Friday, April 04, 2014

Paula Deen Restaurant Closes

The restaurant that led to the what looks like brief demise of Paula Deen's career has closed. The closing was abrupt. It was so abrupt that some employees didn't find out it was closed until they got to work. Others found out by looking on the Facebook page of the restaurant or being told by others who saw it on the local Savannah news. Despite all the drama Uncle Bubba's Seafood And Oyster House was really popular but perhaps Paula wanted to try and escape everything from the past and try to forget what she said. If the place stayed open it was always going to be a reminder of the lawsuit and the collapse of her cooking empire. Judging from the photo above it looks like it would be a great place to have a haunted house business at Halloween.


  1. Actually, a lot of restaurants close that way. No one ever tells the staff....

  2. That's the one she opened with her brother..

    1. @ MISCH, maybe it was her way of publically firing his butt...

  3. She also gave employees 2weeks severance & apologized, much better than a lot of companies.

  4. Yea, I think that was the place closely associated with her brother, and since I do believe he did what he was accused of, it's probably for the best. But I feel sorry for the people who lost a decent job in this economy. Hope the lady who sued her realizes who is bearing the real burden of her frivolous lawsuit.

  5. It was closed by the FDA. When they inspected the restaurant, they found a giant cuve of liquid butter that broke regulations.

  6. Tammy..Not sure sexual and verbal harassment is exactly a frivolous suit. The person who sued them was white and a woman. BUT it does tell me that Paula probably foots the bill for that restaurant. He will open another later..Bet me!

  7. @angela for real? cause i cant tell if youre joking or not.

  8. Lol enty... It does look like a haunted house. Great call

  9. It wad a tourist's restaurant mainly I know a few people who live up there who would starve before eating there.

  10. I heard from a relative that it was terrible anyway

    methinks retaliation on employees who ratted her out.......???

  11. Looks a lot like Merlotte's!

  12. It had been losing money for quite awhile, before the lawsuits. I've eaten there, and the location is beautiful. It's a gorgeous property, and I am not surprised that they are going to either sell it or develop the site for something else. Very pretty site.

  13. 4 out of 5 restaurants never remain in business after one year! It's the business with the most failures, which is why I always get a laugh when a TV show has people open up a restaurant, such as "Desperate Housewives" did.
    Traditionally, most restaurants that go out of business just put up a Closed for remodeling" sign & that's it.

  14. Yawn, don't care about this saga, in any shape, form, way- Ga native
