big deal. I'm more shocked that Franco doesn't really like milky ways.

    1. @Ray, Can I have the Milky Way?

    2. I'm gonna be kind of upset if I don't get atleast a piece of the milky way.

  17. Wow never thought it could be a PR stunt but now I got it.

    And who wasn't hit on by some older guy at the age of 16 or so. When they found out they could be horrified (or not as happened to me).

  18. i dont see the big deal. i've been getting hit on by guys in their 30s since i was 13. it goes with the territory of having boobs.

    it wasnt like she wasnt trying for him also.

    its perfectly legal in the state and its not only accepted, but promoted in many cultures (older man, much younger female), the US included.

  19. Older guys dig young women.

    News at 11.

  20. He's a creepy dude who pervs on minors/teenagers, enty. Im sure it wouldn't have mattered to him or most of your readers for that matter if the girl was 15 or 16. Just call it the dissolution of humanity's moral compass. * Shrugs *

  21. he is a douche but I smell a PR trick here.......

    attention junkie

  22. Totally legal. I would be more embarrassed at being caught being skeevy than I would be embarrassed by actually hitting on the child.

    For god's sake! I'm 39 and a lawyer in a small town. And there are a couple of 21 years olds from a few years back that I have pretty fond memories of.

    Guys my age just have issues those boys .....don't have. Bless their little hearts.

  23. Help me out here - hasn't there a whole lot of talk on this site about young actresses getting involved with men old enough to be their fathers and how reprehensible it is?? Maybe there's a double standard, I don't know - if you're sleeping with a much older man to advance your career, that's a terrible thing, but if you are a starry-eyed 17-year-old girl who just met a Real. Live. Actor. who is quite famous and he starts hitting on you, that's perfectly fine? She's a teenager, for crying out loud - he's a grown man, an actor definitely on the radar screen of teenagers - her head is going to be turned by his attention, and her texts prove that without a doubt. Thank goodness she was traveling with her mother and not an equally silly teenaged girlfriend - the outcome could have been a whole lot worse. For everyone stating "older men dig young girls", agreed - but again, it's hypocritical to decide that at times it's ok and other times it's not. Casting couch or naive texting (and I call BS on JF for claiming 'newbie' experience on social media), it's reprehensible.

  24. I think the age of consent in New York is 17 anyway. So just a little creepy, but not illegal.

  25. Oh for fuck's sake.

    There isn't ONE person reading these comments that doesn't have an actor/actress or other celebrity crush who they would forgive or make excuses for if said celebrity did a lot worse than trying to LEGALLY fuck someone of LEGAL fucking age.

    Fucking hypocrites.

    Shit, I hope Franco comes to my state and picks up a room full of 16 year olds and shags each and every one of them because it's legal here.

  26. that girl is an actress.

  27. Does something have to be illegal to be disgusting. I am sure peeing on someone's face or worse is not illegal either but it's still disgusting.

  28. Would this even be a story if she was 18? If she was there for her 18th birthday she must be just days shy of 18 or am I assuming wrong?

  29. But he didn't sleep with her. Flirting isn't illegal. Kinda creepy, maybe, but not illegal.

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  31. I think I'm with Evil Kumquat on this one. I thought 17 was legal in NY?? I don't give a shit what people of legal age do as long as it is legal. One persons disgusting act is someone else's dream act of love. (peeing involved or not.)

    1. Really? Peeing on someone is an act of "love"? Give me a break!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Older guys hitting on younger women - now that's a shocker !!! I'm disgusted.

  34. PR trick re: his new movie I mean....not on her part or maybe it was a joint effort.....

    he is the master of performance art right?????? ;)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I'm wondering exactly what lesson he learned except next time don't get caught, maybe? And yes, it's not illegal but Hollywood is all about image so he realizes this could affect him. Aside from that, consenting (near) adults and all that.

  37. Agreed. This stanks of performance art/social consciousness/PR stunt fuckery.

    Still, you think 17-18 yr old girls wouldn't like to bone this jerk sock? I can round up a few hundred in seconds.

  38. this is for harryknuckles and count

  39. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Well from where I'm sitting her behaviour was just as shameful and bordering on entrapment ... especially the bit about getting him to pose for the photo, holding a piece of paper up with her name written on it. Hope she enjoys her 15 minutes of fame.

  40. So all those blind guesses about him hitting on young girls are true!
