Friday, May 16, 2014

Blind Item #3 - Kindness

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who doesn't work that much any longer is still young and still has A+ list name recognition. He has a neighbor who is very elderly and doesn't have any family in the state and who apparently, rarely come to visit. Our actor has taken it upon himself to spend time over at his neighbor's house everyday and bring him food and when our actor is out of town he has either his assistant or maid do the same thing.


  1. Awww, marry me Keanu!

  2. I don't know if this is kindness, but it is the sort of thing that happens in neighbourhoods all over the world.

  3. I think it's kindness. For every story like this, there is a story like this:

  4. Isn't Keanu the stalker guy? So he's a nice stalker then. Bless him.

    1. That's where he is when his staff have to step in with the elderly neighbour, @Violet, off stalking Charlize all over the world. And she hasn't realised it yet. Despite him turning up in, you know, weird places for no reason, all the time.

    2. Stalking's busy bizness, yo. Keanu is a multi tasker.

  5. and should happen more often

  6. Very sweet! Keanu is a great guess.

  7. He is nice to old neighbors- you just don't want to be stalked by him.

  8. Is Keanu really being nice, or is he just stalking the neighbor now?

    Dun, dun, dun!

  9. This is so sweet. I love him for this.

  10. Ahh, neo, you are the one.

  11. I hope someone does this for me.

  12. Hang on,,,the neighbour might not want him round there. Just because you are elderly. Does not mean you want keanu hanging round your house every day. Lol. Anyone ask the neighbour how they feel about it? Might be a whole different viewpoint.

  13. Owen Wilson is also a good guess. He is friends with neighbor Harry Dean Stanton, one of the most important character actors (Alien, Pretty in Pink, and he had a cameo in The Avengers), who's now 88.

  14. What neighborhood are we talking about here? Former, wealthy, A-list actors? Maybe the younger one is hoping for some memorabilia.

  15. A heartwarming blind item! Thank you; I really needed something like this today! Bless you, Enty. (And the subject of the blind item.)

    1. Hope your day gets better, EastCoaster!

  16. Weirdest or not-very kind.

  17. This is great. We as a society have gotten away from thinking of our elderly neighbor's everyday needs so that they can continue to live an independent life.

  18. Truly a lot of elderly people are left alone and get lonely. There is a gentlemen my husband knows from doing work on his street. His wife of 60 yrs just passed away and while his kids live in the area and do visit dad, he's in the house by himself. The Opster says his heartbreak is palpable.

    Whoever this is I hope his caring is truly altruistic. Bless them for keeping an eye on the old feller.

  19. Whoever it is, this is wonderful ❤️ The elderly deserve nothing but to be properly taken care of and loved.

  20. I don't know why anybody has a problem with being stalked by Keanu. He's hot and if he doesn't speak like a good stalker, just does sexual things that are way beyond societal norms & violates at night when I'm in bed I think I'd be okay with that.
