Thursday, April 10, 2014

Jenelle Evans Baby Daddy Goes To Jail While Her Husband Gets Out

It's a revolving door in jail for the men in Jenelle Evans' life. She sure can pick a winner when it comes to finding a guy in her life. Her current husband just bailed himself out of jail on his latest drug arrest. Meanwhile, her soon to be baby daddy just checked into jail for 30 days after the judge hearing his case sentenced the loser to 30 days after he was busted driving on a suspended license. His license had been suspended after he picked up his third DUI arrest. Meanwhile, MTV decided they really can't do without more Teen Mom 2 has decided to throw Jenelle a bone and will be paying her for more episodes which she can use for her booze, drugs and bailing her loved ones out of jail. Presumably she might even buy her new child a thing or two before losing custody to her mom or someone else who actually cares about something other than fame.

It is going to be really interesting to see what happens to Jenelle, when MTV does decide to finally cut off her income stream. Most of the other moms in her season have handled their lives the right way and seem to be completely normal. I feel for Jenelle's kids. Not only the one she has and is about to have, but probably the ones she has in the future to try and keep her 15 minutes going as long as possible.


  1. I think Jenelle is a beautiful and misunderstood young woman. I suspect her life would be considerably easier without all of the haters.

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I can't watch that. seriously. you cry baby over K clan and other reality shows but I can t watch anything with Jenelle:too much dirt.

  3. she's trash so trash collectors pick her up.

  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    @G is not hate. I just can't watch when she appears on the screen. too disturbing

  5. Her eyes look great in that pic, and that's all that matters, right? Nobody cares about the overarching ramifications of enabling her lifestyle

  6. TTM she is a pretty girl just drug addicted and pretty stupid. Also she's covered in tats which to be means a lack of self-esteem (I don't like tats).

    1. Sandy, tats don't mean lack of self-esteem. They're like piercings, just another form of self-expression. Decorating oneself. They're ubiquitous for this generation. I can see what you are saying if you mean that she got a tattoo because everyone else has tattoos, but really, they're just so common these days. I'm old enough to remember when tattoos meant something re:lifestyle (jail) or temperment (wild chick!) or occupation (always navy) but nowadays it's much more about looks. And it's become so mainstream

  7. Morning chickens!
    Enabling is right, TTM! Every dollar they give that girl is just thrown down the drain.

    Massive G - Did you wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I don t agree on the tat thing. best pro divers I know and from other extreme sports, have huge personality. tats don t indicate your personality

  9. I predict photographers will be extinct by 2046. People will take enough selfies by themselves that the need to pay someone to take a picture of someone will be eradicated.

  10. They should have family suites!

    Seriously, good grief, what a mess. :/

    I have to say this, I loathe the term "baby mama/daddy".

  11. lol@plotkzy That's very possible. Selfies tend to be quite a bit more flattering.

  12. I don't know anything about this girl, except what I read here, but I know tons of girls like her. It never goes well when a parent chooses drugs over their child, whether it's the mam or dad.
    I hope her poor little babies get a better shot than she gave them.

  13. Im not against certain tats. I am against big ones, tramp stamps and sleeves that are there to draw attention. I don't mind for example a girl getting a bracelet tattoo for her wrist or ankle but do mind the one around the bicep like Pam Anderson's barb-wire tat.

    1. @sandy, but the tattoos aren't for you or anyone else. When I got my tattoo, people asked why the heart wasn't facing out (it's on my inner wrist), I told them, "It's a tattoo representing my son, Mom & Dad, all long gone, bit in my heart forever."

    2. Rhysie :(

      "It's a tattoo representing my son, Mom & Dad, all long gone, bit in my heart forever."

  14. See in certain aspects of life, like looking for employment, tats are still considered to be anti-social behavior though. Growing up the only ppl who had them were the tough drunk guys in bars many who were ex-servicemen. Many people get them now to say "look at me, I'm different."

  15. Hey! I'm tattooed and it has nothing to do with low self esteem. I have a Celtic knot on my left arm to represent my heritage.

  16. Sorry for the pulpit speech!! Sandy, in some parts of society, sure, something like neck tattoo might hold you back, but they are so mainstream now, I think that prejudice is shrinking. But I get what you are saying, Mr. TalksTooLittle feels the same way

  17. @IJU, you don't need to defend your tattoos just as I won't defend mine. If Sandy wants to clutch his pearls because people dare to express themselves in a way he doesn't approve of, he can sit in a rocking chair with the other grannies.

  18. I have no problem with that Rhysie. Some ppl do it like you did and then there are some doing it to say 'look at me' like our boy Biebs.

    1. My point is that it's not your "problem". ;)

  19. These days as long as you don't tattoo your neck or face you won't have any problems getting a job. And even then I know a banker (a woman) who has a swallow tattooed just below her left ear on her neck. She wears her hair down at work and no one says anything. It took me months to even notice she had one there.

  20. Lucas where I am you would or you would be required to wear long sleeves or pants legs to cover it up if you get the job. Deep conservative South full of service people, service industry ppl and technical industries.

  21. But that's their problem Sandy. Why should folks curb their self expression because others don't like it?
    Her skirt is too short, his hair is too long, they come from a rough area...
    Who decides these things? And who asked them anyway?

    You don't like tatts and that's cool. I respect that. But don't judge those who do.

  22. Rhysie, I totally agree. Hate that term.

  23. I should probably tell my 60 year old aunt that her anti-social, 'look at me' tattoos are seriously hurting her job opportunities.

  24. apparently she was seen drinking beer while heavily pregnant at a Miley Cyrus concert Tuesday night. I don't think she's misunderstood, I think she's trash that cares about no one but herself.

  25. Damn. If MTV would cut her and both baby daddies land in jail at the same time, we could get full blown porn out of her, before it is too late.


  26. I think before she said she was bi-polar, that def explains it. She should be living in a half way house and being monitored. When TM2 is over i'm sure all the other mom's will be ok and they all have money put into trust for the kids. Jenelle will be broke and trying to get Jace's money, sad and pathetic!

  27. I have no idea why I watch this show, but everytime I do, all I do is sit there and thing "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??!"

    At least I feel pretty good about my own life, normal and boring as it is :)

  28. she also enjoys spending her money on mini golf

  29. Sandy sometimes it's the total opposite. I got a tattoo to remind me who I was & who I am now. It's rather large & it's on my left thigh. Not everyone get a tattoo that screams "LOOK AT ME". Most of the time I wear pants. So some people don't even know it's there. It's just something I did for myself.

    You really shouldn't judge others for something as silly as a tattoo.

  30. I'm just as entitled to "express myself" about tattoos as Justin Bieber, David Beckham and Kelly Osbourne are to "express themselves" with them.

  31. I'm just as entitled to "express myself" about tattoos as Justin Bieber, David Beckham and Kelly Osbourne are to "express themselves" with them.

  32. Watching the show is also enabling this girl's bad habits. Ratings keep a show on the air. I don't do reality at all, but this is one show I go out of my way to avoid.

  33. Gotta say that picture makes her eyes look amazing.

    Count me as another who hates the baby mama/daddy usage.

  34. Sorry- one or two and maybe even a sleeve means nothing...but when you are covered in them and you have more than 3 or 4 additional holes in your face ( not including the ones your born with) it screams "I don't like myself very much". There are exceptions to every rule--but this is pretty much the standard.

  35. Hate the 'baby mamma/daddy' thing too - yuck!

    Love the random connection tattoos = low self esteem.

    Inability to indicate correctly when driving = tinea

    Colleagues that finish the pot of coffee and don't make another = mild childhood trauma

    Wearing long dangly earrings = halitosis


  36. Rofl!!

    Altho, if someone doesn't make another pot of coffee, they need to run and run fast!! Unforgivable!!!!!!!!
